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Topdude says...

Of course there were no red flags. This is because an insufficient number of voters turned out. Based on this alone the election should be declared invalid. And another election held within 90 days after sufficient protocols are put in place to deal with a minimally required turn out.

Does one accept the outcome of a baseball game with an insufficient number of players “playing “ an insufficient number of innings?

Come on let’s put our partisan preferences aside, the election was incomplete. As this was a novel way of voter suppression.

On No red flags, say observers

Posted 18 September 2021, 6:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Well, well,well. We are going to be going back to the polls much sooner than we think. When the votes are analyzed and it is discovered that a minimally acceptable number of voters did not exercise their franchise and therefore the turnout was not representative of the will of the people a new election must be called.

So do not party too much.

Topdude says...

He has to check with Nygard first.

On Philip 'Brave' Davis sworn in as Prime Minister

Posted 17 September 2021, 7:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

And Nygard will be given political asylum.

On Philip 'Brave' Davis sworn in as Prime Minister

Posted 17 September 2021, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Don’t worry Dr. Minnis. No weapon that formed against you shall prosper. Your respite from the leadership of our country is a blessing in disguise. As you step back from the mantle just go ahead and retool and regroup yourself to come again. And while you are doing so, the jokers and charlatans now in leadership will demonstrate once again that they are incapable of leading our nation during these times. Corruption and kickbacks do not a nation make.

Watch what they will do. The first thing is that Nygard will be given political asylum. It will be payback time.

God bless you Dr. Minnis. Walk with pride.

On Minnis term was dogged by disaster

Posted 17 September 2021, 7:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This was not a free and fair election at all. When you add all these incidents up you come up with a stolen election. Totally stolen. Clearly unfair.

Topdude says...

Thanks very much Dr Minnis for your exemplary leadership during the most difficult time in the history of the Bahamas. When the history of this period is written objectively by historians they will credit you for shepherding your people out of crisis.

Bahamians are an ungrateful lot and they only value what is in it for them and not what is best in the interest of our nation. They cannot see the big picture and they are therefore mesmerized when a leader of your caliber starts to put our country on a path of transformation.

Not to worry though Dr Minnis your turn will come again and very soon. It will come after the new Government and leaders start to comprehend what are the challenges facing the nation. It is all well and good to seek office but when they assume office they will quickly understand they do not have the capacity to lead the nation.

So Dr Minnis leave office knowing that your legacy is forever positively enshrined in our nation’s history as that Prime Minister who effectively guided the ship of state through stormy seas and delivered it , based on the wishes of a naive electorate who fell for false promises, into the hands of a bunch of crooked jokers.

History has your back Dr. Minnis. God bless you.

On Minnis staying on to lead FNM in opposition

Posted 17 September 2021, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

All of a sudden the union problems finish. The unions and workers will stop striking, calling in sick and protesting. In return they will have a gun to the head of the Davis government. So let us expect a rapid increase in public sector spending, inflation and trouble.

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 16 September 2021, 10:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Trouble from the first day in office. China. China. China.

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 16 September 2021, 9:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

What would you like me to tell you? That China won the elections! That China will now run the country! The elections were unfair.

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 16 September 2021, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal