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Topdude says...

With this new post he surely will have to share his spoils with other big guys in the PLP who must have lobbied their backsides , literally and figuratively, off for him to get the new position as the new Bag Man for the PLP. Can you imagine Shane Gibson seeing a $100 bill on the ground and passing it by? No Sir/Madam. Every thing about him smells of corruption. And as the saying goes : if it looks stink and smells stink, it is no good.

Topdude says...

Mark my words, the Chinese will do good business during his term. Gibson’s ethics are congruent with those of the Chinese telecommunications companies.

Topdude says...

You have the temerity to try to defend a crook. The fact that the police officer made a mistake in trying to line up all of the ducks, which is the way she was trained, does not reduce the fact that Gibson solicited, received and enjoyed using his office to extort funds from a beholden public. It is most unfortunate that you are missing the point of his arrest. And now you want to put him a position where the range and depth of his bribes soliciting will increase. Come on. Get serious, get ethical and show us someone who is not dishonest.

Topdude says...

This is tantamount to being wrong and strong. As it were Gibson was able to beat the rap by the skin of his teeth. Now, he wants to go after the legal system. Is this the kind of reaction we will see from the PLP? Who knows the next thing will be Nygard suing the victims of his perversion saying that he was nice to them.

Topdude says...

He was not rejected.

On Ingraham: My advice was not wanted

Posted 25 October 2021, 9:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

I am not aware of any terrorizing done by our beloved Prime Minister Minnis to the people of the Bahamas. Perhaps we see the world differently.Quite to the contrary I am aware of his nurturing, caring and empowering leadership. That you would see terror in nurture suggests to any objective person that you are a weirdo of the highest order. You see evil when there is good, you sense anger when there is joy and identify with the devil when you should fly with the angels. Get a life.

Topdude says...

The only advice Papa could offer our beloved leader Dr. Minnis , who will be returning as PM, is where to buy potato chips and junk food in bulk. Just look at Papa . He does not stack up nicely against our Prime Minister in any way, shape or form. History will show that Prime Minister Minnis was the best Prime Minister the Bahamas ever had. There is no one else who could compare to him on any dimension of leadership . The rest were all physical and intellectual midgets.

On Ingraham: My advice was not wanted

Posted 25 October 2021, 6:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Please Dr. Minnis. Please, please change your mind. Please stay don’t go. If we got on our knees and pleaded with you would stay? Please stay don’t go.

We who love you are without our anchor in life. You must have been aware that there is no one else in the Bahamas who is capable of leading us.

I will give you seven days to change your mind before the public protests and demonstrations begin. How could you even think about not running for leader? Did you not think about the impact this will have on your followers?

I am beginning to suffer from PTSD. Please stay. Please.

Topdude says...

Please, please Dr. Minnis, please reconsider your decision. We need you. The people of the Bahamas need you. The world needs you. What are we supposed to do when you are not leader? How can we trust the PLP to behave themselves and not continue to rip us off?

I will be leading a grassroots movement to get you to change your mind. We will picket, pray and demonstrate until you change your mind. How can you even consider doing something like this? Please do not let a few misbegotten sons and daughters of lop headed idiots dissuade you from what the Almighty has chosen you for. Just be patient. In the next election you will return as our Prime Minister. And the first step is to remain as leader of our FNM.

Topdude says...

Y’all asked for it by voting for this bunch of crooks. When you retire, you retire. If you come back to work it means the age of retirement is extended. And it means you are no longer retired and deserving of a pension. The additional years you will work will be added to the years of service used to calculate your pension when you finally retire. It is reprehensible to conceive of a situation where someone earns a pension and a salary from the Public Service at the same time. You cannot have it both ways.

Say what you want about Dr. Minnis and his administration at least they had the logic of public service equity down correctly.

What else can we expect from this Government. An Ambassadorial post for former Minister Gibson with the logic being he was not convicted of anything therefore his hands are clean.