Comment history

The_Messenger says...

Laughing off serious matters is really weakness in disguise.

On PM laughs off calls for Wells review

Posted 4 September 2014, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

Rollins should be applauded for speaking the truth and calling out an unfit "leader".

The_Messenger says...

According to section 7, page 99 of the VAT bill that was already passed webshops are NOT subject to VAT. Absolutely criminal, they should pay VAT like everyone else and then be taxed even more for sucking the country dry.…

The_Messenger says...

Moody downgraded the Bahamian governments credit rating, only two notches from being complete junk by the way, because they have been nothing short of awful and now Halkitis is trying to spin their failure as something positive.

The_Messenger says...

One would think with the crazy high prices BEC and GBPC charge Bahamians the country would have the best power grid on the planet by now. Not so, the same junk service, ever increasing cost for their junk service and more empty promises.

On Power out again as BEC fights shortfall

Posted 4 September 2014, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

This is what happens when murderers, rapists and all sorts of other criminals are put back onto the streets because the system sucks. The shop owner deserves accolades for doing the right thing.

On Shotgun owner accused of attempted murder

Posted 4 September 2014, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

The implementation of VAT on top of duty is nothing more than lipstick on a pig.

On VAT rate will 'double' with poor compliance

Posted 3 September 2014, 7:48 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

Unfortunately it will only get worse once VAT sinks this country in a few months from today.

On Moody's lowers credit rating

Posted 3 September 2014, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

Sadly this is only one of the many thousands of businesses that will have to spend time and their hard earned money, with zero incentive from the government I might add just so they can collect more money for the crooks who purposely passed the bill while Bahamians were sleeping.

On VAT forces dry cleaner switch to prepayment

Posted 3 September 2014, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

This has to be one of the dumbest things I have heard on VAT yet. Tourists DO NOT carry around their personal information and their tickets while on vacation. As a tourist can you imagine businesses asking for your personal information such as your passport, drivers license and documents pertaining to where you live just to get a tax break? It is laughable at best if this government truly believes people are going to turn over their private information to save some money on trinkets made in China.

These morons are going to destroy the tourism sector and the Bahamian owned businesses who cater to them. Clean the house, end of story.

On Gov't protects duty free retail from VAT

Posted 3 September 2014, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal