Comment history

TimesUp says...

The government would be better served by providing the GBPA with the legislation they have called for, that would enable them to force the owners to remediate the property.

Those private owners should not be allowed to leave the property as it stands now. The Port needs the legislation to deal with this issue throughout the island.

TimesUp says...

Or used for personal profit! You want me impound your car or you want to just deal with me now?

TimesUp says...

Using this otherwise sensible amendment to sneak in more red tape for licensed owners is outrageous.

I applied to renew through my gateway and got no response, so I went in person to renew. 8 months later I got a reply from my gateway to process my request.
How about digital licenses!

Now for my controversial bit. I believe the act should be amended to allow responsible persons to more freely own a handgun for self defense.

Put whatever stipulations in place as needed, but allow me to defend my family.

TimesUp says...

I don't get it, I hear more and more Licensees sharing these beliefs.

To everyone "waiting to see", what silence? The PM was explicitly clear.

To all those who are considering the PM's views because he said you will keep your concessions.... (Biden voice) "cmon man"! If you think all will be well, then I have an airport and hotel to sell you! Seeing as you are believing in dreams.

I have never agreed with Fred Mitchel, but he is right that as licensees we are indeed seeming to be "weak-kneed".

TimesUp says...

The cards are laid face up, the wager is set! Bend or break 2.0!

There is no wait and see now, pick your side and choose wisely!

On ‘Give us answers on Freeport plan’

Posted 9 May 2024, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

This is so infuriating to read.

Every time I apply, my certificate is denied as owing NIB. I have never owed NIB anything, its just automatically flagged! I have to write a letter to NIB each time to clear me in the system. This can take over a week of "following up" to do.

Recently my certificate was issued for 1 month! It can take 1-2 weeks to get my TCC with chasing NIB to clear my records. So I just apply and apply and apply. This is time I should be spending growing my business.

Make it make sense people, please!

TimesUp says...

As a GBPA licensee I can attest that my biggest hurdle in doing business in Freeport is the Government, and its departments and ministries.

Not all licensee's will want to keep the current owners, but I can guarantee that none would prefer government control.

It has long been the feeling that the government cannot allow Freeport to succeed, the optics wouldn't look good for them.

The issue the government now faces is that they have laid their cards on the table. Any forward thinking individual can see their end game. A succesfull legal case means government take over. No private company will buy the port knowing that they face 300 million dollars of expense every 5 years.

This move will force the licensee's to stand behind the port or risk their future to the very same government that has sought to destroy them.

On GBPA: We’ll fight govt over demand

Posted 8 April 2024, 12:16 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

As a GBPA licensee I can attest that my biggest hurdle in doing business in Freeport is the Government, and its departments and ministries.

Not all licensee's will want to keep the current owners, but I can guarantee that none would prefer government control.

It has long been the feeling that the government cannot allow Freeport to succeed, the optics wouldn't look good for them.

The issue the government now faces is that they have laid their cards on the table. Any forward thinking individual can see their end game. A succesfull legal case means government take over. No private company will buy the port knowing that they face 300 million dollars of expense every 5 years.

This move will force the licensee's to stand behind the port or risk their future to the very same government that has sought to destroy them.

TimesUp says...

What a mess. Just as Freeport has the slight glimmer of opportunity, they pull this.
It screams punitive, retaliation, and anger from the Government. Its clear that they want to force the Port out using underhanded tactics. Investors will see this and step back.

There is no win win here for Freeport in any outcome. Licensees and then me and you will ultimately eat the cost of this battle. The court costs alone over the next decade will probably amount to enough to have repaired the airport or hotel.

On GBPA told to pay $300m in 30 days

Posted 4 April 2024, 9:15 a.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

The hotel is not desirable. As interest rates have increased there is less and less desire to invest abroad. The other hard truth is that Grand Bahama is simply no longer a tourist destination. That ship has sailed. Now Port Lucaya is 1 step away from becoming the bazaar 2.0. There needs to be new vision. Perhaps mid range, second home owner condominiums.

The Government needs to be clear and provide more detail on the airpot. From the conceptual drawings it appears that there is nothing serious in the pipe line. Perhaps a junior intern drew them, they do not seem to be conceptually sound (pitched roofs draining into one another), or viability in flood mitigation.

Six senses is the most promising project and I wish them the best of luck. I just hope their financing holds in this economy, and that they haven't aimed to high at 10-20 million per unit. We don't have a hospital, airport, entertainment, or a service industry that caters to people investing 3-5 million let alone 10-20.