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Topdude says...

Cliches and Sweet Talk do not constitute a Strategic Plan. The PLP leaders have been running from answering questions about their time in office. Why did they allow Nygard to corrupt all the ministers? Why did they cause the reputation of the Bahamas score on the Global Corruption Index to increase substantially?

Listen to the slick attempt from this personally dishonest man to tarnish the image of a leader who is way above him in integrity, intelligence and capacity. How many unsuspecting clients has this dishonest man Davis ripped off? Is He is going to run this game on Bahamians?

Mr Davis is literally and figuratively unable to rise to the job of being Prime Minister of our nation. His past precedes him and what is past is prologue.

On Davis slams late promises

Posted 16 September 2021, 8:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

You are absolutely correct. There could not have been a steadier hand guiding the ship of state than the one of Dr. Hubert Minnis.

Compare and contrast the decision making of this political giant with the decision making of previous political leaders. He is a cut above the rest and during these trying times and you can only come to this conclusion.

God has sent him to take us to better times.

On Minnis: I will protect you

Posted 16 September 2021, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Just listen or read this bald face lie. The Bahamas is not at the bottom of the Global regional rankings on any dimension of COVID-19. Just take a look at the New York Times COVID-19 Daily Tracker and you will really begin to understand that this man will say anything he thinks will bring disfavor to the Dr. Minnis and the FNM.

I urge Bahamians to test the veracity and integrity of anything that comes out of the mouth of this intellectual midget insofar as what he is saying about how we are doing in global COVID-19 rankings. If what he says is true vote for the PLP. If what he says is untrue then vote the FNM.

I challenge this little man to stand and be honest.

On Davis: Minnis mismanaged handling of pandemic

Posted 14 September 2021, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This is just another attempt to thwart the smooth functioning of the election machinery on the part of the PLP people in order to provide another excuse for the impending rectal whipping they will experience shortly.

On New Providence hit by blackouts

Posted 14 September 2021, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

As the saying goes, a drowning person * ( to be gender preference unbiased) will clutch for a straw. Just review the litany of excuses the PLP people already starting to peddle as they know they have no chance of victory. Mr. Davis says the elections are unfair, and now Mr* Wilson implying that there is ballot box tampering. What next? Nygard was cajoled to abandon the PLP and join the FNM? It never stops.

On ‘How does Minnis know poll count?’

Posted 14 September 2021, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Wow. What other nonsense this man and his brood are talking? Just accept that your party is not up to par with the FNM and you will lose the election.

On Davis accuses govt of voter suppression

Posted 13 September 2021, 9 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This is a unfortunate and naive attempt to embarrass the FNM Government. It clearly shows the depths to which the PLP leaders are prepared to sink in order to find excuses to thwart and explain away their forthcoming defeat at the polls.

I hope Kingsley can find alternative positions within the union for these individuals after these pawns are summarily dismissed ?

Topdude says...

This is a sad attempt to confuse people on Grand Bahama specifically and in the rest of the country generally. How can Mr. Davis overlook to mention that the PLP plans to sell out the land in Grand Bahamas to the Chinese. How could he overlook mentioning the fact that it was the PLP who want to introduce Chinese language in the curriculum of the schools as a mandatory subject.

Mr. Davis can say all he wants about the FNM but he is silent about the fact that Nygard says he owns the PLP and the deals the PLP cut with the Chinese Government at the expense of Grand Bahamians.

Grand Bahamians are not stupid. They can see a weak attempt to shift the focus from PLP corruption. We will not be fooled.

On PLP leaders accuse govt of failing Grand Bahama

Posted 13 September 2021, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

I thought Tribanon had hung up his hat and stopped piping this foolishness? But is quite evident from the above that his addiction to stupidity continues. Poor guy.

Topdude says...

One suspects that Christie is on a new medication regimen. How could anyone with a sound mind talk so much nonsense.

This is the man who brought our country into disrespect with his deferring national decisions to Nygard. This is the leader of a party which was in bed with Nygard. An international sexual pervert. This is the political party that Nygard says he OWNS.

What is so interesting about the behavior of the PLP big wigs during this election is they are fooling themselves that just by wishing victory for the PLP is enough for it to happen.
This election is not a Fairy Tale. This election is about national development and the future of our Bahamaland.
The PLP are a spent force and a humiliated political party. The reasons why they were so soundly humiliated at the last elections are still clear in the minds of the electorate.

Corruption, Corruption, Corruption and Corruption.

On Christie believes crisis will bring PLP victory

Posted 10 September 2021, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal