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Topdude says...

And these forlorn “teachers” are basically foreign exchange earners for the Cuban government. They only receive a portion of their salary. The difference is sent by the Government of the Bahamas directly to the Government of Cuba. And each teacher serves as an informant on all other teachers especially if they think the teacher will defect and seek freedom.

Topdude says...

This is a shameful and unacceptable situation to say the least. It is downright disrespectful to our pupils and their learning. Is there another motive behind this development? Is this an attempt to indoctrinate our children with the communist philosophy of Cuba? All Cuban students are indoctrinated with Marxist and Leninist propaganda in every class. So the outcome will be students who support communism. The next move will be bringing teachers from Russia and sending our children to Russia and Cuba to study. Where are we headed?

Topdude says...

Why is it that we in the Bahamas have to pull each other down. This is reflection of an inferiority complex. The CEO of the BPL is an outstanding executive and should be allowed to turn the company around. Please give him a chance. Build him up . Don’t pull him down.

On BPL CEO rates company 8 out of 10

Posted 1 August 2023, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This defies logic. This will provide children with the view that prison is a viable Avenue and create the despicable impression that it is okay to be imprisoned. The whole objective of imprisonment is punishment and to let all and sundry know that one is incarcerated for committing a crime. By allowing children to visit the prison sends a wrong message and reduces the severity of the punishment. Pretty soon conjugal visits with wives, male or female or transgender, is going to be allowed. Come on Government stop this distortion of the biblical laws.

Topdude says...

This is crazy. Now foreign women will be deliberately having sex with Bahamian men to get pregnant so their children will become Bahamian .

Topdude says...

Let’s get down to basics. We are all animals. Correct. And do we we find this perverted type of behavior in other animal groups? Is sex with other animals ( bestiality) okay too?

Please, let us get serious, LBGT type behaviors are unnatural. Where in the Bible are these behaviors condoned, encouraged and celebrated?

Topdude says...

And any consideration of legalization of this poison must stop immediately.

Topdude says...

Please step up these search and seizures. Please do not forget that this is a gateway drug to opiates. Please. Please. Our children lives are at stake.

Topdude says...

Some of these shemen look good even better than a lot of women. The problem is they were born as men. And they pretend to be female. Some get surgery and hormone treatment. They need psychiatric treatment.

Topdude says...

Gonsalves needs to mind his own business.