Comment history

Topdude says...

And now we know why the organizational culture in the Public Corporations and the Public Sector is so toxic and dysfunctional?

Mr. Woods should be ashamed of himself and embarrassed to say the ignorant things he recently barfed . It clearly shows he has no understanding of the role unions play in organizational and national development.

What his statements will now do is to immediately set off a cycle of tit for tat among those who are supporters of the FNM and those who are supporters of the PLP. And why do we have to wonder why there are inefficiencies, low productivity, unprofitable operations triggered by blackouts and water shortages, sewerage spills and demotivated employees?

The Davis government may have won the battle for political office but it will certainly lose the war for promoting national reconciliation and development.

On Water union leaders admit PLP links

Posted 4 October 2021, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

We do not need privatization.

On Parts of New Providence hit by power outage

Posted 3 October 2021, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

It does not take rocket science to operate an electricity company. Other than natural disasters how many electricity blackouts are you aware of that occur in Miami for example?

So why do we have this ongoing problem in Nassau? In amounts to nothing other than a human caused problem. All the politicians, rank and file workers, managers and unions know why? It is nothing but conscious sabotage, willful indifference to doing an honest job, political interference and manipulation , bad people management, a culture of bitter employee relations And a failure to put the nation first.

How can this culture of sabotage be supplanted with a culture of commitment?

On Parts of New Providence hit by power outage

Posted 3 October 2021, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

When we advised you that that electing the PLP was going to be Deja vu all over again you did not listen or care or heed my word. No it is carte blanche to pilfer and rob the public purse again. Oh what a tangled web we weave once we practice to deceive? Well, c’est la vie.

Hubert Minnis we miss you so much. Please find a way to return to the Prime Minister post to stop this crisis from exploding. Not yet a month and we have a crisis of unmanageable and ungovernable proportions emerging.

It is tipped that Nygard is to be given political asylum. Need I say more. And Shane Gibson is to be Ambassador to caricom. Need I say more.

On Fitzgerald back in key department

Posted 29 September 2021, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

These two positions being held by the same person makes no sense. One is foreign to the other. Each position requires a separate Minister.

Topdude says...

Correction. There are two women appointed so far. Education Minister and Foreign Minister.

On Davis: More women will be appointed

Posted 22 September 2021, 7:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Oh my goodness. Recycling of old wine in recycled bottles. Where will Shane Gibson be placed?

Topdude says...

Will everything about Nygard be told?

On ‘No secrecy - we must build trust’

Posted 20 September 2021, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

All of this would be correct if there was not an unexpected Covid-19 pandemic which the Parliamentary Elections Act did not contemplate and therefore unwittingly overlooked. Those who trumpet the provisions of the Parliamentary Elections Act are themselves overlooking the significance of this crisis and this is why the recent electoral debacle must be tested in the courts.

Topdude says...

Because of the novelty of COVID-19 and its deleterious impact on voter turnout it is important for a case for a re-run of the elections to brought before the Supreme Court. In the interim, the recent swearing in of Mr. Davis should be voided until a decision by The court is made.

In the interim Dr. Minnis should still continue to occupy the office of Prime Minister and the FNM should remain in office.

On No red flags, say observers

Posted 19 September 2021, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal