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UN says...

Some of us are a rare breed - nobody but ourselves to depend on, so waiting weeks to get registered, then weeks of delayed payments, etc puts us in a bind. The average Bahamian lives with mummy and/or shares a household with at least one or two other adults. I had a friend who lived at home at age 33 (her teenaged son, her parents, 4 adult siblings and their kids lived there too). When she was out of work she talked about being slightly stressed but I could tell it wasn’t really a big deal (mummy cooked every day and the other adults continued to pay the bills).

A basic logic is lost on so many: there are heiresses (white) living in gated communities. If one particular woman hadn’t gotten swing, she’d be just like them (living in private, secure surroundings). Charles Taylor enjoys three hot meals a day but even men (the provider figure) and children (where the innocence at?) don’t want a woman eating good. If Charles Taylor went on a hunger strike, the prison staff would be deeply concerned but the ‘Christian’ nation wants me starved and homeless. Lyford Cay and good food isn’t for you (WE get to decide that, slave). Can you say apartheid??

Interesting, the U.S used the same word (merit) regarding people who want to live in their country....

On 'No surprise' if NIB pays out $100m

Posted 23 July 2020, 4:38 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Life is one big game. Dodged a huge bullet.....

UN says...

Where my money at????????????

UN says...

Um...’the money will be repatriated’. So? Should they hand out money they worked hard for to the spoiled, entitled, ungrateful Bahamian masses? It’s unsurprising that people don’t understand that these skilled Mexican workers are actually doing Bahamians a huge favor - if the resort is currently closed for renovations, this means they’re helping to get Bahamians back to work (which will then benefit many).

On 'Why aren't we being put first?'

Posted 3 July 2020, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

I’m not surprised - it’s clear the men (and ‘women’) have too much time on their hands (spend all day and night listening to their ‘wife’). Over the years I’ve had shoddy work done in my home - each job required about 10 visits and a mess was left behind each time. How can anyone expect to get hired with such a mindset and clear lack of skills? People are spending too much time sticking their noses where it doesn’t belong vs working on bettering themselves (they’ve convinced themselves that mommy left them something and they’re waiting for it to be given to them). The people of this country are like spoiled kids.

On 'Why aren't we being put first?'

Posted 3 July 2020, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Yup, Bahamians are such peaceful, caring and law-abiding people (which is why for many years they’ve decided it’s normal to target a lone woman of haitian descent). Their rape stat is the highest in the region (even higher than Jamaica’s) - which explains why both genders feel it’s okay to figuratively rape a woman. I saw an old news piece about an incident which took place in the USA, a 19 yr old Bahamian boy nearly killed an 8 yr old American girl (raped her, smashed her head with rocks - they seem to like rocks - and buried her alive). I wasn’t surprised at all (I’m sensing their obsession goes back really far - pedophilia).

I wonder if that recent news piece I saw on another site is true - Bahamians taking advantage of Trump’s kindness by overstaying? Did they get kicked out? Hypocrisy. Why wasn’t that reported by the major newspapers? Yup, all about making Bahamians look good (narcissism). If it’s true, it means they ‘gat something in common with Haitians - except dey ain’t as strong - one lil sign of hardship and they don’t want to help their government rebuild’.

The Haitian people don’t have a government who cares about their best interest. Haiti has had many years of hardship. Bahamians can’t show empathy for the Haitian people, but they gladly accepted Trump’s generosity. How many Bahamians are surviving off less than $1 a day? They can somehow find 600 million to gamble away. How many Bahamians have been killed by their own people at the top? How many had to watch their country get torn to shreds by earthquakes which took the lives of more than 300,000 people? Yup, one lil piece of wind and they ain’t coming back here (‘ain’t use to hard life’ but want ‘Princess’ to live that way).

Females trying to silence another female (but men are the problem). Free speech is now one-sided (‘we can talk but you can’t talk’).

Also, I wonder why so many tourists are going to private islands........

UN says...

LOL! Pot meet kettle.

UN says...

They always manage to find someone who is ‘worse off’. One eye, one toe, going blind, pinched nerve, hungry crying on leg kids, etc. Warped competition. But are those poor souls being analyzed by everyone? What happened to putting the truth out there? Can’t even trust the news. It’s all about making Bahamians look good. They get to enjoy their free speech while being dishonest. She is our King Solomon without all the luxury (we get to use her to boost our egos). No wonder many kids are so bitter and angry - lunatics are raising them (no role models in sight).

On ‘Can anyone out there help me?’

Posted 19 June 2020, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Public transportation the last to resume (they’re assuming everyone has someone to fall back on). Having to walk around in hot, humid weather (‘she makes us feel like something, at least we’re not walking - stalking is more honorable than walking’).

UN says...

Hint - you will experience a delay (messing with you turns us on). During the good times, we watched a certain someone struggle. And now that times are bad, we’re expecting her to suffer alongside us. But her suffering is actually worse (‘we have people to fall back on, our homes don’t look like a dump - no leaky roof or having to call every day because something wasn’t fixed properly, we have a ride to and fro, we aren’t sharing walls with lunatics, we aren’t no-college-degree-walking-around-in-the-sun-but-somehow-being-quoted-like-Aristotle thus indicating spying nobody”. Modern day slavery.

On Major events planner in NIB payout fears

Posted 27 May 2020, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal