Comment history

Topdude says...

Is this project a early April Fools joke? I will believe it when I see it.

Topdude says...

We need Minnis and the FNM back in office. PLP Cabinet confused. Mixed signals to investors.
God bless you Dr. Minnis.

Topdude says...

We should not be independent. For fifty years we ain’t achieving nothing. Is just corruption and addictions and Haitians. I vote for de independence and dependence on His Majesty Government to control we until we are ready.

On 50 events planned for 50th Independence

Posted 16 March 2023, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

What’s the big deal?

Topdude says...

This discussion is very convoluted. How are we defining “wife?” Are we including gay couples in the debate? Which of the two men or women will be considered the wife? Or can each one complain on the other about marital rape? Can Minister Fred Mitchell complain about marital rape? Once these issues are clarified we can proceed to have a realistic discussion.

There is no need for the Press Secretary to apologize. Period.

On Watson: I was wrong and I’m sorry

Posted 19 October 2022, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Does this marital rape brouhaha include same gender marriages? Or same gender marriage is a different ball game when it comes to consensual sex? Could someone from the LBGTQ community please enlighten us?

Topdude says...

The PM, as usual, is not thinking through his responses carefully. One unintended consequence of his naive recommendation is the promotion of men having an outside woman who is always happy to have sex with her man. Or, additionally, the PM is certainly making a case for polygamy.

Topdude says...

You are definitely someone who believes the filth being spewed by the LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 community. The laws need to be changed to outlaw these immoral practices. A wife belongs to her husband just like a husband belongs to his wife. Notice HER and HIS. Not SHIM and SHER. The Lord made man and woman.

On ‘One in 12’ women raped by husbands

Posted 12 October 2022, 6:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This “study” is a joke and probably funded by the LGBTQ community. When a real woman gets married she promises to honor and obey her husband. Correct? Enough said.

On ‘One in 12’ women raped by husbands

Posted 12 October 2022, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

The legalization of marijuana use, production and commercialization is bad news and should be thrown into the scrap heap of failed ideas.