Comment history

TimesUp says...

They get a lot longer than we get every time the VAT rate is changed!

TimesUp says...

Oh please!

A group of individuals showing common affiliation with one-another, and being concerned together with a common name shall be considered a "criminal organization" if more than "X" number of criminal offenses have been committed by members of the group or on behalf of the group. The name and its members shall then be placed into a criminal organization database.

Any member of a criminal organization shall receive an increased sentence of "X" years if they are arrested in the commission of a crime.

Anyone displaying tattoos, markings or symbols representing a criminal organization or being such a member within the criminal organization database shall be guilty of an offense if found within "X" yards of a school zone.

It shall be an offense for anyone within the criminal organization database to have under his care any minor except his own child.

Thats a start and it took 5 minutes, can I get a government job now?

TimesUp says...

How much does this "committee" get paid?

TimesUp says...

As a Licensee, I consider any move by the government to buy the port as a hostile action.

Every move I make for my business is hindered and confounded by the government and its various branches. They are strangling licensees and Freeport in general to facilitate a bid to take over.

The Port are allowing this discrimination towards licensees where they should be fighting! They have given up and I worry they will sell our rights, and any chance of Freeports success from under us.

I support, and will pay my part towards a take over via the licensees, this is the true best outcome for Freeport and the worst nightmare for the government.

TimesUp says...

Good luck with that!

And 35% of the adult population do not use Sand Dollar (rolls eyes). People downloading the app is not the same as people using it! I have never met a single person who has used it to purchase something.

TimesUp says...

If the GBPA ownership is changed through any act of the government they will use the opportunity to retake most of the control via sweet deals with the new owners.

You may be able to buy a Kalik or a patty in the new, structurally unsound addition of the air-hovel but what will you give up in return? Whats the cost? Government owned or forced takeover of the GBPA will have long lasting and serious implications which will make that patty and Kalik turn sour before you even reach Miami.

TimesUp says...

I am a Licensee and I can say from my own experience that the government is my single biggest challenge in operating my business.

On Raising ‘Freeport out of the ashes’

Posted 28 August 2023, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

What an absolute disaster this is.

TimesUp says...

You may think we are at the bottom but if your garbage stops being picked up, your roads deteriorate to Nassau's standards, you get charged real property tax, you loose your tax free business concessions, you revert to Nassau's building code and title issues etc etc etc.

Let me ask, how has the GBPA prevented the government from bringing investors to Freeport all this time? Has the GBPA somehow prevented the government from selling the hotel? How will government takeover possibly help Freeport?

TimesUp says...

In my opinion Freeport can be fixed by the following.

Both the government and the GBPA jointly commit (in a public forum) to revert to the original hawksbill creek agreement and sign a joint document to follow its original principles and obligations.

The government agrees to end its war over the GBPA and it licensees and advises all government departments to cease and desist in making business as difficult as possible.

That the GBPA signs on to take care of its original obligations over a 5 year step plan to bring them into full compliance or they are forced to sell their shares in all holdings. This includes their immediate commitment to the airport and hospital etc.

That the government signs to no longer pursue control of the GBPA or its regulatory power and allows the GBPA to be the only regulatory body for investments etc.