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UN says...

Maybe the SAD we’re-forever-wannabe-ing gals are trying to do what another did (have a kid or kids with all the ‘good’ things - hair, skin, etc)? I did notice former neighbors with light skinned kids ALL made sure to try to get my attention (but, um, who dey is? where dey at?). Or maybe their desperation for husbands has reached a breaking point (gurl, that 76% stat is embarrassing), so let them ride us like donkeys but at least we’ll get something out of it.

For many years now the ‘Christian’ ppl of this country have normalized the sexualizing of a certain girl/teen (visualizing kids and babies?? aka pedophilia is cool). We’re all doing it so it’s fine. Kids are not safe in their presence, it’s clear a ‘problem’ child especially means He/She (an adult) started it so we can continue the wrong. I’ve heard of teens marrying but it’s clear in this country the very young are viewed as innocent and therefore gullible. When a teen marries, she won’t stay a teen forever. One day she’ll be 25, 30, 40 (so the husband wasn’t trying to fulfill a fetish).

Their logic: the world’s youngest mother (5 years old) would be seen as fair game (she fast so dat means alright, she get period aka da body ripe aka dat ready and our brain da same age means she is TRULY woman aka we believe in shoddy science).

On Bahamian wives made their bed

Posted 31 December 2020, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Not surprising..instead of urging them to stay home and read a book (not taught at a young age to love to read but they’ll learn to love studying at college?) we gat them babbling insults (move out! and n****r! - yep, explains why youth are always hauled before the courts) in the streets at new-mama (you better give your new-kids their money, ain’t no way WE ga spend 27 years in the workforce). Hand us OUR money on that gold platter.

Stupid, egotistical parents have trained the youth to be unambitious: why should we study and/or work hard at a job? Doesn’t that one stranger have money? She’s US (lived in our neighborhoods and even walks around) so we’re entitled to money too. Um, who are they to me? I chose not to procreate but their parents chose to have them (so shouldn’t they be pestering THEIR mummy and daddy - if they can find him?)

Witnessing their lazy parents resent working has led to youth hating the thought of working too. My parents never complained (50+ & 35 years in the workforce) - came home tired and sweaty. Their knows-she’s-entitled-to-money-but-for-those-eight-years-still-did-her-job-faithfully daughter has been in the workforce for 27 long years (since age 17 or 7).

Yes, you reap what you sow...

UN says...

Hmmm..these ‘warriors’ need more money in order to fight the good fight? It’s a good thing soldiers (who go to war for years and return with missing leg, pinky and toe) don’t demand payments for risking their lives for strangers. Can you say many more terrorists attacks? Thousands more dead and we can’t prepare (those terrorists sure love surprise attacks).

Once heard a true story - ten or so U.S. soldiers were fighting in a foreign country, some of the men in the group died and the others were wounded. Locals of that country found them and risked their own lives to keep them safe (nursed them, kept them hidden). It was later explained it was due to a lifelong code they abided by (believe it was: no matter what - keep the underdog safe from the enemy). All involved became lifelong friends (the U.S. soldiers forever grateful). But other people (we warriors too) only seem to care about money and image (no ethics, morals, many of us vs one of her, etc).

UN says...

A part of me is hoping they find some (would work in my favor). We now have money so we can stop pretending she’s a relative who has to make us rich (and it may also stop the weird psychology: a person you once knew helped you means you have to make we’re-all-strangers-to-you rich).

And people may finally develop some class and integrity. No more lashing out because the wrong mama give birth to us, no more being petty with food (expensive tough-meat-water-soup and not the okra soup she used dwindling $ to pay for, McDonald’s: let her stand there catching cramp while we taunt her - instead of being grateful for a job - I want you to know you have ‘no one’, junglist customer ‘my husband gave me $700’, she paid for oatmeal-no-cream but we’ll slyly add a bit of cream anyway, KFC: she’s a loyal customer but we’ll ego trip by telling her there is no lemonade).

Small minds. That’s how people filled with hope spend their working hours? Imagine the crap they’re doing during off hours? Yes, striking oil would be a good thing (for me).

On BPC begins drilling exploratory oil well

Posted 21 December 2020, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

‘Vulnerable to the penetration of malign actors”: Yep, the malign actors are the entire country & others. Eight long years (every thought & plan known by others). The neighbors below try to make it appear that they’re the culprit (stupidly confirming they should be in prison for ‘invasion of privacy’ - in some normal countries that’s a two year term - it’s against the law to care too much about what a stranger who hates you does or says). Yes, Nygard somehow had his way with me but we sweet, creatively stalking ladies won’t leave a woman alone. A nation of anything goes.

Paging Dr. Minnis: please contact the ‘Richest Woman In The Bahamas’. Mailed and emailed a letter back in February and since then things have gotten a lot worse. Shameful how a citizen is being treated. Even criminal acts fall under ‘all a we is one.’ If it doesn’t involve ALL of us, then it’s not a big deal? Many against one is now the norm? I need resolution.

On Cyber security experts: BTC network vulnerable

Posted 18 December 2020, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

I wish he would confirm his zero tolerance for corruption by finally contacting the woman who sent him a letter many months ago. We’re all so 2-faced (and she’s the crazy one).

Other countries: Invasion of Privacy (1 yr jail term). Stalking and Hacking (5 years each). Add fraud too? Outnumbered by criminals. It explains why men charged with bribery were able to walk free (dey jus like us, we expectin’ a gal to give us $ too).

UN says...

I sent a letter and an email to Dr. Minnis back in February (way before any talk of lockdowns) and I’ve sent countless emails since then. He can’t respond or contact a woman who’s entitled to a lot of money? In other countries, just being a rap star $ means you can have the President on speed dial (former career as a drug dealer - irrelevant). He’s been pictured with the gaming brothers - who introduced gambling to the addictive personality masses but he can’t contact a woman entitled to money who’s outnumbered by evil?

I called his office for the first time today and obvious stalling tactics occurred (on hold for 30 mins just to leave a msg with his assistant). His assistant was very dismissive, at first ‘Oh I don’t see your email address’ - meaning - I may delete it on sight? But why no response to the letter i mailed back in February? Then she finally spotted the address. And, ‘Oh I don’t think he’ll call’ - meaning - I won’t give him the msg?

Who do they work for? Why not give him the message and let the big boy take it from there (why did they act like moma protecting a teen boy?). A citizen of this country can’t get answers? She even asked if I went to the police. Those ‘professionals’ have also taunted a woman for eight years (just last week a gal cop said a sexual taunt in the foodstore - seemed to be waiting for me to appear).

The people of this nation keep forgetting this country is just one of many nations in this region - they act oddly but forget they’re tourism ambassadors (how many rich people had to see twitching lunatics?)

Hopefully, I will hear from him soon.

UN says...

All A We Is Important *eyeroll*

UN says...

They’re milking the Black Lives Matter fad to death. Many chicks have proven having a degree means nothing. We’re ‘educated’ bank staff who yell insults while on the job (our infantile brain can’t grasp we’re ruining our own reputations). Just today, a gussie in a Commonwealth Bank uniform stood around a takeout place, clearly in a trance (la la land): I’m a stranger in here ‘responding’ to something a nobody said privately. Do I have shares in that bank? If so, shouldn’t a bigger priority be to ensure the near dehydrated/one foot in grave secret princess receives her money?

Wise Maya Angelou never graduated college and she’s one of the world’s most quoted people. Black female billionaire Folorunsho Alikija was once the richest black woman in the world (she never attended college). These new chicks: nothing/no one to be proud of.

On Born in The Bahamas, and elected in the U.S.

Posted 10 November 2020, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

These same broads who create secret/not so secret chaos in the workplace every single day are using a chick being handed a position (she’s no Hilary Clinton or Margaret Thatcher) as a ploy for more money? Laughable. She’s only there because Black Lives Matter is a current fad. They have zero reason to feel proud. Nothing good got accomplished. I knew they were going to use this somehow (you see - WE are something). Jokes. They can’t last a minute on the job without twitching and babbling.

I’d like Mrs former attorney general to tell secret princess her real age and where her money is located. I remember dining at East Villa eons ago with my 3 bosses and clearly one of them knew her real well. The former AG greeted her (oddly she didn’t respond) - must have a connection because she called my boss by a nickname used only by close friends and family: Joey. How old was I really at that time?

Yes, it’s all about money.

On ‘Harris success should spur equality here’

Posted 10 November 2020, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal