Comment history

ThisIsOurs says...

"*are giving the polluter, the one responsible for this, the opportunity to rectify it. If they do not, then obviously we will do what needs to be done.”*

Ridiculous. But do we expect any other kind of response? One week was the cutoff for a *timely* response. Complete the cleanup and send them the bill

On Gas station ordered shut in leak probe

Posted 25 April 2024, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*Sun Oil operates the station.*"

Huh???? And it took a month??? Why is their infrastructure leaking all over the place? I cant recall which island, Exuma was it(?), where their oil transfer pipeline had some leak and seaped into the ocean, they got a secret fine for that, could have been $1 for all we know. Then there was the issue with the generator, I believe it was shell again, with the contaminated fuel messing up the BEC generator . Are we entering into a PPP to save a company that would sink otherwise?

"*an assessment was conducted yesterday, with a report still pending on what action would be taken against the fuel station.*

Yesterdsy... and the report pending.... 4 weeks later...
We een serious. Why dont we shut down the country until we sort this out. Just put a "*sorry folks, we're closed*" sign up in the sky so planes dont waste time

On Gas station ordered shut in leak probe

Posted 25 April 2024, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Someone had to have given RCI Toby's entire proposal.

And why lose all that revenue from the guests coming off the ship? Between the nastiness of Arawak Cay and the pristine presentation of the beach club, especially after the announcer tells me about fights, harassment and crime, I know which one I'd choose.

Just like the straw market vendors, I wait for the vendors at Arawak Cay to complain about losing all their revenue to the beach club only for Chestrr Cooper to tell them they should have done something to improve their product in 2024. Maybe theyll be able to capture some interest from the water ferried guests hurrying to get back to the ship after theyve spent all their budgeted money at the beach club

ThisIsOurs says...

Seems about right

ThisIsOurs says...

The Ministry of Tourism could take on Long Wharf to Arawak Cay, instead they continue to allow this uncoordinated mishmash of randomly constructed stalls to exist and grow with no end in sight. It's a mystery to me why we build a city to hide the beaches or sell them off. Right before our eyes they're destroying the beach at Long Wharf

ThisIsOurs says...

"*the Ministry of Tourism is “bringing the numbers”*

No they're not. Every single tourist market in the world is benefiting from the post COVID travel boom. In fact the other markets are doing better than us to the point where they're begging people to stay away. Stop taking credit for what God gave us, "*location*". In the other story the exit interviews speak of garbage, derelict vehicles and blighted areas... the things we can do aren't being done. Seems like the story of GB and Abaco.

ThisIsOurs says...

I dont know this gentleman, this will sound bad, but I wonder if the cockeyed man is now king in the land of the blind? Cuz he leading his people in pure fally. They een getting no medicinal marijuana license, ever. That growing process has to be controlled and subjected to strict testing standards... "supposed" to. God knows how much the *look the other way* bag of money will hold on this one.

ThisIsOurs says...

Any drug can be a gateway drug, marijuana is a common *illegal* gateway drug. all that means is someone tries it enjoys the experience, tries it again doesnt have the same kick tries something a little stronger to feel the first high again.

ThisIsOurs says...

Depends on how much they drink, is their driving skill impacted: is their response time affected, is their vision affected etc etc

ThisIsOurs says...

Pedestrians should not be randomly crossing the street.

A week ago I saw a young school child trying to cross on the curve of a blind corner (that street somewhere behind marathon mall). The driver on the other side had stopped and was frantically waving hand signals outside their window. I had no clue what they were doing, maybe a helicopter was landing nearby. I did not see the child until I was almost parallel to them and the only thing I could think was how stupid and irresponsible of the driver. If they wanted to help the child cross safely, they should have parked their car walked over to the child spoken to them about the danger of trying to cross the road on a curve, walked them a safer distance away, told them to look left and right, then cross.

But no. I looked in my rear view mirror and the dummy was frantically waving at the child to cross the road.

I see alot of people who believe they're being helpful doing nonsense like this. Stopping on a four lane highway in moving traffic to let a car across to the opposite lane for example. The only time it's relatively safe to do that is if both lanes are backed up, traffic isnt moving, and it's clear the driver in the other lane has given way as well.