Comment history

The_Oracle says...

But they will put the old management team in, (political cronyisms,) which will create the same old mediocre product and kick back schemes via purchasing shell companies etc.
Oh how we grind the same old wheel but cannot fathom why it gets smaller!

The_Oracle says...

Pretty accurate statement Proud, but they barely outdid the last PLP admin which really tried to dismantle the H.C.A. by requiring all licensees to individually go beg to maintain their concessions. Of course the Port and DEVCO secured their own 25 year extension thereby throwing the licensees under the bus.
The shortsightedness of the Principals is only exceeded by their self preservation and lack of vision.
Same with PLP and FNM Governments alike, their lack of understanding of the HCA is exceeded only by their obstinacy, personal greed and willingness to destroy.

On Pintard: We could have done better

Posted 18 February 2021, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

There goes my pension. Mind you I pretty much knew the government would vaporize it the minute they started borrowing from it.
A contributor since inception. Miscreants, the lot of them.

On Jobless benefits to strike $230m

Posted 17 February 2021, 11:07 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Rule of law is a friend to the Citizen, Governments are not.
Understanding the difference is what is needed.
Unfortunately we have been taught through their actions, that Governments can do what they want, including breaking the law,
Citizens can do only what Governments allow.
And that is why we sit in the dismal position we now find ourselves in.
It will only get worse, The further we stray from the Rule of law.

On EDITORIAL: Long saga still left unresolved

Posted 17 February 2021, 9:07 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

That he thinks the union is a partner is incredible, That he somehow has any say in deciding who get fired and who stays is insidious.
Now would be a good time to audit the union, assess their assets and cash on hand and set the level of support they should pay out to their members with their members money?
Isn't that what a union is for? to be there for the contributors when things get tough?

The_Oracle says...

Don't pay your bills, get rewarded with Discounts! Property tax, Power bills,
More to follow!
Talk about sending a ludicrous message. Government sanctioned responsibility/accountability avoidance.
Wait, I forgot, they lead by example!
(smack head here)

The_Oracle says...

And I seriously doubt "Sacramental"use will be considered either.
However, me thinks employees will be calling in sick with the excuse that "They're on their Meds"
Drug testing will become big business and add to company operational costs.
Can't be wasted on forklifts, operating heavy machinery, control room operations for industry, power co, etc.
Even truck drivers, etc.
What a can of worms.

The_Oracle says...

So, Like Operation OPBAT we will get their help in Operation Conchslop?

The_Oracle says...

Gambling tied in with voting, officially.
Only the PLP. Proud of buying votes.
Mind every election is a total gable, in which the house (members) always win.

The_Oracle says...

GBIA flooded in Hurricane Frances, and then Dorian.
However, not as severely in Frances, and the old terminal was demolished post Frances.
The new (and now defunct) terminal was supposed to have been built much higher than it actually was, (28ft if I recall) Apparently St George cheeped out on the fill required and reduced its height above grade.
IF the Govt acquires the Airport, it should be turned over to NAD(or whomever it was who developed and runs Nassau airport) to run.
Carve the physical land area out of the Port Area.
I have little faith however in the Government abilities to get anything done. Everything they touch turns to crap or dies outright.
Either Party BTW.

On Law needs to alter for GB airport deal

Posted 12 February 2021, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal