Comment history

TimesUp says...

And our present...

On No decision on Columbus statue

Posted 19 March 2022, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

So let me get this right....

Some random company has decided to build a $430,000,000.00 Agirhaven (whatever that is) on the side of the island that had 20 plus feet of flood water, little infrastructure, poor roads etc. on an island where electricity rates are 10 times that of the U.S?

Speaking about the O2 "resort" (actually a small gated community, not a full resort) the government had nothing to do with it.

A new hospital, how many new hospitals is that now that the government has promised? maybe we will get another billboard to look at everyday. Can you please just do this already!

Solomon's downtown! again, nothing to do with the government.

You want to build a fancy indoor swimming pool in a major flood zone?

Can we please just get some old buildings knocked down, including the airport and all the old hotels? Could we have some of the government roads out east and west resurfaced? most of all, could we please have a realistic hospital and airport?

TimesUp says...

I could pick apart the comments in this article however I will cut to the chase and say I am torn between the below comments.

1. I wish, hope and pray half of what you say comes to fruition.

2. If anyone believes this speech then I have a derelict, condemned 2 star hotel that has never made money in a decaying, forgotten island with no airport, no hospital, no tourism product and no plan that I will sell you for 160 million dollars.

On DPM unveils 1,500 job GB construction boom

Posted 18 March 2022, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...


Don’t just pick on 1. If ya brave then publish a list of the salaries of every one of our 200ish boards, committees and special ministries.

TimesUp says...

It seems this government is positioning itself to take certain moves in Freeport.

At the very least I fear they intend to blame the port if nothing happens in this term.

At the worst they seem to be attempting to sway public perception that there has to be legislative and administrative changes if we ever want things to change. I presume with Freeport back in the fold we will be paying further taxes.

The most concerning aspect is that this government could be purposefully steering investment away from Freeport and stalling at every opportunity to further this perception and convince residents that there must be a change and of course the attached taxes if we ever want better.

Recent actions seem to show the port leadership is aware of this move.

TimesUp says...

What do you bet that the "large taxpayer unit" will cost more to operate than it collects each year?

TimesUp says...

It would have been nice to see the 10 items of concern.

TimesUp says...

Working hard to be a Bahamian business owner in the Bahamas getting demonized by your own people to make 20% profit while the government does absolutely nothing and yet makes 45% profit on everything you sell..... Priceless.

TimesUp says...

I hope it is all true. The medical school and Doctors hospital will be the best things to have happened for us for years. Please remember neither project was created by the Government or the Port.

Business owners in Freeport, please stop allowing Government and Port officials to "open" your new project or take photo ops when they had nothing to do with your success.

Government and the Port, please, please start doing something! Anything! You own both the hotel and the airport, at least clean them up. Stop holding everything back. Stop frustrating and slowing down everything.

TimesUp says...

So if you add up all the perks and divide it by 26 then times that number by 12 then divide it by 52 then her compensation is roughly $3,624.26 per week.

Now I am not against qualified and competent people getting paid a competitive wage in the location they live so all credit to her for getting such a well paid job. I also understand most qualified individuals want to leave the country and so the pay must be competitive.

My concern is that when you consider the average private sector pay, our countries fiscal position and our economy then how is this pay package justified for a seemingly mid level position in a Government program?

I do not believe that a 4 year contract approaching 3/4 of a million dollars was needed to secure a competent person to fulfill this specific job function and I do not feel it was in line with private sector wages for comparative work.

What really concerns me is the nonchalant attitude put down in this article. If this significant pay package is not even on the radar to the man that led our country then does that suggest this type of compensation is common place? How many people does the Government pay in excess of $1,500.00 per week?

On Minnis ‘unfamiliar’ on contract terms

Posted 8 February 2022, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal