Comment history

TimesUp says...

Given our rich pirate heritage and present governing party can we just keep them? You wanted hotels in Freeport! They even come with crew!

TimesUp says...

Well that was disappointing. I wasn't expecting wonders but its like they aren't even trying to fool us anymore! Just plain and strait, no vision, no plan, nothing!

TimesUp says...

The problem is their image is trash. They are a monopoly, they have no meaningful regulation. People are tired of them! They charge their best customers a higher rate and now this extra charge affects those same accounts! I can tell them that this move will cost them more than they planned to make! You are forcing your best customers to pay for solar despite it being a poor investment! People are prepared to waste money in solar to stop you from treating them as your personal cash cows!

TimesUp says...

The hotel was at 5% occupancy for years back when we had an airport and before the marketplace started falling apart and going the way of the Bazaar.
Why would a hotelier spend 150 million on this property? If someone wanted to buy it then why didn't they purchase it from Hutchison themselves?

Its a crumbling 2.5 star hotel that is long outdated. Good investments don't need you to force them! Investors will seek out a good deal long before some government minister thinks of it.

I feel the statement to sell it for 150 million was purely aimed at Nassau to give the impression that Freeport is being well taken care of. Anyone from Freeport knows we would probably have to actually pay someone to take over such a disaster.

TimesUp says...

Does this mean customs will get a million dollar restroom? Will the old domestic terminal get some new sheetrock? Will it be done before the next flood?

It would have been a positive step to demo the existing buildings so that the juicy political option of "temporary improvements" was not viable. It is so depressing when you land and see all the damage and destruction rusting and rotting away like the storm was yesterday.

TimesUp says...

It should be knocked down, a known development company (not crooks) should be gifted the property and an agreement should be formed between the owner of port Lucaya and the developers to facilitate the creation of Freeports first real estate multi unit since the 70s.
This should be funded partly by the developer and partly by a share option for locals to invest in.
The property should focus on average middle to upper middle class Americans and should consist of some air b and b units, a few small boutique hotels, apartments to own, convention center, shopping village, dining and night life.

Have the whole area gated and provide paid parking for locals. Have the marina included to allow boaters.
All in all allow a real-estate/tourist Mecca that is fun and diverse that Bahamians can invest in and become a part of while also enjoying themselves!

And not a cruise ship in sight!

TimesUp says...

Its my uneducated opinion that the hotel was only leverage or a condition in the sales agreement for the port. Its likely that RCCL never wanted the hotel or at best saw it as a long term hold investment as a freebie for when times are more conducive for investment.
If they did anything with it in the next 10 years I suggest it would have been to use as leverage by RCCL against the U.S! those shut downs and threats to move their starting port to Freeport would have had a lot more weight with the hotel in their pocket.

In short if any of this is remotely true it would suggest we get swing then and we get swing now!

I've said it since the hotel closed under the PLP's last reign that no one wants that crumbling 2 star hotel. The Government would have been better spending its money to knock it down and prepare the property to be shown to investors.

TimesUp says...

A well written reminder!

What upsets me is the mental affect that the airport has on residents. We were decimated, forgotten and left to fend for ourselves. No longer is there any impression that the government will protect us in or after a catastrophic event here in Freeport. Every time you leave or more importantly every time you return you are jarringly reminded of the decay of Freeport and the abandonment by anyone in a position of responsibility to fix it.

There is 1 shred of hope however dismal and hard to achieve and that is self reliance! screw the government as they screwed us! forget them and their politics! If the government can do anything for Freeport it would be to get out of the way! I will invest my last little bit of savings I have into the airport or the hotel! Its time for Freeport to take a stand!

On Freeport’s airport

Posted 21 December 2021, 8:51 a.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

According to recent acts being passed the overlord of health now seems solely in charge of the country.

On UPDATED: Health officials block carnival

Posted 10 December 2021, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

Sounds like Clint is sneakily saying that they got approval from the people that always traditionally grant them approval but that this time they should have magically known that they needed approval from the overlord puppet master (who they insulted) in the ministry of health.

How "us" of us! only in the Bahamas where every process, permit, document and request is shrouded in secrecy and our own internal made up rules.

On UPDATED: Health officials block carnival

Posted 10 December 2021, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal