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Ton_Heijnmans says...

Probably the single most intelligent thing to pop up from out of all the half-floating, destroyed flotsam and jetsam yet.
Level-headed with the thinking-cap on.
Mariners be making sightings of wreckage far far out from the Azores about midway.
All that stuff got to go somewhere?
All kinds of stuff gets washed up our side. Our stuff gets swept up to Greenland. Everything, and anything. You name it. Wrecked boats, all kind of timber, wood, bottles. Bottles with sometimes written lettrès in them (it was a famous song that inspired years if that transatlantic activity). All from down your way. Back in the days, when kids could actually write out in perfect grammar without needing a laptop with a word-processing pro-gram installed.
"Them's were de daze".
I Doubt a body could make it all the way over, though. Not with the waters being so warm this time of year. Warmest it ever gets up here and that means all the big fish come up from below. Same every year.
These shores are the direction of all the prevailing currents, so it's only a matter if time for anything that floats. You'd be surprised what pops up, upon **our shores**.
Bails of crack cocaine too. Like I said: if it's from Caribbean, it's headed this way. That's why they're semi-professional beachcombers up these parts.
Never know what you come across. Only a matter of time now.

Ton_Heijnmans says...

HURRAY.... for the cavalry.
Everybody sighs in relief.

On NEMA September 30 update

Posted 30 September 2019, 9:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

Please direct us to your Terms.

We cannot locate those?


Ton_Heijnmans says...

Why has not-one spiritual Service Of Remembrance been performed for all of these human beings, yet?

After Nine - Eleven, 9/11, there were ceremonies everywhere.

You all held your weird, strange looking, hands in the air, hail ya halla ma louja singalong with the halfway break for temporal and political bandstanding. José means Joanna in the highestest and all that Angrycan carryon.
Not an altar in sight. Lots of old men from The Olde Folks Home sitting at a height above the lowly sheeple (for some strange reason?).

300 dead Hate'n-em ones.
600 "missing"... some still dead-in-a-ditch four weeks later.
Beyond rotting.

No Service of Remembrance I've ever seen what didn't list out the names of **the recently, dearly departed**.

Usually .... throughout the known world, no matter what the schism and religulous (mis-)conception.... photographs or artistic portraits are placed on-display.

Always: the direct family of the dearly departed are present.
Always: the service takes place in the language of the surviving, family members, and/ or their relatives and cousins;
Always the form of the ritual is performed in the deathing belief systems and unique deathing rituals of-those-people.
300 of them swept off the face if the planet, and nothing from you people?
Nothing but raving, frothy mouth, hatred and disgusting, unmitigated ignorance.

But hey? Maybe Captain Kirk ordered Lieutenant Scotty to beam all those Hate'nem types up onto the U.S.S. Enterprise, right after Spock told him it was "logical Jim" that all those foreigner Hate'nem types would surely perish when the tsunami arrived?
tSu means HARBOR
na'mi means wave.

harbor as in marsh harbor.
wave as in lots of dead folks.
The ones who used to live .... IN the Harbor.
Get it?

Maybe their missing in Oslo? Maybe they flew out for a short break RIGHT before D-Day struck? Maybe they'll climb out if a big bunker the day after tomorrow? A big storm bunker that they never told anyone about?

On Hurricane Dorian death toll up to 58

Posted 30 September 2019, 8:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

There existed the opportunity to make a statement to the Nations that would have actually demonstrated the penny had dropped for you all.

Doktor Minus could have made the decision to announce the whole sale phasing out of carbon emitting machines on those islands for a Pilot Scheme.

The article writes: "we should re-cycle more (waste)" etc.

You could also simply cycle more, full stop

How many persons seriously wounded in RTAs while traipsing the public highway when text-messaging?

How many killed to the death?
It may have been too much for the locals' police sheriff to come clean on the autopsy report of the Royal Marine killed to death in one of those metal machines the morning past, 6AM? ... Two males...? Young males. No brake tracks. High speed (that metal contraption was **wrapped** round that pole), and no seat belt!

Thus .... these are all known knowns.
Folk be all traumatised. The Banshee be ringing round their heads, stealing the sleeps from under their nose.
Folk be looking to escape that after a Mega Catastrophe.

All known knowns.
Same time you all got the mountain of lard be growing in those little children not already killed in RTAs, bringing all kinds of widespread public health burdens ontop of all your heads.
Chicken wings, pigs livers, boiled heads, cows tongue, diced kidney giblets?
Man? That stuff is from the days folk ate once a day and spent from dusk til dawn picking them Potatoes... working hard in the fields rain, hail and shine.
Pure Irish, your culinary heritage plainly is. Making an art of cooking- up whatever you could possibly get hold of.

They're even fatter than the average Sheriff Quimby you have down your way nowadays. All eating that Victorian garbage and working in Google, Facebook, Linked-In, Intel, and ak the other hundreds of tech firms. Sitting on their **** behind a screen all day.

Bicycles solve all that. The health side. Guarantees more Olympic medals too. Just look st the stats versus population comparison.
**Ever see a fat Dutchman?**
They've got no mountains neither.
Saves gazillions not having to import that black muck.

Ton_Heijnmans says...

As re-published verbatim AND with a French-language translation appended, in today's
**《《Port O`Prince Times》》**

On Minnis tells tourists: We're open for business

Posted 30 September 2019, 6:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On EDITORIAL: Disaster exposes Haiti-Bahamas strains

Posted 30 September 2019, 5:15 p.m.

Ton_Heijnmans says...

Wasn't surgeons; rather the level of **Disaster Preparedness** the Municipal Authority adjacent to the Dolomites has implemented as a result of the increased upper-strata Gael activity over the past two decades.

**The millennium has witnessed ever stronger winds traversing those mountains, caused by the remnants of Great Atlantic-Gaels, which traverse the tropics, skirt the Americas, +if powerful enough+, regain strength as they passover Ijsland heading for Europa.**
Those winds then are channelled by the Highlands of Scotland, the Pyrenees, the great expanse of the River Rhine Lowlands, toward the Alpine deadend.
Remember: the Airs are layered by temperature, pushed by pressure. Air pushed upwards by the rising landscape, no matter what the temperature, it goes upward.
Up and over. But? Once over the summit it falls right back into its allotted layer, at X meters above ground, etc.
**Downdrafts move fast** Volk in your parts will know a feeling one gets immediately prior to the heavens opening up with the rainstorms? Mild in comparison, but the falling H2O creates the same effect.
**Since the millennium, therefore, only the most experienced paragliders attempt those jumps in September October.**
Last year, in response to statistical evidence from surrounding public health facilities, the Civil Code was altered. The new Code Civilé requires all paragliding public to fix-to-their person, one (extra) PMR Radio.

For the real radio geek, frequency is 446,09375 MHz, subtone 114,8 Hz. But it’s not complicated: 《just get a PMR radio and tune it on channel 8, subchannel 16, keep it on all the time and you’re all set》.

**PMR Radios are licence-free radios that can be bought for €20.**

Why a second "constantly turned-on silent" PMR Radio?

That's because Italy are working both on prevention AND toward safer and more efficient rescue ops.

Problem in recent years has been the high number of paraglider in the Dolomites. Rescue choppers have not been able to attend rescues because of airspace congested with free-flight paras.

“When the helicopter arrives, the area is expected to be free,” Rescuers said. “It is very, very important that this dedicated channel is used properly: it must stay silent all the time and it must be used only for safety communications.

**“This means having a second radio dedicated to this channel is absolutely important.** This radio must be always tuned on the safety channel. Never transmit on this channel unless you need to coordinate a rescue operation. In this case you will have the advantage of being able to talk directly with the rescue operators on the helicopter.

“If we use this tool properly, it will certainly help everybody: the people who need rescue, the rescue operators and our community of free flight fellow pilots who will still be able to visit and fly in a unique area.”

Imagine the Ba-Ma`n having that forethought?


Best wishes Fred.

Ton_Heijnmans says...

Anthony Pratt, ginger-haired son of Richard and Jeanne?

On How do we treat our neighbours?

Posted 29 September 2019, 7 a.m. Suggest removal

Ton_Heijnmans says...

What an upsetting and insulting stance to take? Ignorant also. This so-called message is really sickening. What does the minister mean when he insists all of this? Especially the part where he explains to us, the outsider world, how the most powerful hurricane to strike land, played out. Does this moron think we are both blind AND stupid?
It appears, some savvy, blood-sucking marketeers, the strapped-for-cash-kind, or possibly the disaster capitalist kind, put this nonsensical notion into the head of this poor, obviously traumatized human being (with an enormous checkbook) and convinced him of this while kindly relieving him of enough funds to keep them going (probably online, because those are the smartest kinds of conmen) for another five years.
Outsiders base their perception on nothing any of you can influence for all the tea in China. Not then, not now, not ever. Outlander will base their perception of you as a people based upon how you treat others, also those others who walk among you.
Outsiders, Christians especially, will also be seriously in fear of the reality that, were a disaster to ever occur, while they were there, physically there one means .... as a tourist, ein AID arbeiter, or a contractor, or teacher, or medic or whatever.... , and an Mexico earthquake created a disaster wave to crash up and over your little islands
.... that their lifeves would be immediately at risk..... if they survived the Hell and High-Water..... being surrounded by horrid, intensely enraged, foreigner-Hating, racist haters of anything and everything that isn't exactly like they are, walks like they do, talks like they do, breath like they do, see and hear.... like they do.....
And that... if such an event did occur, the Arkans Jahn Canoes would have the decency to recover their dead bodies within the three days christianity prescribed for us many hundreds of years ago? Or at least try?
That it's the horrid negativity that the world are watching and witnessing, utterly shocking as that is.
I would not anticipate any of you would understand, what with your particular genus of specie, being the Masterrace and all that? Shocking and despicable. And thick.