Comment history

The_Messenger says...

Not only do they want businesses to hide VAT for them but they also want people to become government tax collectors who will be working for them at no cost. To make matters worse they expect businesses to invest their own money to do all this dirty work for them.

The_Messenger says...

ZNS are busy airing government campaigns so they can brainwash more Bahamians.

The_Messenger says...

Unfortunately with the Freedom of Information Act being purposely delayed the 30 million dollars and hundreds of millions of more dollars will continue to be "unaccounted" for.

On Minnis demands audit of BAMSI

Posted 10 September 2014, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

Mr Wrinkle is correct but the construction sector is only one of many sectors where VAT will have a massive negative impact. With the cost of living and the cost of doing business about to skyrocket because of VAT so will the black and grey markets. People will find other ways to make money by sidestepping VAT in all sectors, no different than people getting around from paying duty. All this means is that legitimate businesses will lose out even more while also having to carry the burden of VAT.

I am looking forward to hear what the governments answer will be when there are not enough businesses left to collect VAT money for them because they put businesses out of business for not understanding the implications of VAT in the first place. The government simply cannot continue to take more money from people if people have nothing left to give.

On Contractors fearing 'huge black market'

Posted 9 September 2014, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

Bahamians will once again have to pay more out of their pockets because of incompetence that is only getting worse and come January 1st these thieves also want people to pay VAT on top of their power bills.

Absolutely criminal.

The_Messenger says...

Once January 1st rolls around Bahamians might have enough money to purchase crazy overpriced VAT goods which are already way overpriced presently. However this might be only possible for a select few because businesses will cut hours back with a minimum wage hike and they will certainly cut jobs outright because of VAT.

The Bahamas needs VAT, right?

On 'Increase minimum wage before VAT'

Posted 8 September 2014, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

Marva Moxey is likely being refused because they are afraid she will do a better job then they can do.

No different than intelligent young Bahamians being shut out from politics or getting good positions when there is a job opening because they are being handed out to cronies instead.

The_Messenger says...

With each passing day it is becoming abundantly clear legitimate businessmen understand the consequences of VAT and the terrible impact it will have on an already floundering Bahamian economy.

Higher prices due to VAT means people and businesses will buy less, people and businesses buying less means less VAT collected, less money for businesses means less money for those employed, not to mention thousands of Bahamians who will lose their jobs outright. Are the government officials who passed VAT going to pay out of their pockets for the mess they created that awaits everyone in a few short months from today? Where is the money they believe VAT will generate going to come from if thousands of people and businesses do not have enough money to stay afloat right now?

Perhaps it is about time intelligent businessmen or people run this country instead of a bunch of phonies who do not understand the implications of VAT but still felt it was necessary because they cannot control their spending habits.

On Top auto dealer to cut inventory 25%

Posted 5 September 2014, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Messenger says...

They can have their apology back and shove it up their ***.

The 1.2 million dollars that was wasted should be put back out of their pockets immediately and if they cannot come up with the taxpayers money they flushed down the toilet they need to be locked up for negligence. Make them accountable.

The_Messenger says...

A new resort and casino will create jobs in the short term but arrogance and arrogant comments such as "Las Vegas has nothing on us" is exactly what turns off tourists from visiting or returning to the Bahamas in the first place.

Think before you speak.

On 'Las Vegas has nothing on us'

Posted 4 September 2014, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal