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TruthHurts says...

Ain't that some sh*$!! I agree! However, I like the fact that these dogs have turned on each other so that all their garbage will come to the forefront. No more hearsay or assumptions..factual information in their dirty dealings, so we (Bahamian public) can hang them all with. BE GONE!

On PM told to tackle corruption claims

Posted 26 August 2015, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

There are some folks in Grand Bahama that have benefited greatly from Carnival Cruise; however, with the local economic decline over the years individuals had more than enough time to plan for 'what if'. In my opinion..nothing stays the same forever, and CHANGE ceases stagnation and brings growth and new avenues; which GB should welcome with open arms. It may be rough at first, but it's a necessary evil that must come about.

TruthHurts says...

I agree! And why pray tell should 'one' single group of people be able to continuously profit off the ships? By changing the location, open doors for new ideas in regards to attractions and activities for it's customers! Not the same ole' same ole'?? Open your mind QC? This may be the catalyst that the island needs to broaden their horizons and stop sticking to one way of doing things! Time to think outside the box goddamn it! The east as well as the west needs to be utilize to its fullest for the benefit of all.

TruthHurts says...

Furthermore, how can you be so detached and laxed when it comes to people's LIVES! If you knew that there is a possibility of something like this happening with a new mother, wouldn't you give her a cautionary speech if she were to encounter any issues to get her a*% back to the hospital asap! This makes a world of difference, because every minute counts!

I'm so fed up and disgusted with PMH.

On Family asks hospital why young mother died

Posted 26 August 2015, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

Agreed!!! Then, when you call them out on their negligence they want to 'catch feelings'! (Rollins signature phrase) This situation has so many red flags that a blind person can see where they tried to cover their tracks. Shame on them! Take em' to the cleaners!!

May D'Andjoua and her family get the justice they rightly deserve so that she can truly rest in peace!

On Family asks hospital why young mother died

Posted 26 August 2015, 9:01 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

I agree with you 'birdie' as one that knows him well. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Most of these guys are a bunch of bullsh*%$rs and not to be taken seriously. So sick and tired of their disingenuous rhetoric!

TruthHurts says...

You're sooo correct! So this leads us all to wonder what is his problem? Just come out already!

TruthHurts says...

Go get em'! Good Job!

TruthHurts says...

Oh Tal stop it! You lost this one hun. Banker is making sense.. it's widely known by everyone; man, woman and child that things are very bad and not likely to change any time soon. Many are still here (in The Bahamas) still trying to lead honest, productive lives under such a strained economy. There is no hysteria being incited by stating the obvious truths of our society to date. It is, what it is! The fact that you still have loyal but frustrated Bahamians here, riding out this storm says a lot. there lies hope for a better tomorrow. There is not much one can do until we go to the polls. So leave us be to 'beat our gums' as much as wish until that time. Change will come but we must realize and SPEAK truth or how will we rectify the problems and issues we seem to be plagued with year in year out?!

P.S. I'm not cloaking my 'MA' if she did wrong by someone, much less any of these goons that call themselves cabinet ministers!

TruthHurts says...

"PS: Nygard has been pretty quiet lately. Perhaps he now realizes hat he has been bamboozled and hoodwinked by the swing train Generals who says, "thanks for that election campaign donation. We still working on that stem cell thing for you!"

You guys are cracking me up! If you don't laugh, you'll cry! (shakes head)