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UN says...

A group of Bahamians loudly proclaimed they felt this was wrong. That’s a head-scratcher because literally every female in the country is stalking a woman (8 long years). Why would heterosexual females talk about a woman’s sexual history? Are men known to single out a man and talk about his sexual history? Are men known to confirm they’re pedophiles by picturing a grown man as a boy? Warped.

We can get away with feeling we’re all in a relationship with you but sane people can’t protect themselves?

UN says...

Like unruly babies - daddy has to put a kiddie gate near the stairs to stop us from killing ourselves *sucky tumb*

UN says...

People are acting as though every little bit of money these people earn goes to Haiti (and helping out fellow humans is a problem? Dorian?? Trump help us and then we will stay permanently). I’m proudly of Haitian descent and was raised poor. We didn’t have a car or a phone, but 80% of the money my parents earned went towards food (thankfully never went to bed hungry - either parent would shop weekly and come back with a trolley filled with food). We never traveled, so they shopped here for school items and clothing (no going to Florida to help a 22 trillion economy).

Work permits add up to $60 million per year (according to Brent Symonette). They also have to eat and need clothing, so they are contributing. No pleasing some people - reminds me of the other side of the whole ‘foreigners taking our land’ thing (during bad times we want foreigners to live here - inject $ into our economy but during good times amnesia sets in and we resent them for living well).

On Shanty town families mostly ‘legal’

Posted 21 October 2020, 9:21 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Easy for some people to be behind full lockdowns (the government just got a loan to ensure their salaries will continue to be paid). Just following the usual/easy script (simply lock ‘em down, we don’t care how that $600 million loan gets repaid). Witnessed the same amnesia when vat was introduced (what debt?)

If masks help, why are cases spiking everywhere?

UN says...

See, we’re harmless (not one hair harmed). Lol!

On Erin's stalker ordeal

Posted 20 October 2020, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

The people of this country love being an unpleasant surprise (not people you want to associate with in any way). They don’t understand people make plans - they have no regard for that at all. I just wish ONE person would show integrity - tell this ‘nobody’ (who total strangers plan their worthless lives around) where her money is located. I have to struggle alongside my stalkers. Cold, selfish, heartless people (they have some fools thinking their persistent nosiness/acting familiar with strangers is friendliness but I know better).

On As money is cut, NIB ‘doing best we can’

Posted 16 October 2020, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

They’re only focusing on the tourists as if local businesses don’t help them at all. What happens if doing this causes more businesses to fail and the tourism numbers are low? No $ at all to pay back debt. I shopped recently and it was with a purpose (didn’t view it as a hangout - was in and out).

On ‘Curbside only is killing us’

Posted 15 October 2020, 6:40 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Maybe: small town, more people = more cases? Keep locking down and when more businesses fail they won’t have any money at all to pay back debt.

UN says...

This curbside thing is pure nonsense. Imagine needing to go to the store to buy standard micro condoms or douche? No privacy whatsoever. Went to Lowe’s this morning and I guess the little kids were still remembering last time (do they ever forget anything?), this time around I got turned away very rudely (tried to hand me a flyer - you need a car & WhatsApp to receive service). Very stupid and blatant discrimination (people who probably live in the ghetto with mummy are trying to act uppity). Earning a paycheck so they don’t care.

There was another line with people waiting to fill prescriptions and they all got served. Wasted my time standing there. This country is filled with weirdos (you’re a nobody and yet we spend so much time thinking about YOU).

On Lockdowns ‘behind us’ for November 1

Posted 13 October 2020, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Shut down down for a few weeks but open up on Nov 1 for the tourists? Damage the local economy for tourism? Makes no sense. The ppl who are okay with lockdowns have job security (govt) or a good amount in savings.

Not one person wants to show integrity (why do we have her struggling unnecessarily?). But they’re expecting God to bless them?