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TruthHurts says...

"You guys need to cut it out with God this, God that... Try talking to a hungry man about God its useless, all he seeks is food... You eating he hungry, he be ready to kill u. Human instinct is to survive and these guys are in survival mode. Its easy to speak from a position of comfort about God but the young men in these over the hill communities only think about how they gonna survive each day."

This statement is so far from the core reality that I can't bare to read the rest of it. Here's why I say that; I was told a long time ago by a cousin of mine that the men and women who walk the streets of The Bahamas (at the time Nassau), all have a place to go home to. Someone out there will give them rest and feed them, if only for the day, until they return to the streets where they so desire to be. At the time, I felt he was talking crap until I heard some interesting back stories on those folks ('Juncers'/vagabonds), and realized it was actually true!

These guys that you speak of who are killing to survive are not in survival mode, they are under something else... They have succumbed to the EGO of their existence and that very same ego begets sin! And what clearly drives these young men that kill is the desire to HAVE what others have worked hard for. If they were really robbing folks to make a few dollars to send their kids to school and puts clothes on their backs I'd have a ounce of sympathy. Back in the day, I feel that very same Bahamian that was robbed, hearing their assailants reasons would have even had it in their heart to forgive and turn right around, and given them what they had intended to steal from them. Of course not going away before giving them a few stern words on moral values. But when you not only rob, but kill another person and then go wearing and parading your loot, I have a BIG problem with that! These guys who run the streets are a new breed and sorry to say they are not all Bahamian but also immigrants who's familys come from different backgrounds and don't have that sense of remorse or atonement.

So you say people need to stop talking about God this and God that, but it is as others have said... it IS truly about GOD and the scriptures/teachings of the Bible. You live by the sword you die by it. A knife can be used as a resource to attack or defend; whose attacking whom here? People are dying for the lack of knowledge of the 'good book'! If they had come close to reading the Bible they would have an understanding who they are and why things are the way it is, and where they are going. If they are TRULY hungry, that very same book is the best sustenance for the lack.

On Husband and wife found shot dead in Grand Bahama

Posted 15 September 2015, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

And by the way.. don't reference my name in relation to or in retaliation of your daft arguments and illogical reasoning! Goodbye!

On ‘Police left our relative to die’

Posted 2 September 2015, 9:28 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

There are no's folks like you why this country is the way it is. Furthermore, I don't know anyone in their right mind that would run from the police as you've said. You make folks who live in poorer areas look like folks. There are people ( some of my relatives) that speak of these guys doing petty theft and hanging out on the blocks. How is it, that the folks I know have never made the news in their lives but live amongst those that seem to always have run in with the police officials. You're making no sense! I'm done with your retarded a##!!

On ‘Police left our relative to die’

Posted 2 September 2015, 9:22 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

"The men fled when they saw the officers. Police chased them and caught up with one who pointed a handgun at the officers.

Police, in defence of their lives, fired at the suspect, fatally shooting him, the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) said."

FYI.. what article did you read? I am referring to the story and the facts stated within ( as reported by the Tribune). I stated and I quote that.. "I think that is their mandate", which I do not know for sure that it is. But if you as a policeman was called to a scene where it is presumed that guys are standing in the street armed what the hell would you expect upon arriving? Again, if they were not guilty of doing anything then why run??? This is the question that I posed. So I don't know where you were coming from stating that I'm not being realistic when you yourself clearly live in a bubble! My whole thought process is on the fact that if they are innocent do not run from the police!

On ‘Police left our relative to die’

Posted 2 September 2015, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

I think its part of their mandate. So provided you did run and they called out to you to stop.. and you don't, what do you think should be their next plan of action? Run them down all around Nassau after they were called there on suspicion of unauthorized firearms?

On ‘Police left our relative to die’

Posted 2 September 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

What I fail to understand is.. if I were among st people who I had no idea were wanted by the police and the officers happened to show up on the scene. Why would I run?? If I had in fact did nothing wrong! The instinct to run, if I had not committed any crime, would not be there. I feel for the mother who witnessed the death of her son; however, these guys obviously knew why they wanted to get the hell out of dodge when the authorities arrived.

On ‘Police left our relative to die’

Posted 2 September 2015, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


TruthHurts says...

Oh! Spare me!! We're not dealing with the average criminal who holds people up and just runs away! no! We're dealing with psychopaths who rob their victim then kill them, folks that come out of jail that commit heinous crimes after heinous crime then laugh their way to the court house. No! We're dealing with Bahamian as well as immigrant criminals who go on social media and threaten the police. Fathers being gunned down right in front of innocent children that are scarred for life! And you say use a 'stun-gun'??? Who brings a knife to a obvious gun fight?? The loss of human life? It is shameful and a travesty to kill a killer; but a good thing to give him grace to kill and kill again? The last time I checked these criminals don't act much in the way of a human being. Ever heard the saying.. you live by the sword you die by it? It is a evil spirit that consumes a man's heart to do such gruesome things that these guys have done and continue to do to those around them. I have no love for them; shoot to kill!

TruthHurts says...

Not disagreeing with you, but I still don't understand why that is still a factor at this point in the game. The government went on record to state that Junkanoo Carnival was a huge success and you're taxing the people to the brink with VAT and God knows what else.. Where is all that money going and why are government workers still not being paid what is due to them? Makes no sense to have these people going on strike again for wages if you're raking in so much money off taxes!

TruthHurts says...

LMBO! When I saw this heading, I was like; ..and why should I care if he's pleased?? Bahamians are still being gunned down in cold blood! smt