Comment history

Truism says...

How does one refuse to take a vaccine that in unavailable? Since additional vaccine have been accessible most of the vaccine sites have experienced overflow crowds. This letter appears to be an attempt to misrepresent the story of the PLP and the response of the Bahamian government to the Covid-19 crisis.

On PLP using Trump’s playbook

Posted 28 August 2021, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Where did this nonsense that they're both corrupt come from. Attempts have been advanced to attempt to prove the PLP corrupt, however, they've all failed miserably. Actually those making the accusations have been judicially condemned.

On FNM ‘lie machine’

Posted 26 August 2021, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

The Bahamian news media, (official), has for the most part proven to be biased. The scandals news events that have occurred during this four plus year period would have been fodder for corruption story ad nauseam.

On FNM ‘lie machine’

Posted 26 August 2021, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Before Covid, before Dorian, before Oban, before all the allegations that were judicially found to be without merit, Mrs. Butler-turner told us he was sorely lacking in integrity.

On DIANE PHILLIPS: For Whom the Bell Tolls

Posted 23 August 2021, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Oh... That's how it is. Water heater replacement, sink fixture replacement, just salt damage on everything related to the water I'm paying for and now there's a delay. I'm the conch.

Truism says...

Only an individual who does not have the best interest of his country at heart would go to a foreign country and seek to tear down the very country that he was elected to lead as PM. Minnis head really jammed. And this is the party that wants people to support them as the government. If that is not enough to make people run the other way I don't know what will.

Truism says...

Excuse me, but, I thought Obie gave them the hook up. Seems like he is better positioned to cause us to have the requisite testing supplies. Wilchombe for Minister of Health.

On PM accepts Sands’ resignation

Posted 4 May 2020, 8:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Wow. Politics shouldn't change the basic understanding of what pledges are. They are donationsare intended gifts not loans.

On moncurcool

Posted 17 January 2020, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Is it possible a group of civic minded citizens sat through hours of testimony considers the evidence and then made a determination that Mr. Gibson was not guilty of the charges brought against him? As strange as it may seem these people may have been able to evaluate and judge the veracity of evidence as it was place before them hence their decision.

On Many shocked at outcome of case

Posted 6 December 2019, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Mr. Symonette's interview emphatically branded the resolution an abuse of the parliament. The resolution was a bold face lie. The height of wutlessness. LMAO