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Ton_Heijnmans says...

In global perceptions, the **bad-blood under the bridge factor**
All adds up, & the absolutely WORST kind of shyte?
That's always the shyte you slung yourself
While those Gaels of that Black '47 mph be still busy sweeping-up; blowing it all right back onto your face **a massief turd pie, smack bang in your face.** Come from out of your own bum.
The absolutely WORST thing about national, nationwide, massief outbreak of the **28-Day Rage** brought down upon an entire Peoples' Heads by large scale catastrophe
It's the instinctive kicking-in of the Reptilian Brain, or Truine Brain, primordial brain response: fight, or flight.
**In situations where mental breakdown throws up all manner of mentally deranged situations, the entire society behaves like overheated nitroglycerin; totally volatile.**
Often, an uncontrolled, not-carefully-managed **First 28-Days** post Mass Shocktrauma Event, can run away and bolt like a young clap of stallions all nervous and fired up.
When that happens, all the old Raggedy Island shower of utterly traumatized Silverbacks and Craggy Auld Biddies will literally disappear out of society with one spark.
When the youth, silent traumatized youths, soon to be tomorrow's men, eventually snap under the never ending armchair shouting their mouths off, d-day and night, week after week, from the same ancient old Testament Lard Ass, fat, grey, half-smashed oldtimers
Those very same people are the least equipped to put out the kinds of large scale rioting and violence that sweeps through neighbourhoods.
once those silent, wide-eyed, sponge-like brains, finally snap under the sheer weight of hate.

And the HATE'nems entire shtick, is relative, transferable, and always snowballs, ie. that icy snowball, what you throw up upon the mountainside in a moment of anger, ALWAYS returns back down much, much, larger mass of snow.
Cascading back down to earth, totally and completely burying you until the spring thaw,
just like a certain irish descendant of your primary tourism dollars bread and butter Big, Globally-Circulated publication landed down atop all of you this morning.

a cupla tonnes of ice, right down aTop Professor Turns of Key quest's big, round, fat, meaty mullet.
let that snap you the &#$@% out of it, Professor Mellonhead, may as well throw another billion onto the fire for good measure.... which you can ad to the millions and millions wasted on horrid **Open For Business (no undertakers!**) 6 weeks of pure heathen, Juju-Tree pagan inhumanity on **Live TV Screens worldwide**, like some manner of antichrist diabolical Soap Opera.

An [editorial of weight]( "new york times")

[**new york times Published Oct. 10, 2019 ....Haitian Migrants, Devastated by Dorian, Face Deportation From Bahamas**][1]


On Dorian’s $430m hit on Treasury

Posted 11 October 2019, 6:13 a.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

Another great read.

But, if truth be told, millions and millions of minds

Simply do not care anymore.
More importantly, they would work hard to make absolutely sure that nothing is given.
Equally, they would be working hard to shield their own progeny from all and any connection, visual, audio or what ever, with **such incomprehensible ugliness.**

Whatever reputation you people worked hard for generations to build-up, in terms of kultural traditioné, the kind that is marketed in equally plastic brochures and magazines ... the kind that costs
.... decades to nurture and foster in the minds and cosmological perspectives of other peoples, kulturen, countries, and continents, and that is universally recognized in all languages... without hesitation... even to the people who's cummin' fro'a land downunda .... and wit'a vegemite zand witch, ... made in youghal harbor ... AK`a y'Ãll`.... '47?
That's as dead as an abaconian night under a New Moon`s **unrelenting furtive gunn**.

Ton_Heijnmans says...

It isn't just sectarianism, it's a manner of kultural deep-seated Tribal sectarianism you people brought with you in your dark hearts from that Fortress of Schloß Fredriksbørg.
*Stillwater and the Simian HateSquad**
These oldtimer racist idiots have sunk you all. That particular **Silverback** is so unbelievably idiotic, apartheid minded, and plain dumb, he cannot realise that an equally impotent, crapped-out of body of the Whiteman is just as grey and Silverback.
Their feeble antique cerebral spheres struggling to recall what they were doing at 19:00hours on September the tenth.
**Or what they even did yesterday?** Most of those "one-foot-in" types completely buckle emotionally **at the thought** of such destruction as the D-Day.
**He probably didn't even loose any direct family**.
That's not the issue. It's those images everyone witnessed. All around the world.

**The psychologically decimated Silverback will be two things at all times.** For example, while begging the GLOBE for relief, they desire the closing-down of the international **dot BS** internet.
Foreigners .... out.
foreign money..... in.
while staring at a challenge that has totally defeated them and smashed their psyche to smithereens..... they will demand more and more only **good news stories**;
.... because, whatever it is, it's not the reality outside their front door.
Which, in Disaster Zone Countries, is opened often only once per week.

To venture outside and into the craziness they no longer understand anymore.
.... and scurry to their dancing ally ma hallajouga hosé in da haus hozeanna.

Ton_Heijnmans says...

Talrussel talking sense. None of you can see that. It is a noumenon. If a big strong, gold medalist, superhuman of the Long Canoe tribe, a superman superhuman, even more super than Generalé McMinus von Subtraction **a SuperRace super being SUPER Canoe man** the best that his people have ever produced. Fastest runner in the world (some folks have to chase down their dinner, after all) and this Superman of the Longlong Canoe Manpeoplerace.
If he is standing in his canoe, at no time can she get ALL the canoe under gaze.
Standing in the middle, at one end or the other; so long as the Superwoman is **in his canoe**; at no point can he get a helicopter view.
You ought not feel guilty for acting like a county of people who are out-of-your-minds right now.
Just look at the absolute crap way you have shrivelled in the face of the smallest challenge.
And now, having completely winged-it through the **First 28 Days** drinking driving at high speed with your eyes closed shut, laments for your dearly departed **Fabulous Four :**

- 1 x **Cockatoo**
- 1 x **Shytehawk**
- 1 x **Norwegian Zwarte Parrot**
- 1 x **Billy, the Gruff**
And that's that.
East End people wondering why they're the new Raggedy Island folk?

No wonder. There's an enormous environmental catastrophe there. Your looser pathetic excuse for a Politiek are also in the same Long Canoe as you all.
Just as screwballed in the brain.
Just as messed up.
Just as accident prone.
Just as scared of the End of Days.
And prone they most certainly are. Pressure usually makes the weak-of-mind behave even worse. Those idiots are the **walking, talking proof of that fact**

Now, all you traumatized acting morons are behaving exactly like that captured in lettrès by the famous author Willem van Golding.

Painting your faces, fearing the monstré you have created inside your own totally demented minds. Not demented because the colour of your skin. Not demented because your British and kneel to a White Shark up above (all of you 'lowly subjects'. Not demented because if the absence of education among you people.
But demented because you all have been through a very traumatizing experience that not a one of you were trained for, prepared for, mentally prepared for, and have been screwing up since before Dorian even arrived.
There's a German here (could be Dutch) trying to assist you in your hour of need.

Just like the novel.
You call them Piggy-Crazy and insult them before bashing in their brains. **Exactly like it's written.**

You morons, calling well known authorities
on Rhine water management as "crazies"?

Exactly the kinds of skills you need to wise up to.
If you want to be idiots. Who ought to care about you?

**You're a menace to the Human Race.**

**nature be doing the latter a big favour?**


On Missing from Abaco since Hurricane Dorian

Posted 6 October 2019, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...


>What's this about, and who is she?
What on earth is the thinking behind adopting a female role-model. ....

Whose only **apparent** achievement is betrothal to **da Da dae powah and monae**?
Explain please?

You **lost us** on that last bend.
***yous outta sight naűw!!!***

On Patricia Minnis to launch mentoring for girls

Posted 5 October 2019, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...


Does he know his arse from his elbow?

Ton_Heijnmans says...

That's farcical.
There's a big book countries use.

It started in 2005. After Banda Aceh, which **some of us survived**.

All countries have a "personal homeboi" page.

Reason being.... if a comet landed down atop any one single country tomorrow morning .... or.... on any given continent leaving only one single country in that continent still there when the dust settles.... the "help" knows what's what.
A civilisation totally and completely wiped off the face of the earth, or, in your case, which has at best another thirty years to continue your filthy black-muck 24/7 pollution ....
.... you payple ought to start to think about what legacy you want to leave for wo/mankind's history..... like say..... if the next one levelled Fort fân Orangien-NASSAU in two weeks time.

You have a page too.

Nothing has happened on that page since 2013. Phone numbers don't work. Website url don't work.

It don't work full stop

Not even your fancy snake oil solveit new mini star has updated the old, completely out of date information yet.

No thing.

**Absolutely nothing**. All you people do is talk the **dot BS** talk just like the which Doktor and his hillbilly tin'a fruit tory highway**men**.

Bet ye'll still be rushing-nowhere-fast talking dot .BS when there is just the one i-Land left.

Probably be about the three of ye still using up our oxygen.

All talking the .BS at each other's faces til the ankles are already standing in the soup.

Ton_Heijnmans says...

It's one enormous **fire trap**.

And we are not taking about your Tommy-Brit clothing line. We mean **火焰陷阱**.

If these shipwrecked volk weren't seen as trash from day-one, the foresight (and common sense) would have existed for Doktor Minus and the F*ing-M Trubadorés to dispatch mobile barracks (clothing, some basic equipment and tents, such as those the "dirty" foreigner internationals sleep in) ... so those who wanted to ... could remain to kickstart the clean-up OPs.

It's actually cathartic, activity, sense-of-role, purpose, and most importantly, **physically all fired up** volk, *searching for purpose* .... **when all is lost.**
On Day-1.

At the least, as an option, when volk be searching for lost ones. Prevents outbreaks of disease, when one does it that way around.
Rather than creating the logistical problem associated with a mass evac? Forgotten that part already? And these people now, being mistreated, living in shit and their lives clearly all still in **grave danger**.

On Raw sewage coming from drains at shelter

Posted 4 October 2019, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

**boycott these savages**

The Ba-Ba hamheaded i-Land xenophobia loving racists are choking humanity to the death.

**stop the needless pollution of our skies**

yes: it's true that toxic pollution is difficult to track. Commerce of any kind is slippery like an oil slick, as shadowy as the Carrib Drug Cartels which grow fat and rich while they are murdering our children all over the world.
**all because of them dirty carribs**

Take the tourism industry. The world must pull together to totally and completely exterminate these dirty volks' dirty and filthy tourism trickery.
A better word for these dirty b'sards is Tourerism.
**They are only a few steps up from the common Terrorist**
These dirty b'sards are flying millions and millions of foreigners from all over the globe down to their dirty rotten i-Lands.

**The WORLD must UNITE and fight these Baham iainni Tribalist tourerists.**

Tonnes and TONNES of pollution is being pumped into the air we breath by these dirty, filthy highwaymen thieves.

**the ba ham head-inninny thieves must be utterly crushed and eradicated forever from continued, needless and greedy-guts cashing in while all the rest of us pay with our lives**.
**we all ... 7 billion of us ... must come together and end this dirty carrib blackmarket tourerISTs.... and we must come down upon them all with an iron fist.**

On Govt may pay squatters for land acquisition

Posted 4 October 2019, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

You people are less than a half million.

You haven't got a chance, against all of us.

On - the - way - out.

Good riddance nasi goreng.

Doktor McMinus be like a bullet in the head
to you slaver gonners.

Don't any of you be planning to get back up again neither, nazis.

Stay down ......if you know what's good 4 you.

Don't never, ever be banking to stand back up again.