Comment history

Topdude says...

If ever there was a more honorable, honest and noble politician you have him in Dr. Minnis. This gentleman raised the bar on integrity during his tenure. If ever the Bahamian people need a new leadership, then let us bring this man back. Previous and subsequent Prime Ministers have sullied this office.

Topdude says...

Thanks Dr Minnis. Your perspective is very badly needed in our leadership of our country. Now Bahamas is being to miss your views and leadership. Please come back to lead our nation.

Topdude says...

This is sheer nonsense. Marijuana is a gateway drug to hard drugs. You can call it medical the bottom line is that is a known addictive substance. Ask the drug addicts and they will tell you their addiction started with marijuana. Now to make it legal and put the medical cover on it is to open the door for this drug.

Topdude says...

Please stop following those other countries. Marijuana is bad news. The next thing is that they will want to legalize hard drugs. Marijuana is bad, bad news. Stop.

Topdude says...

Dr Minnis was the greatest leader we ever had in this country. It is only a matter of time before we realize this. God bless you Doc.

Topdude says...

Why are they still bothering this man? Please remember what goes around comes around.

Topdude says...

The comment above is so true. When Will the owners of this obesity generator begin giving out vouchers for dialysis ?

On Bahamas' first IHOP officially opens

Posted 5 April 2023, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This is a shame to promote this type of competition. These females ( presumably) should be in the home. Cooking, knitting, sewing and related activities should be what are promoted. This sends a mixed message to our daughters and detracts from their feminineness.

Topdude says...

This is a shame to promote this type of competition. These females ( presumably) should be in the home. Cooking, knitting, sewing and related activities should be what are promoted. This sends a mixed message to our daughters and detracts from their feminineness.

Topdude says...

This suggestion of exposing our children to something which is in itself misunderstood, unnatural and immoral is a slap in the face to our Christian Heritage. Our children do not need exposure to this filth. They need exposure to a curriculum that will improve their skills, knowledge and abilities. Exposure to transgender education is an attempt to give a green light to this behavior.