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UN says...

I’m just wondering why is it no matter what’s going on I obviously have to be near so that weirdos can have their fix (if she’s Lyford Cay we won’t see her anymore - how would we function?). I bet if you asked staff of banks, govt places, BEC, btc, etc if I’m on their minds daily, the answer would probably be yes. That’s normal? A woman who doesn’t care to know anything about them?

The last lockdown didn’t seem to do much, and hasn’t some experts said that lockdowns are ‘counterproductive’?

I wish someone would show integrity (she should be given her money - should not have to sit in a dump all day listening to babbling monkeys).

On Lockdown 'death sentence' fears

Posted 6 October 2020, 7:01 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

‘Under constant external shocks’ & that’s why in a country of 400,000 we’ve chosen to target 1 woman - don’t even have the decency to tell her why we’re so obsessed (possible reasons are incoherent & changes daily). Yes, we have tons of empathy & should be seen as ‘sympathetic’ figures. I could be wrong but I have a feeling ‘he’s still mad’ about something (can’t forget when I harassed him - which means I’m no lady - and it also confirmed I stalked him too...).

On PM addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly

Posted 27 September 2020, 10:12 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

‘Fit & proper’ but are they likable?? Today, some strange dude working at a warehouse had his usual daily breakdown (I’m having a LOUD one-sided convo with you, talking about your life while I’m here earning a salary). At my old job (worked there 15 years) my female boss let 3 young Bahamian girls (age 18 or 19) go because she found them annoying/irritating (they only lasted 2 weeks).

I went to McDonald’s this evening & received the usual weird treatment (gestures indicating they were there when I did this or that), weird sounds in throat from cashier.

That’s what’s lost on the government - they may be able to do the job but why should employers be forced to be around someone with negative energy, who will only create a weird/toxic work environment? People are spoiled - ‘no matter what we do you all are stuck with us’ (hostage).

On Another work permit warning

Posted 24 September 2020, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

I wish someone would be decent enough to point me in the direction of my haitian money.

UN says...

‘Decline in Commonwealth Bank shares’: I wonder if the long lines at various places was strategic? I also wonder how kids will cope when mummy isn’t around anymore to ensure they always stay one step ahead? ‘My mummy taught me to watch certain people like a hawk, trained me to always have an unfair advantage.....’

UN says...

I remember so many selfish comments over the years regarding ‘Haitians only come here to work and kindly send money to a poor nation to help relatives who don’t even reside here’. Then there were comments about U.S based Haitians helping to keep Haiti afloat (we think it’s a bad thing). It’s all about us $$$$$. Selfish. Now it’s their turn and they’re happily receiving help from people who don’t even live here. Pot meet kettle.

Many billionaires are expected to help people they don’t even know but poor people can’t help other poor people? Give it to us (we have it so good during good times we gambled away $600 million a year to help make 7-10 Bahamian sons rich). I wonder how many homes those sons have purchased for their own people? They live behind the gates...

Some people are forgetting this isn’t the time to taunt a poor country. Is tourism booming right now? Haiti 2.0 may be their future. Dorian led to them doing the same thing Haitians have done (flee their ‘beloved’ country).

UN says...

For years everyone around me felt the need to taunt, belittle and harass due to knowing my business but did not have the decency to sit me down and tell me what I needed to know. Some of us don’t live with mama and many others, so $150 can’t cover much. Instead of living paycheck-to-paycheck, I could have joined those in exclusive communities who don’t have to listen to babbling all day. It’s obvious black men have a problem with a black woman living well (even the device I’m using seems to make them jealous, even seeing me eating good is a problem). I can ‘do bad’ all by myself....

UN says...

Lockdown is crucial because we are saving lives: hmmm....all of this staying cooped up for months while eating crap will add more diabetics, overweight people, people with clogged arteries, etc to an already unhealthy population.

He does have a point regarding opening up with social distancing measures put in place (heard the same thing weeks ago regarding an organization saying lockdowns are counterproductive).

What the government should have done was extend full unemployment benefits. After Dorian, didn’t not-ignorant people pledge 1.5 billion in loans (?) to help the ‘good’ people of this country??? I’m sure that would be a huge help right about now (could also be used to help companies as well).

UN says...

‘Everyone got somebody who know somebody....’ Yes, in their world, but thanks to them I have no interest in befriending or dating people who feel they own me and my life. My own family has betrayed me by feeding them information. So, thanks to many weirdos, this is one person who ‘ain’t got somebody’. What bothers them is that I’ll obviously be quite content living far away from all of them (they can’t make it through a day just with their somebodys - somehow I have to come up). Have a feeling they want me to feel needy, so in order to have company they creatively put things in place. Sociopaths.

They have an unfair leg up. Know things about me before I’m even told (get to plan their ‘let’s stand here catching cramp so that we can twitch at her’ outings well in advance).

UN says...

Pulling out all the stops, very creative way to get away from ‘family’. We have no problem with lockdown & that’s why we’re out here. Yup, not surprising that they have no true bonds - a stranger always has to come up (but hey we’re having fun).

On TUESDAY'S UPDATES: PM reverses new measures

Posted 18 August 2020, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal