Comment history

Topdude says...

Evidently this gentleman is continuing to abuse medicinal marijuana. He has to be when such statements of fantasy are flowing from his mouth. Lacking charisma, intelligence, ethics and morals, this gentleman is certainly not ready, qualified or capable of leading our nation. The inside word in the PLP is that Mr. Christie is using him and that when the election season starts, Mr. Davis will be forced to stand down. This is after the polls show that Bahamians cannot get their heads into voting for him or the Bahamian Buttigieg. He should ask his physician to reduce his dosage.

Topdude says...

Totally unacceptable response. Must be sent home. Immediately.

On Fernander files health security concerns

Posted 31 January 2020, 10:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This is the type of attitude which demoralizes and demotivates workers. Mark my word, in a very short period of time a whole heap of workers all across the Public Service will decline to come to work under the pretext that if this leader can do his work by staying home them we can stay home and do our work too.

This a very bad example to set. A leader must not only be on the job , he must be SEEN as being physically, mentally, spiritually and philosophically on the job by subordinates.

Is it little wonder why workers feel they can do anything at anytime without any fear or hope of being seen by the leaders? What type of example is this gentleman setting?

He should be ashamed of himself. And he should be dismissed forthwith. Shame. Shame. Shame.

On Fernander takes on new job - by remote

Posted 28 January 2020, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Is this man serious? He is a clairvoyant on everything. He opens his mouth and poop jumps out.

Topdude says...

Ask Davis to clarify to the Bahamian people who it was that abruptly destroyed the transformation process at the BEC when the PLP
Came to power? Just in case his mind is failing him, as I suspect it is, it was the late Bradley Roberts who abruptly terminated the project just because it was initiated under the FNM and the fact that he wanted to find lucrative jobs for PLPs who had absolutely no knowledge of what they were doing. This was the project where all employees, all unions, all supervisors and managers were totally on board. It is the height of hypocrisy and dishonesty to now blame the current problems of this vital utility on the FNM. Tell the truth. Speak the Truth. It shall set you free.

On BPL has no coherent plan, says PLP leader

Posted 20 January 2020, 7:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Mr Mitchell would like to be honored as the Bahamian Buttegieg.

Topdude says...

Envy and jealousy are traits which are unbecoming of someone of your moral character. Be patient and in time you will be honored. In the interim you need to remember the saying that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Or put another way, those who try to hide in the closet will be outed when the stones bruckup their glass houses.

Topdude says...

Apparently the retired Archbishop is using this dangerous drug. He has to be under its influence in order to support its legalization. If he were to review the literature and empirical evidence on the negative effects of marijuana, he would undoubtedly discover that marijuana is a gateway drug to bigger boys of cocaine, heroin, and other opiates, notwithstanding its gateway into alcoholism and sexual perversion.

It is unfortunate that a person of the cloth can rush to support this dangerous drug without reviewing the empirical evidence.

On Cannabis moves have Gomez' blessing

Posted 30 December 2019, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Is there something missing from Mr. Munroe’s thinking? When one is in the disciplined services, the Human Resource Policies and Procedures are entirely different from those which prevail in the Public and Private Sectors. Mr. Munroe is either looking for publicity or a payday. His argument is as solid as the morality of a prostitute. Come on Mr. Munroe get serious and desist from interfering with the operations of the Police Service. The next thing will be interference in who is promoted and who is not. Shame on you Munroe. Shame. Shame. Shame.

On Strachan: Transfer ‘unlawful’

Posted 30 December 2019, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This is a mistake. It will lead to the destruction of our Bahamaland. Stop this nonsense before it is too late.