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Ton_Heijnmans says...

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Ton_Heijnmans says...

Nice read.
There's only one word placed in parentheses?

Inaccurate, misguided finger-pointing?
Please don't overlook the deep seated, innate psychological urge in any half wounded wo/man, no matter who, to point the finger.

As it happens, the BRICs are right up there on the polluter scoreboard.

Brazil is **not a developed country**. Though it has several characteristics, including largest economy in SA or CA, it's still considered as developing due to its low GDP per capita, low living standards, **high infant mortality rate** + other factors.

**Brazil** (2016) population at 209.4M, a GDP of 1.775 trillion; p.c. GDP is $8,651. While high for a developing country, this still falls short of the **$12,000 threshold needed for classification as a developed country**.

**Russia** is not *currently* classified as a developed country, though **it once reigned alongside the United States as a world superpower**. The country's economy fell apart with the 1991 implosion of the Soviet USSR. **Poverty is widespread**, living standards are low and, typical of a non-developed country, the **exportation of natural resources** fuels much of Russia's economy.

Russia is borderline at best on most developed-country metrics: per capita GDP is $24,451. Its infant mortality rate is eight per 1,000, while life expectancy is an unimpressive 71 years. Its HDI is .79 and, when adjusted for inequality, drops to .71.

**Greece** is a developed country by the most meaningful metrics. However, its well-documented financial struggles in the last decade have caused doubt in some quarters: Things became so bad in 2013 that index provider MCSI downgraded Greece from a developed economy to an **emerging-market** economy.

**Qatar** is a **developing country**, according to our UN figures. However, as the country with **the highest gross domestic product (GDP) p.c. ($143,788)**, Qatar proves to be somewhat of an exception to the rule of what counts as developing. Many citizens enjoy luxuries of the developed world, such as access to technology, leisure activities, fast food + expendable income.

**They make the black muck + ship it worldwide.**

**Bahamas, with its impressive $30,762 p.c. GPD**, infant mortality rate 5.8/1,000 (2017); life expectancy of 75.68yrs (2016), close on the heels of mean worldwide life expectancy at birth of 71.5 yrs (68 yrs 4 months male; 72yrs 8 months female. **All developed lands are +70**, averaging 80.1 among all developed nations.

One aspeç your islands do fall (in metrics) behind, is female participation in parliament and commerce, running stuff from the centre. In terms of general visibility, and **violence against females by the males**. That counts too: you ppl don't score good on it. Or talk about it.
All of these figures conceal one key geographical metric: a huge blackmarket in high-cost SA transhipment goods.
= **Developed country**

You've got to believe in **U, 2**?


Ton_Heijnmans says...

Check the threads on these local town-councillor caste.

The 《**club** of Forty》 Coats.

With a bevelled handle to-boot.
All's the better for whacking'm
.... 'baç' into line.

Well done mister Mini Star.

Take care of the voter-base first.

That above all.

Ton_Heijnmans says...


On ‘Savage’ response by govt to migrants

Posted 2 October 2019, 10:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

You don't get it.

Chinese expression "gone to the dogs" attempts to explain the aftermath of a Harbour Wave.

Tsu means Harbor, like, say, Marsh harbor
namï is a plural of wave. Like, say, lots of dead folks.

Canines are extremely agile, nimble and lightweight.

These characteristics enable canines to hop from flotsam to jetsam. Debris that floats.

Humans are usually all killed. Then there's nothing. No international aid in the olden days. A place laid waste in olden times was also a dangerous place.

This is because, Canines have amazing sense of smell, and very long incisors. When hungry, they'll dig a hole to get to whatever they've sniffed out.

In most cases, that used to mean the cadavers of those killed by the harbour wave. The humans. They're not agile to start with, heavy, and when dead, they sink under the rolling debris.

And they're very, very good at it. Doesn't take long for the rabies and the water-fear to set in.

That's the reason the Chinese despise and (traditionally) harbour intense hatred of the canine.

Some love to kill canines, and then eat them for supper.

Because of this historical.... relationship; and likely seafarers' tales of islands they'd encountered after having been leveled by a Harbour Wave of the magnitude that swept over you people last month.

On ‘Savage’ response by govt to migrants

Posted 2 October 2019, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

We learned in school the Bahamas people are world-renowned in Salvage and as one of the globe's most skilled Shipwreck merchants.

It's a cultural trait, or so say the history books.
**The practice is even codified by you people.**

Those people are all traumatized out-of-their minds.

**There was an ginormous disaster with you all, compounded (fatally) by the glaring fact your owners had absolutely no plan and were caught completely unprepared with their trunks down.**

Just wild, out-of-your heads in shocktrauma, for the (usual) 28 Days.

"My 'feeling' is", says one. "I 'thought' that", says another.

All thoughts and feelings. All fear... And let's talk definitions. No state aid, no state response, no state back-up reserve water, no plan, taken totally-by-surprise....

Looting is only looting when it's not an absolute survival situation.

These whites. They purebreeds? Purebreed Nazionalés?
If not: **why a personal audience with a ministre?**

Did any of ze Hate'nem types get one of those? Or, perhaps, where there's an entire cattle-waggon-train-cart full of "certain kinds of people" are desperately trying to survive .... did they get a TLC photocall with a ministré?

**The hell they did.**

Bet you 1000DM these are the same types of lowlife screwballs who confronted and intimidated Chef André at one of the LZs. After all? He speaks like an avocado chicañno! Looks like one too!

All full of the **whitemans` FEAR** .... and psychologically impacted in ways they still don't comprehend because of the sheer **thickness of their skulls**.

(Matched only by the breadth of their jankee pocketbooks). Scummers.

And ... this guy Doktor Minus? Turning up at the United Nations and delivering an address that sounded, on content, pretty much like a contemporary EU primary-school level geography lesson?

Do you realise what a european 12 year old would think of you types of lowlives seeing that on the evening news....

Material s/he did five years ago back in primary school.
And we're taking about Europeans who've yet to ever hold a conversation with a black.

Almost as though all **new information** (to the Minus man) he has had to speed-cram into his head during a crash-course tutorial on the flight up to NYC.

**And it did sound new to him, too.**

That's the **news-aspect** .... to our audiences.

On Abaco ‘has no law’ say residents

Posted 2 October 2019, 9:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

There is video footage of an assassination death Squad that we located at an address on the internet.

The footage appears to show this grey estate-model auto appear at a location on Blueberry Hill (off Fox Hill) c.20 minutes before midnight monday 6 sept 2019. **Exactly one week following D-Day**.

Travelling down hill, the auto bursts onto the scene and before halting, the occupants are already shooting in every direction, like they're fired-up on drugs and alcohol (at least 12 discharges strike a nearby wall). Ammunition being costly, appears to be a well funded operation. Most certainly not executed by anyone with any formal OPs training.

It is a residential area and appears to be in blackout. **Every single person visible in the opening images appears clearly to be a target of the hit squad**; which informs **either a Turf War, or a Sectarian Terrorist Attack**.
▪︎One person, in particular, is singled out by the Death Squal. This individual, walking down the road calmly as the reel begins, is struck during the initial hail of rounds being fired all-sides as the Silver Estate-Model car screeches to a halt. The video appears to show two members of the **Death Squad** exit the auto and, while discharging rounds at all fleeing, ducking and diving persons, they approach one wounded, crawling man, and
discharge enough rounds into his body that would expire a small elephant. More than that we do not know.

The incident went practically unreported as it occurred during the first week of the shocktrauma that debilitated all of the living located on that Archipelago during **The First 28-Days**; when the hormonal, post-unprepared-shock-calamity **human psychological-urge** to forget everything around one, is at its *most intense*.

Lastly. The U-Turn policy shift towards a nazionalistche centric and unbelievably callous policy of **state-encouraged xenophobia and Sectarian Hatred**, and most of all, the despicable verbally nauseating-statements from your peoples' political leaders is going to hurt you people in ways not even Dorian could.
Utterly shocking terrorists.


On One dead, one hurt in drive-by shooting

Posted 2 October 2019, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

The A.G. is now doubling as an expert on 21st century Gael force public housing?
**Who needs experts indeed.**

What an utter shambles. The storm is still raging inside these traumatised- and simple-minds.

No wonder....?
From a ppl who use the internationally recognised phrase 《 .BS 》 .... as their national url-callsign.

Opposition crowd even more fecklessly backward.

Can anyone educate us: what makes a brave's **so 'brave'**?
It's the B.S. X-Factor 'secreté' ingredient,
right buirds?

On $6m dome shelter for Abaco refugees

Posted 1 October 2019, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

Be seeing the price of everything,
and the value of **nothing**.
Pennywise, plain

Ton_Heijnmans says...

We never fled no where.

"Europeans" went south to rob, grab, steal, rape, loot, pillage and then torch the rest before sailing off into the sunset. With a centuries-long emphasis on knocking anyone they encountered back into the Stone Age (if they weren't already there).
Most important was killing off as much of the competition as possible.
By competition one refers specifically to all the other viking-raider blondes.... specially if they weren't either protestanten or roman katholieken depending.
Non whites weren't seen as competition. Nor as human.

The term LIA was coined by Mathés, the Dutch east Indier, whose family grew considerably rich from importing lumber, hemp and rubber and all kinds of other spoils and booty traded with the southerns for a slap, a fart and a punch on the nose.