Comment history

Ton_Heijnmans says...

.... what a robot?

It's your code civil? Right?
Yes, you are all British subjects. Loyal to your white-skinned, Germanic, Saxon von Cøburg monarch... ?
But. You make the laws, or not? Yes, or nó? Which is it?
Are you expecting a British Warship to turn up on your south-eastern reaches, to defend you from ze invader Frønchman? Like they turned-up out of the blue to rescue you on D-Day?
which is it???
does your dumb stupid wiggy woggy big jj-head realise how much it costs the taxpayer to jail foreigners.
does it have any idea of the tension created in such overflowing facilities.... by her cramming an already overwhelmed facility.... with even more useless, unproductive mouths?
are ye even awake? do you know that in europe those outdated institutions are termed "criminals' university"?
**how about**...

you enter our british commonwealth waters, without the korrekt permit, or waiver of same......?
you do 9 months labor on abaco. sleeping in tents, staple diet, six days labor per werk, decent food supply, 3 meals a day: here's your big bowl of rice, here's your banana, here's you cha.... now back to work fransouisis!

**no pay for yous**.... why? because you's a convict bro....!
let all your ets phone home and tell their other siblings that.... see where it gets ye?

Ton_Heijnmans says...

We believe the author's attempting to speak directly to the (abundantly male, dominant and ticked) readershi* of the Tribune Online.
Goede Morgen.... trouwens :)


On The great equaliser

Posted 18 October 2019, 6:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...


On The great equaliser

Posted 18 October 2019, 5:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...


Ton_Heijnmans says...


Pest and post all you can. We couldn't care a less.
Digging your own grave, which makes the entire process quite an amusing spectacle.
We've never met a Ba Ham i AM!-ian in our lives.

Never plan to neither.

One of us spoke to a black one time, tho. Wasn't a Hate`num, no.
Fave to face, even.

Trio :)
Enjoy your decent !
To Gravy Bones locker....

Ton_Heijnmans says...


We have never witnessed such madness.


The United Nations and its associated bodies .... they don't ever purchase their employees' holiday-destination airfare tickets and hotel accommodation.

Regular volk do that, all by themselves, paying out their own money.

For millions (onlookers, witnesses) not all the sunshine and sharks in China, would loosen the grip they klingon to their dollars while the waste-of-millions ad campaigns drift past their utterly scornful gaze.
url research pdf, munroe college, 2008, fielding et al
**The Stigma of Being “Haitian” in The Bahamas** - Monroe College
by WJ Fielding · 2008 ·
**photos: After The Storm, Haitians In The Bahamas
Depend On The Kindness Of Strangers**
October 12, 2019 | 7:00 am et
cheryl diaz meyer
Meanwhile, United Nations TV broadcast a piece to every news desk worldwide on untv feed that goes out on the ap wires, in pretty much every known major global language, where the audio visual piece dealt with two subjects.
The massacres in northern Syria, by the Al Assad regime and Turks, followed by
the incomprehensible ugliness of the O'Subtraction regime, of the Carib beans.

Ton_Heijnmans says...

This highly insulting, ignorant b*ollox and his utter .BS crapology.

Bookings are down, not because **dirty stupid foreigners don't know their arses from their fat, chubby elbows**.

《They are so darn thick, you know, these meat-headed tourists》, explained the Grey Leprechaun silverback to its media fan club assembled.
He continued: 《I had to borrow The Peoples' Private Cesna Jet, and fly Hotel-to-Hotel, hanging out with all manner of my superior-level, white peers far, far away》, it explained.
《Anything, to get myself out of this sh1thole and its myriad, endless problems》, he added.
《 I explained to thém, again, that what these idiot, rich, holiday invaders, all saw happening over a five day period on live cnn intnl news casts.... non stop pictures and images of the most powerful hurricane-force meteorological event ever to have taken place anywhere in the world, ever, **.... actually really happened, just like they all witnessed in real time, while all of our power was down during the first week in September, last**》, he yabbered out of the hole situated just above its chinny-chinchin.

Meanwhile, he explained, the rounding-up and shipping-out of all black Useless Mouths, it's progressing at pace, and will obviously ward off the Wicked *itch of ze East, in future decades. Leaving you all, totally protected, thanks to our fine, uncompromising Superiority Leadersh1t and quick, swift, thorough aktions.
《How is recovery going. Cleanup operations, for instance, on Abaco, Marsh Harbor.....oh Great and Holy Masterful One?》, enquires one lady journalist from behind the Police Lines, 30 feet distance back and away from the grey little Leprechaun... standing on his little mini-star podium, up above.
Answering, the little Leprechaun shrugs their shoulders, extending both fore limbs outward with the whites of its palms raised skywards.....
**《Marsh what.... on the island of where? We've never heard of these places you speak of you stupid little woman....》**, he proclaims in finality.
With its standard, condescending and insulting, traumatizing tones.

On Bounce back will come for tourism

Posted 17 October 2019, 3:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

The news report on Guardian 96.9FM read like
Come and holiday in sunny Beirut.
Belfast, so lovely in the autumn.

Basra, such lovely sunsets.
Beautiful Barat, the Albanian mountains.
Bahamas, **but would you risk it?**
Civil Unrest is a widespread feature following natural catastrophes. Pushes some volk over-the-edge.
In some cultures, the elderly are the most vociferous. They, are equally, the cohort suffering the largest psychological damage.
The elderly, being exactly that: weak and frail of body, feeble and tired of mind, growth hormones, something in the far away distance. Brains that are literally antiquated antiques. That cohort (in some societies) spend the **First 28-Days** (first moon cycle) roaring and shouting their heads off... left, right and centre. Spewing out all manner of anger, with each one so angry, they cannot EVEN listen to the other old angry volk who are shouting their heads off too, and nobody listens to anybody, whereas, everybody insists that théirs in the Final Solution.
The U25s have the growth hormones coursing their their arteries. 25yrs, (possibly slightly earlier for females) it's the age the brain ceases to develop and grow. That cohort aren't fully aware of the entirety and finality of the death. Just look how many of thém perish behind the wheels of cars, compared with any other age group.
None of those will ever have witnessed anything like this in their lives. Greyhair (ie, old men, with bald heads and with thay silvery, grey band of hair growing across the mid back area) will all line up to educate younger ears, about 《how it goes》. The youth, witnessing total breakdown in the temperament of their elders, remain silent.
Looking. Learning. Watching. Listening.
The lesson taught thus far, is that D-Day was caused by a bunch of dirty, foreign, asylum seekers.
It is thém, who caused all this, apparently.
Besides that? Black Market's always turning.

Plenty of persons' illicit operations, especially in the Black Hole Market of High-Cost, Low-Weight, trans-shipment of high-end SA merch will have been totally disrupted.
Merchandise already shipped, or moved, to meet market demand; and which, was not yet paid-in-full, is destroyed. Just like everything else is.
That won't be a good enough excuse for others, in the know. Some business operations, after all, cannot be insured.
The video evidence, of the Grey estate DeathSquad operating on the night of Sept 6th, **is clearly sectarian**.
Watch the video. It's indiscriminate. The gunshots start, before the car halts. Bullets in every direction.
One Male, struck by the initial hail, falls. One assassin approaches him and puts two rounds in his head, followed by another 6 rounds to the chest and torso.
That's hatred. Pro-killers/SAS don't waste bullets like that.

On Row ends with man shot dead

Posted 17 October 2019, 1:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

Best for these absoluut b`stards is ....

.... they spent the entire winter rounding up all dem Hate'nem types...

... next August... not a single Hate'nem left. Totally successful.

Then Storm Garret arrives the following month...... and deletes these ones off the face of the earth for ever more.

Leaves only that Raggedy islet place untouched.

On 'Shanty clean-up has to happen'

Posted 17 October 2019, 12:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

They word it 《Donald's Subracamaryan》
Because? Since D-Day #1....

everything that's pláyĕd out
demonstrates the Ba Ham Head
Are a Race...
... hooked on pushing thúr crack cocëine

Down upon ãll our childers.
Only wãy, to deal out **the filth**
that filthy scum off of them ....
But? .... is there any time remaining?
... to educate these Natural-World
Nszi fucjing Blacks?

*after all**.... allah deze afro fleeing mfing ....

Well? What you expect?

On Dorian missing confirmed - 282

Posted 11 October 2019, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal