Comment history

Truism says...

Amazing how the apologist among us can come to the defense of those who would seek to lead. At best, Mrs. Emanuel was ill prepared to make a contribution to a budget debate her lacked of preparedness is not only an insult to her constituent, but to the parliament, her party and the country. The fact that she couldn't read a seven digit number only served to expose her level of contempt for the people she serves. SAD

On Responses to Mrs Emmanuel mean-spirited

Posted 20 June 2019, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Goddie for GG. LMAO

On Arise, Dame Janet

Posted 30 March 2019, 1:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Corruption at an unprecedented level

Truism says...

The proper way to address such accusations. Don't try to prove a charge that is not, or cannot be formally presented.

On Myron looks to join Steelers

Posted 22 February 2019, 8:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Ask Dames if they filed a flight plan. LMAO

Truism says...

OMG. I do know. That was no preliminary inquiry. A criminal case being tried in the magistrate court where the magistrate made a ruling that the defendant had no case to answer. Limits on civil damages that can be sought at this level is not relevant. Reading comprehension is vital for those who want to lecture.

On There are grounds for a civil suit - Davis

Posted 7 February 2019, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

LMAO@Licks2. Damn! You're creating your own court case and legal process. This was a case being tried in the magistrate court. What I'm really saying is that your assertion is idiotic.

On There are grounds for a civil suit - Davis

Posted 5 February 2019, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Or his trying to defend his none payment of child support.LMAO.

On Take your education seriously, urges senator

Posted 16 January 2019, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

When one can find no reasonable cause to support the action of one's leaders we do what we do. We present the vilest bile and pretend that we are addressing or defending the action of our leaders. Deflection, deflection, deflection... SAD

Truism says...

By applying a clause built into a contract for redundancy purpose these contracts are not commercially viable. Which financial institution is going to extend a loan to a contractor whose contract really has a real life of 60 days. Just saying. LMAO