Comment history

Topdude says...

Investment in what? Junkanoo? Please let’s get serious and fiscally responsible. A Junket in any shape, form or location is still a junket.

Topdude says...

Thank you for augmenting the alarm we must raise about this modern day slavery. The Government of the Bahamas is therefore subsidizing the current Cuban Government and supporting communism. This new practice is a destruction of the free labor markets in our country and will be used as cudgel to force the Bahamian professional to accept non-competitive salaries. We might as well forget free collective bargaining.

On 50 Cuban nurses join healthcare system

Posted 18 January 2022, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Dr. Minnis is absolutely correct in criticizing this junket. The waste of funds is shocking. The lame rationale that Bahamian talent was being given exposure on the international stage is absolutely incomprehensible in this day and age with the ability there is to have virtual presentations and performances. By having such a large delegation during the time of the pandemic shows we are not ready as a nation. It shows we lack the sophistication of using IT for virtual presentations. And we just don’t care about international social distancing.

And to compound this waste of funds is the statement from the Office of the PM that the delegation was reduced in size and should have been larger.

In the short period of time these PLP clowns have been in power they have shown that we will have a repeat of the actions they are accustomed to : Corruption, Confusion and Incoherence.

Topdude says...

Will these nurses receive for themselves in their own personal bank accounts the same salaries as their Bahamian counterparts with equivalent training and experience? Or will the bulk of their salaries go back to Cuba and in turn they get an a small portion of the salary?

One can only hope that our Government is not contributing to the exploitation of these nurses by the Government of Cuba. And furthermore what is the visa status of these nurses? Are they provided with individual work permits ? Or are they part of a group permit tied to the Cuban Embassy? This way they are tied literally and figuratively to the Cuban Embassy just in case they exercise their human right to seek political asylum in the Bahamas or a third country?

Reliable sources say they will be fitted with electronic monitoring devices so all their movements on and off the job will be closely monitored.

I hope the Ministry of Health can please clarify these concerns?

On 50 Cuban nurses join healthcare system

Posted 17 January 2022, 9:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

What medication is this gentle man taking or needs to take? These comments are as puerile as on can make. As I have always said this man is incapable of performing in the current roles he is filling. Clearly he is in over his head and is now attempting to philosophize about the culture of politics. What about when a politician loses the respect of the electorate as a result of his lack of moral fiber? When his personal behavior is immoral and filthy? What example does this set for the youth of the nation? One who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.

Morality is way above anything else in the ranking of attributes required of any politician. It always was and always will be.

Topdude says...

Now let’s proceed to renew Dr Smith’s contract for another term. There is no one else suitable for this position at this point in time. Moreover, he is Bahamian, experienced and enthusiastic.

Topdude says...

Mr. Mitchell is out of his area of competence. The PLP are out of their area of competence. Where in the world have you ever seen a politician holding a combined portfolio including Foreign Affairs and the Public Service? This is akin to having one person serve as a Police Commissioner and Commander of the BDF. Foreign Affairs is to focus on external issues while the Public Service is to focus on internal issues.

Each portfolio requires a separate Minister and it is abundantly clear that Mr. Wilson does not have the intellectual capacity or professional experience to handle either of these critical portfolios. And to assign him responsibility for both is an insult to the Public Service workers specifically and citizens of our nation generally.

With all that is going on globally who is focusing on them? And with all that needs to be done to transform the Public Service to meet the numerous challenges facing the nation , who is focusing on them at a Ministerial level?

Clearly it cannot be Minister Mitchell. As a first step, the Prime Minister should decouple these two portfolios so proper attention can be focused on each by separate Ministers.

If this is not done we will continue to have public servants continuing to sense a visionless direction and a climate of administrative and political disrespect for their needs and aspirations.

The PLP is carrying out their own version of throwing out the baby with the bath water Come on Mr. Prime Minister correct this monumental error before it is too late.

On Mitchell turns on ‘slow’ civil servants

Posted 9 December 2021, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Dr. Strachan will become President some time in the future. However the now is not the time for him to be apportioned to this post. He needs some more seasoning and international exposure. He is also totally beholden to the union leadership who are calling for his appointment. And these unions will gut his independence. He needs some time as Vice President to understand the payback and tit for tat of union behavior.

He is ready to be the Vice-President. You do not want a force ripened, union beholden individual stepping into this post now. The current President should remain in office for another term and Dr. Strachan made his Vice President. This way we will be all Bahamian now and in the future.

On Union backs Strachan for university role

Posted 7 December 2021, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Oh what a tangle web we weave once we practice to deceive. Can you imagine the epiphany this turncoat must have had to abandon the FNM? But then again she got Turner in name. She should be ashamed of herself. A once aspiring leader is now a boot licker.

On Loretta - PLP now the party for me

Posted 26 November 2021, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

It is most unfortunate to read these knee jerk reactions from individuals who are supposed to be intelligent. One wonders why these individuals are making these unfounded and ignorant comments. I wonder where they received their medical training?

Here it is a man with impeccable qualifications and experience advising us on the best way forward and we cast aspersions at him.

Is it little wonder that we have a crooked party at the helm of our nation?

When our greatest Prime Minister Minnis advised us in the same way we laughed and scoffed at him. Now, just a few months into the term of this new Government, we are praying for a miracle to relieve us from this disorganized and corrupt cabal of crooks.

We miss Dr. Minnis so much.