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UN says...

Hopefully people aren’t delusional enough to expect their secret ‘royal’ slave to show love and understanding. The only thing I would understand is receiving funds I’m entitled to, so that I can finally get away from uncivilized, babbling lunatics. If my parents were alive, I would encourage them to stay home (no work, no going anywhere), but I’m by myself (a ‘Princess‘ with bills to pay) - sadistic strangers have taken advantage of that for nearly eight long years. Noah, Sodom & Gomorrah (Genesis 19 5: ‘bring them out, so that we may know them’ - people have been ‘knowing me’ for possibly even longer than I realize). Yes, no doubt in my mind God created this pandemic to teach the evil m-asses a lesson (also a reminder that he’s still in control).

UN says...

Next week the PM will announce everyone has to stay inside forever (while rent and other bills keep piling up). Very soon lockdown won’t be necessary (living on the streets). Where is the money coming from to keep everyone cooped up? Extending full benefits to help keep people inside would have made more sense. And our much quoted nobody ‘Princess’ will continue to be near (we can continue to watch her do laundry, take out the trash, and can continue to babble from our homes to try and feel important - we’re that pathetic).

It’s not a surprise that during the pandemic many people are thinking of filing for divorce (how can you hate spending time with someone you’re ‘in love with?’). They’re not truly compatible - always wondered why so many people have to role-play (pretend to be other people) by having fake convos with each other. Even during parties they have to drift into fantasy land (a certain name is sure to come up - very boring people). Explains why they selfishly need me to stick around (need to live through me). They’re finally realizing how boring/uninteresting they are....

On 133 new COVID-19 cases reported on Saturday

Posted 15 August 2020, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

If the prisoners had any sense & if this story is true (they’re great at spinning, saving face, etc) they should probably go on a hunger strike instead. The citizens of this country have a bad habit of disrespecting ‘unworthy’ sources of cash (while forgetting it’s helping to pay their bills). I can picture ‘subtle-spraying’ taking place during the preparation of meals (who would know?).

UN says...

The last time he said that, the next day two companies announced massive layoffs (isn’t the govt notified of all layoffs before they happen?). Untrustworthy. $150 per week is even less than minimum wage - wasn’t it just a short time ago ppl were complaining that the minimum wage amount needed to be increased? Not everyone lives with mummy and/or others. That amount doesn’t even cover the rent of those of us who live alone.

‘We want you to get a taste of how we suffer daily - your salary is too much for you’. NIB not answering emails = We analyze everything about you but we don’t want you to possibly analyze us. Cowardly.

I’m sensing my money is tied up somewhere (maybe even in this country) but that means I’m the only ‘investor’ in history who had to live this way. They can’t show basic compassion but when a hurricane destroys the country they expect instant compassion from others. How can the government be okay with knowing a woman is being subjected to daily abuse from uncivilized people?

UN says...

And every step of the way our ‘Princess’ has to be near. Reminds me of a true crime show I saw: a man killed his estranged wife and six other relatives because he hated knowing she had moved on and was happy without him. Weirdo strangers don’t like the thought of their ‘royal’ slave being far away from them, happy and free.

On PM announces national lockdown

Posted 3 August 2020, 10:12 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Have to resort to walking in the heat in order to make a few dollars, while still being important enough to have strange lunatics studying and quoting me (all day, every day). So Important, I have people projecting (I hate my mummy and daddy) and avenging not-our-business wrongs said or done when a child/teen lacked sense (to quote my father after reminding us they’ll never hold anything over our heads: ya’ll ain’t gat no sense).

Yes, so many people have no sense (STILL). Jealousy. Immaturity (desperate for the attention I received from mummy *sucky tumb*). I have to walk, while officially important rich people (who aren’t analyzed so very deeply) can drive around in style. Getting away with so much....

UN says...

If I had money, I’d be okay after arriving with having to self-quarantine on a beach for 2 weeks, but a lot of rich people live very busy lives, so I can understand them not wanting to do that. The rich aren’t the problem (they’re quietly living behind the gates). Civilized people - no babbling like a teething toddler hungry for faraway mummy’s attention. The self-hating, jealous, hustling, regular, zero-integrity people are the problem (forced to see and hear them).

It’s pathetic to see them either use their kids to send insulting messages or see them (adults?) take a trip down memory lane by reverting to being a kid (‘right now I’m an unwanted sibling fighting for mummy’s attention‘). ‘You said this, our mama said that’. Stuck in my little girl past. Clearly suffering from a warped new disorder (deferred-multiple identity-dissociative disorder).

The Lyford Cay people bring the class and prestige. Just take a look at downtown now that so many high end stores pulled out. Ghettofied, dirty and depressing. I’m just wondering why an unofficially important person (has us auditioning for that Oscar) can’t make it official by being able to live amongst those classy people. Why do I have to instead share spaces with shameless sadists?

On Realtors warn: 'Don't break the economy'

Posted 29 July 2020, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

The Lyford Cay people live in gated, private, secure estates with live-in staff purchasing their food, doing their laundry, preparing for any potential hurricanes, etc. Their homes have everything they need - a/c (no need to sit in the heat during lockdown), an office, gym, theatre, etc. Yes, this is an extended vacation. But ‘The Richest Woman In The Bahamas’, the woman who is so important to the masses, they resort to quoting and analyzing her (even when she throws away trash) now has to find pennies to pay bills. And this is okay.

The white chicks are only focusing on staying comfortable and want the ego boost of being on a weird pedestal to continue (enjoy knowing both black men and women feel they’re superior). self-hating black chicks are too bitter and angry to show integrity and black men are too busy projecting (my ma didn’t live dream life, so you shouldn’t either - as if I’d ever want to marry any of them).

Yes, I’m expected to be happy with both (being an unofficial important-enough-to-quote person and officially an afterthought who’d better not selfishly want to get away from us, want to stop hustling mainly for others, etc). The Klan and passive Charles Taylors get to decide my fate....

UN says...

I don’t understand why any of this has to be my problem. The Lyford Cay set are probably treating this like extended vacation time. I’m sensing some creative intimidation going on (our open secret is now official - keep that slave quiet). I don’t think the daughters of Pindling receive so much disrespect, and I don’t think the gaming brothers and that pastor with the private jet has to wonder how they will pay basic bills, buy food etc. She means more to us than even all the officially famous people out there - we don’t need to be always be around them to know when they’re nervous, annoyed, stressed, etc. We aren't privy to so many deeply personal things.

On 'No more headroom' for COVID lockdown

Posted 28 July 2020, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

During the good times, a certain someone was important enough to plan their day around (sitting in cars, creating fake scenarios at restaurants, etc) and placed above their own family and friends (one-upping at the expense of ‘true’ bonds). The world has turned to crap and you’d better be okay with being just an official afterthought. No matter what’s going on in your life, be okay with always having an unwanted audience who need to live through you (relishing any stress you may have, dismayed when your happy, make note of all missteps - for future reference, etc).

The rich are quarantining in style (no worries about bills or food) but this person who means so much to us (in a purely evil way) has to always suffer far worse (she’s all alone and we will keep her broke). Yes, a world filled with people who are also clearly suffering from depression (brains are in constant chaos and they need company, want desperately for me to also be in pain).

On ‘Taxes will increase to cover debt’

Posted 28 July 2020, 8:37 a.m. Suggest removal