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The_Messenger says...

Government officials and the webshop operators ARE the same entity, they work together to illegally suck hundreds of millions of dollars from Bahamians year after year. Sadly if there was a legitimate national lottery in place the Bahamas would not be in debt, but the greedy criminals want it all for themselves.

The_Messenger says...

BEC and GBPC have and will continue to suck the Bahamas dry with ridiculously high rates that people simply cannot afford anymore. Their services flat out stink and to continue to use Bahamians money to keep them running, only to rob the public again with their absurd rates is criminal.

The solution is to bring in another company to build a new efficient power plant to provide power, in fact another two companies at minimum should be brought in to build new plants and provide power. They will compete against each other and offer better service and rates for everyone.

Bahamians have had enough of these type of monopolies that have ruined the country.

On $200m power plant needed to meet demand

Posted 30 August 2014, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

Every business in the Bahamas should get together and NOT register for VAT if they are not going to reduce customs duties or get rid of them completely.

If the government needs more money, which will be spent foolishly they themselves should be forced to go to work like everyone else instead of robbing Bahamians.

On Auto prices 11% higher under lower VAT rate

Posted 30 August 2014, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

"If you, the people do not like how we are sinking this country then go support others who actually care about the Bahamas and it's people".

Well Fred, 2017 will certainly be game over for the PLP and anyone else who does not do their jobs properly from any party. You reap what you sow.

The_Messenger says...

You are correct birdie, everyone should celebrate their birthday but Perry Christie is also the Prime Minister of the country and he must put the country first above all else. If he does not have his priorities straight and continues to be irresponsible he should step down or be forced to step down.

The_Messenger says...


The *leader* of the country chose not to show up for one of the most important decisions in the last FORTY years and instead went to Las Vegas to talk about organizing a basketball event? He finally returns and uses an excuse that it was his birthday and that VAT will not harm the poor when the VAT white paper specifically states it is a tax for the poor.…

Television sitcoms cannot come up with a better script than this.

The_Messenger says...

The bottom line is that hotels, like all other businesses in the Bahamas must raise their prices tremendously because of VAT or risk going out of business. Hotels will absolutely cut more Bahamian jobs to try and make ends meet, this is something hotels have always done and once VAT begins it will be done on a much larger scale. To make matters worse tourists are already avoiding the Bahamas like the plague because there are many destinations all over the world with pretty beaches for half of the cost.

vat = disaster

On Hotels brace for 150% VAT tax burden rise

Posted 25 August 2014, 8:14 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

In four months the cost of living will skyrocket beyond comprehension in an economy that is already struggling to survive because the cost of living is already beyond comprehension for most Bahamians.

In four months all businesses will be forced to pay thousands of dollars for new hardware, software, training and accounting help they will need only to implement and collect VAT. Higher costs I might add that will be passed on to Bahamians.

In four months Bahamians will pay VAT on top of already absurd electricity bills, food, gas and services, everything will cost more money then it does now. BUT a few shady businesses will not be paying VAT because certain *cough* Bahamians also profit from illegal gambling which has sucked the country dry and into debt.

Has everyone, regardless if you oppose VAT or not read the VAT Guide in it's entirety, understand it fully and honestly believe there will not be mass chaos and riots on January 1st?…

In four months...

On FNM angry over 'rushed' passing of VAT

Posted 24 August 2014, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

How about fixing the mess that customs duty is because it only collects 50% of what it should be collecting? And cutting down on big government and their reckless spending habits? And creating jobs instead of raising the cost of living because Bahamians are already broke? And taxing the number houses where millions of dollars are dumped out of the country?

VAT is going to fix all the real problems, right?

On FNM angry over 'rushed' passing of VAT

Posted 23 August 2014, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

It makes sense because if they were to charge VAT on "web shops" they would have to open their books and they cannot have everyone knowing where all the crooked politicians are washing their dirty money.