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UN says...

hypocrisy. Every day we’re up one Haitian gal’s behind (HER parents are OUR parents - we even call them by THEIR Haitian names) AND when President Trump kindly allowed us to stay for a LITTLE bit we overstayed our welcome (dis land is now our land)? We don’t wanna go back to that s-hole? Yep - hypocrisy. Pot meet kettle..

UN says...

They get $1,400 per person AND $300 a WEEK top up of unemployment benefits. But we’re so greedy, we also need to ‘know’ a ‘poor’/rich gal from here? A new version of the ‘mammy’ figure? Take care of us, even though other gals gave birth to us?

This nation: not even the courtesy in advance to tell you that you won’t be able to ‘verify’ for $200....nothing posted anywhere - assume everyone is a gossiper/voyeur...newspapers and official sites are useless.

On The $1.9tn American bazooka

Posted 15 March 2021, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Murder Right! ?

Murder Rat! ?

UN says...

“Money money money money. Money. Money money money money. Money....”

All a we said it = instant millionaires?

UN says...

Nearly a year later and the ‘richest woman in the Bahamas’, who’s the everything of the odd masses, can’t get a response from the PM. But they can. How much are they mad about? One hundred thousand in total? NOT retirement money. Hundreds of millions of dollars or more given by wealthy benefactors has been known to help many many people (look at the good Mr. Gates has done in Africa - he’s not getting his hand dirty per se but his money has saved lives).

If rich bosses didn’t create companies & hired the masses, there would be no jobs generating income to buy health insurance (look at Haiti) and people would just be left to die (we don’t work for free, without money coming in that means no salaries for us). The ‘investor figure’ is being diminished to allow ego tripping to continue.

People who are clearly not skipping any meals and who are enjoying many benefits (paid health insurance) are getting their cake and eating it too - keep her around as a measuring tool but at the same time she ain’t nuttin’, we should come first because we got chirrin’. Those chirrin’ are so ‘well mannered aka well nurtured’, they’re in the streets having breakdowns often (it’s clear where they get it from) - yelling insults at a female stranger as if they resent her for not being moma (you don’t want us, we’d be an embarrassment to YOU, we don’t like the masculine gals we call moma - we want your dna).

Yes - they will come first. PM will ensure they get their money but he’ll ignore the woman who is their (secret) everything. Deranged but they make up the workforce.

Investors everywhere should be taking notes - this is how they REALLY feel about us.

On PM promises nurses: I’ll sort money

Posted 5 February 2021, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

“For if they do these things when the tree is green, what will they do when it is dry.” - Jesus

Good times: ‘Richest Woman In The Bahamas’, ‘Ms. 80 Million’, ‘You don’t know about the 80’, “40’ (2 ppl stole 40 mil each?). Only taunts and we’ll sit in our ac’d cars watching you walk in the sun and rain while others (who possibly have comforts you’ve never enjoyed - indoor laundry, central air, a FULLY stocked fridge, etc) benefit from money meant for you.

Bad times: we have ppl looking out for us, it’s STILL all a we vs one a you (our sick brains still think this is normal - explains the high rape stat). Things are bad for ALL, which means OUR ‘rich’ obsession may end up homeless and we’ll feel no guilt (let’s ignore your eight year ordeal). Logic: when it comes to showing integrity - the time is always right.

As for the we-always-have-to-make-it-about-us Gals: I find it very sad how a female being stalked equals using her to get attention. Confirms a lot of daddy didn’t want us & moma wasn’t motherly issues. Yes, very telling - the quiet one even has strangers from Alaska ‘knowing’ her aka watching paint dry. But MANY of us need to use ONE you to get attention (by resorting to sly we-still-lil-girls insults).

UN says...

Seems they’re seeing this as an easy way to get ‘life savings’ from the mega millions/billions resort. Getting their cake (many months of bills paid and/or possibly extra left over to maybe buy a new car/pay on a house) and eating it too (we thousands make up the workforce, when things pick up again, they’ll have no choice but to call us back). There is a vaccine out there which should equal light at the end of the tunnel, so now is a good time to get thousands. A possible wrench in their possible plans - the resort could reward their greed and betrayal by bringing in foreigners, but they wouldn’t want that either (hostage-taking is a skill).

Amnesia seems to have set in - I do remember reading they were all getting a weekly stipend in addition to the weekly NIB benefits they were receiving. But that all stopped when the extension decreased to $400 monthly. A union chief was JUST in the paper advising them not to demand severance because there are no jobs out there. And isn’t Atlantis continuing to pay their health insurance? Unlike HER, if we get sick we’ll enjoy good healthcare.

I’m sensing something - SHE who has no one to fall back on goes to the atm to get $20 here or there and this has us mad with jealousy (we’re famously small-minded & petty). We may even be trying to nudge nudge wink wink the PM (she vs all of us means we should win). It’s amazing, President Clinton was brave enough to make a trek to ‘hostile’ territory to rescue TWO gals from a four-hundred-million-population-country to save them from a lifetime of no more manicured nails - but here HER eating ‘diabetes causing food’ McDonald’s is seen as ‘she’s too elevated’).

Yes - we need for HER to be starved, dehydrated and worried. But HER white former landlady can sit in generator’d, ac’d, indoor laundry’d comfort while the ‘rich’ black gal living in a hot dump struggles to find $ to give her her half. The drawbacks of hoping black self-hating bigots will show integrity. Yes - misogyny (the sly kind reserved for Haitian Gals).

On ‘How long must we hold on?’

Posted 29 January 2021, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

This should have been done by the last president? Yes, these same restrictions would have benefitted us back then too? There is a vaccine which should equal light at the end of the tunnel but we want to continue to paint a dire picture? It truly isn’t about saving lives..

The Bahamian masses haven’t done themselves any favors - those who still have jobs are using their positions to play mind-games. Heard many times restaurants are suffering but let’s serve her taste funny (sperm seasoned?) rice at a Greek cafe (where I’m your daddy keeps forgetting he didn’t create nor raise her), empty for a reason McDonald’s: twice in a row barely edible food (kiddies lashing out at moma for not popping them out?). Bad food everywhere (she don’t cook but I’m not the one taking $ in exchange for inedible food).

Covid era but give money to entitled wannabes and receive bad service in return? Covid era but make a trek to crazy town? Sometimes a look in the mirror is needed..

On Atlantis moves quickly to furlough workers

Posted 26 January 2021, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Yep, it’s all about the ‘employee’ figures, making sure they’re able to eat and have a place to stay. But the Sol Kerzner figure has no income coming in and is relying on the extended benefits. It’s people like me (‘rich’ - can afford the trip) who keep them employed but let’s pretend that’s not so (they must come first). If tourism picks up - no need to extend it. It’s all about them. Yes, that so called nobody is needed to boost our egos (at least we’re not this or that). Misogyny. Bigotry.

Are they harassed daily? Years of being ogled and groped? Do ‘precious’ kids show them disrespect aka confirming they have no future? Conditioned to be hateful. Yes, ppl get to have their cake and eat it too (keep her amongst us, have her struggle and not so secretly have her as an ego boosting measuring tool). Can’t look out for someone who lives here but when Hurricane hits we expect strangers to look out for us...

I suspect ‘women’ have done things behind the scenes to keep their ‘competition’ within reach. Selfish. You did this or that (um, when were we pals?) and so we will avenge the wrong. But we’re known to gleefully look at the crime scenes of dead females (even pregnant ones). They need to learn true professionalism and integrity. They’re not my sisters and I did not take their man. The drawbacks of gals in the workplace? Instead of doing the right thing they choose to go into fantasy land (her hair, her body, her face, him, him, him)?

I’m still waiting for Dr. Minnis to return my call (since end November). president Clinton bravely got on a plane and flew to ‘enemy territory’ to save two educated ‘professional’ gals who willingly chose to go to a well known strict country. They faced a lifetime in work camp, but after just a few months he rescued them. The perks of having non black skin? 8 long years of having uninvited baboons in my personal affairs. February will make one year since I reached out to Dr. Minnis and since then things are a lot worse. Maybe he doesn’t understand my being out of reach would be in the best interest of the country. It seems when people know I’m near they get distracted. I need resolution.

UN says...

Proudly biased (and misogynistic). A woman is dead but all we can think about is shanty towns. Why does proud haitian ‘Princess’ have to put up with such bigots? Live amongst them, give them money (that part always forgotten - this peanut ain’t nothing we want YOUR riches) in exchange for disrespect?

Explains why tourists and the rich have been going to private islands (not people any decent person would want to know). I have many wonderful memories of the old school Haitians who I called friends and family (they weren’t entitled and showed no thirst for wealth).

Also explains why I can get swindled and not one person can show integrity..