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TimesUp says...

If you are waiting on the itm/rccl deal you will be fighting to keep the lights on for a long time, at least GB power will be happy.

How long would that take? If a real viable deal is made tomorrow and if the company intends to start construction immediately then maybe a realistic 5 years?

The truth is they are way more interested in the port, the hotel is leverage. It may be a viable project for them at some point but the port will come first and the hotel will be mothballed or knocked down until the industry recovers and rebounds.

The government will make the deal sound like the savior of Freeport when it comes but at best it will become a fully contained cruise ship attraction blocked off from the locals, no airfare and no outside spending.

TimesUp says...

We need articles like this everyday.

Some of my thoughts.
The government and the port have both failed Freeport to the point that some actions have so far surpassed neglect they are actually criminal in that they break laws and acts through their frank abandonment of Freeport.

The island voted largely FNM in an overwhelming PLP victory. As such the money allotted for the hospital has already been revoked. Alarm bells are ringing.

The touted infrastructure is in fact crumbling and outdated. Whole areas are without cable, water is still 3rd world, power is bad quality at an outrageous cost and roads are no longer being cared for.

Town planning has failed to make bold decisions or really any decision at all since inception! No investor will build anything in the manufacturing zone as it floods and no consideration has been made to adjust.

At this stage an airport, hospital and hotel all seem at least 5 years out even if ground was broken tomorrow.

Freeport has failed and done so spectacularly, we are a shinning beacon of what not to do. Want to see how so much potential, success and hope can be utterly destroyed? come visit.

We hang on by the last rotting bones of the old Freeport.

To start from scratch in my opinion requires a complete restart and the sad thing is its free but will never happen.

Open freeports business sector by providing an immigration act amendment for the island for 10 years as a test. Allow medium business owners to invest and live here without fear and 3rd world restrictions! What are we afraid of? that rich people will come here to open a business, hire us? get richer? come on!

Hold the port responsible to its obligations or force the sale! Do not! ever, ever, ever allow the government to buy it! Allow another consortium of investors with dreams to purchase it with renewed commitments and incentives! let them turn the island into what they will!

Eliminate duty in Freeport! make it a free port. What do you want out of Freeport? 50% of nothing is still nothing! How much do you think Nassau pays to fund our largest employer? Collect Vat only and watch business and revenue grow.

On We owe Grand Bahama an apology for neglect

Posted 7 December 2021, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

I eagerly await the report being made public. I see no evidence of pine tree recovery from flooding 10 and 15 years ago let alone since Dorian.
I would like to know how the destruction of the mangroves will affect future flooding from the north shore and how long the mangrove will take to regrow.

I fear that since Dorian there has been nothing that I am aware of, no environmental impact for future threat, no change to zoning, no plan to mitigate future flooding.

The fact that relators are selling land in the flood zones without warning is troubling. Buyer beware I guess.

TimesUp says...

Ginn was a blatant scam! At the time I couldn't believe that people saw those drawings and thought it was anything other than a property development scam hidden behind and approved with those ridiculous venetian/Victorian drawings.

Already people are getting excited saying this is the real deal this time! Look at it! why would a genuine investor build that in that location.

West end is visited by boaters! average American boaters who use it as either a quick family getaway or a stepping stone to other islands! They don't want 5 star luxury lighthouses! They want decent, clean, affordable family fun with provisions, gas, mechanics, emergency flights, activities, fishing supplies, local food etc. Its really simple and an investor would see that if they are the real deal.

If you are an investor and think that this is real then come on down, bring your billions and watch how fast this scam turns you into a millionaire.

TimesUp says...

Oh I am sure they are very optimistic, why wouldn't they be?

If you have any doubt who is on top in these so called "negotiations" please look at the numbers.

2019 RCCL revenue of 10.95 billion U.S dollars.

2019 Bahamas GDP was 13.58 billion dollars.

TimesUp says...

I can say without a doubt that the mere mention of this increase has been enough for our family to pledge that we will do everything in our power to stop giving GB power all our money. We would rather loose money and go broke going with solar than to give them 1 more penny.

TimesUp says...

Talk talk talk.

All I want to know is that there is a database that anyone can access to identify if someone is a sexual predator.

A parent needs to be able to check that people in a position of care over their children are not convicted sexual predators.

A convicted person should also have to report travel or change of residence and should be legally barred from working in any job that gives them access to children. They should be court ordered against living with any child and they should loose custody of their children with a state imposed no contact order automatically filed on the Childs behalf.

In addition I want to say I believe we need to amend the books. Murder of a child, mentally disabled person or an infirm elder while committing a sexual act by abusing a duty of care over the individual must have a new definition. Call it depraved murder for example. Listed on our books as the worst of the worst with the only punishment being death by hanging.

On Which way to go on sex offenders?

Posted 10 November 2021, 8:36 a.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

Successive administrations only long term goal is to stay in power. The election is over and soon the promises and talk of change will be too. Ministers will soon slide back into normalcy with a huge sigh of relief.

It was clearly demonstrated that if the PM makes hard decisions he is kicked to the curb. How and why then would a future PM ever choose the hard road?

Nothing is free and nothing will change unless its forced. The government has practically prewarned the business community and the middle class to prepare. They will slightly reduce VAT to appease the voting base and hit us with cooperate or income tax in a year or 2.

My guess is Freeport will get hit hard with the taxes it was exempt from since they expired.
Business license fees will identify corporate tax.
Nib will help identify the middle class to saddle them with an income tax.

The mega wealthy wont be effected and neither will the voting base (until they lose their job from downsizing).

If Brave pulls it off it will provide a short term cash prize to keep things running while getting him reelected and he will be a certified political genius! Meanwhile the country will continue to deteriorate.

TimesUp says...

Is the law limiting the total number of campaigners to 5 vaccinated individuals not applicable in this case? Or is covid less transmissible during nomination celebrations?

On Nomination Day – as it happened

Posted 27 August 2021, 10:41 a.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

We have been left with the consequences of our actions, for better or worse, Government or our own personal decisions have brought us here.

For everyone clamoring and rowing and arguing and protesting so vehemently, all the Facebook doctors, Wats app wonderers and prophets has the government been influenced by your voice? Are you happy with the outcome?

We have reaped what we have sown, our personal decisions and our own independent duly elected Government, is anyone to blame but ourselves?

We have been left to our own fate, no more lockdowns, no more restrictions, personal choice on the vaccine! Need urgent medical care then god help you because A and E seemingly cannot.

On PMH has ‘passed breaking point’

Posted 18 August 2021, 9:15 a.m. Suggest removal