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TimesUp says...

Can we stick to one promise/lie at a time please.

The hotel was apparently under a 60 day due diligence agreement that passed on or around the 12th of this month.

Can the Tribune please investigate this as I've seen nothing reported.

TimesUp says...

5 years ago in 2017 we had a whopping $6.55 billion dollars in debt.

Today we have over $10.91 billion dollars worth of debt.

Remember that truth when the sweet words get sung tomorrow.

TimesUp says...

Well, someone is about to get sued! The fact that the cause of death was unknown and that the hotel remained open would presumably showcase the operators negligence. Come to think of it, isn't there a government department that was responsible for shutting them down in the interests of public safety?

TimesUp says...

Being told they hope to finish the first phase of the new airport by 2025 while we sit here hoping our temporary terminal stays open past 6pm is just depressing.

A previous article said the Government is working feverishly on our airport. I drove past yesterday and the only fever I could catch was from the mold in the horrid buildings they haven't even knocked down after almost 3 years.

TimesUp says...

I hope people are paying attention to this bit!

> Mr Davis said when he presents his government’s budget next week, people will see the effort and interest that is taken in respect to inflation and in respect to looking at what taxes will be raised to assist the government in its efforts going forward.

TimesUp says...

> Blockquote“ Essentially they wanted us to pay them to take the hotel away, which was ridiculous

This says it all.

They were prepared to take ownership and liability of a proven worthless investment. They certainly weren't going to pay for it. They were going to give it a go where all others had failed.

TimesUp says...

To me that's the realistic deal. It was a horrible deal but it seems realistic. Lets review.

The deal was offered by an experienced, well known company.

The property was a run down 2 or 3 star resort even when it was open.

Occupancy hadn't been above 5% in years and at best achieved 10%.

The only part that ever did well was an all inclusive cheap operator that stayed a yew years.

The hotel was subsidized for ages even when open.

Its never made money despite many operators having a go.

It now needs to be demolished.

There is little tourism demand for Freeport.

The island has decayed for 20 plus years.

TimesUp says...

I pray Nassau never gets hit by a Dorian type hurricane with over 20ft of sustained storm surge lasting for days.

On Sunk by record rainfall

Posted 16 May 2022, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

I just hope that this is more than your typical buy and hold investment strategy where they pump in share holder money, clear out all the rooms, do minor cosmetic fixes and then aim to flip it as a blank slate to an actual hotel management company.

I also hope there has been research and due diligence by the company outside of asking elected officials. Why were the the port not at the rally? Must be really bad for them to turn down a photo opp.

TimesUp says...

I am so disappointed, we were told this was a rigorous process of selecting the best of the best out of dozens of offers. I expected a well known name brand with experience in hotel management, I hoped that the press conference would have included a team from the developer showing and explaining their vision, plans, drawings etc.

What we got was one guy that flew over to say a few words and a political rally.

Literally 10 minutes on google shows that this is a wealth management company listed on the Israeli stock exchange that invests primarily in apartments and then uses a subsidiary company to manage them as rentals. They dabble in old malls and hotels but their business revolves around buying to add value and not hotel management. A look into some of their property management reviews tells you all you need to know about their business ethics.

The 5 million “donation” and the political pandering was embarrassing. As is required, I wish and hope this is successful however I am tired of wishing and hoping.