Comment history

Topdude says...

Congratulations to the RBPF. It is now medically established that marijuana smoking is exceptionally dangerous. I trust that the Government sees the scientific evidence and continues to keep this dangerous drug illegal. Just look at what it is doing to America.

Topdude says...

This will be a modern state of the art school. It will be able to withstand mass shootings. It will have Internet access 7/24. And it will have classrooms second to none.

Topdude says...

You expect our Ambassador to entertain investors and fellow diplomats in in pig sty?. The renovation was an investment and will bring substantial and significant returns to our country for many years to come. Trust me.

Topdude says...

The next drug on the agenda will be the excrement from the back of toads and frogs. You stone heads will do or say anything the justify the use of a dangerous drug documented to destroy millions of lives after first causing the users to become nonproductive, demotivated and sexually promiscuous. It is so unfortunate that the real evidence is being perverted to accommodate those who seek to destroy our society. What a crying shame.

Topdude says...

This is a whole bunch of crap, nonsense and confusion. This rant is an example of someone who is stoned. A clear example of why to legalize this drug is to confirm our descent into the doldrums of progress.

Topdude says...

I often disagree with Tribanon but this is one time that I do agree with him. Quiet as it is kept our country will also be overrun with stoned tourists. And the concern about violence in the schools and neighborhoods will just be talk.

It has been documented that this is a dangerous drug. It will destroy our country. So sad.

Topdude says...

This is a shame and travesty of Justice and the advent of a new twist to corruption. It is called a double dipping payoff. First gain from corrupt acts as Gibson did and then sue for being caught red handed. We need to ask Singapore to assist us in establishing and administering an Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Topdude says...

Please do not overlook this man’s personal intimate relationship with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Public Service Mr. Mitchell.

On Jones named as new ambassador to the US

Posted 21 February 2022, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

What do you think will happen if marijuana is legalized? I fear for our children.

On Drug candies put students in hospital

Posted 18 February 2022, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This planned initiative is sheer poppycock. It amounts to putting the cart before the horse. Demand comes before the Supply. This Government is surely doing things backwards. What can we expect from a Ministry without a Vision for the nation and by implication the number of jobs required to achieve that Vision. It is only after this critical first step is completed can we begin to talk about a human resource audit. Sheer poppycock.