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Understandfacts says...

Many of the parents went to the Bishop one on one and the only thing the bishop communicated to them that "it was more than meets the eye". I feel he should explain to the parents that came to them what exactly met his eye.

I do agree that the church should take a stand but there are legal implications surrounding these circumstances and the deserving students and parents have every right to argue their contracts. Each student in SJC signs a contract which has provisions regarding graduating and a graduation ceremony, in the event that there is a breach of contract then in that circumstance the student should not graduate. The school is breaching the terms of the contract for the students that did nothing wrong.

Also the ACEA board is made up of 13 persons and 8 people must be present to make a ruling such as this, 5 showed up on Friday night last week and the decision was made.

I have a little brother who was to graduate yesterday it, I went to C.R walker and was a victim of a stabbing and my mother sacrificed everything to make a better opportunity for him, and her proudest moment was telling all of her family and friends that he was done and for them to take that away from her and him is not right I do not care what stand the church is trying to make.

They take about protocol and right and wrong but they do not follow the rules the stand for? I think the ignorance of the media and its audience is painting these kids out to be monsters. These kids are transitioning from kids to young adults, and only thing this is teaching them is the justice system and its iron fist is more powerful than those who do right.

The school and the Bishop should have properly called out the students and their parents who did in fact breach the contract and reprimanded those students accordingly. For them to disregard this important milestone in those kids lives and the meaning to them is very distasteful.

I went to the urgent meeting they had last week to tell this devastating and unfair news and I'll be honest they only thing that held me back from calling out some of those good ole Anglican folk is my personal lord and savior. Each student has the right to argue if they did not breach any term of the contract either to have their money returned or to walk in a graduation ceremony.

Understandfacts says...

You cant single out one government for ths problem. This a socio-economc and even more importantly a morality issue. More organizations and individuals are to blame - the parents who raise these idiots and thugs share a greater responsibility than the government. So do not be so quick to give praise for this 'fantastic job' to the PLP.

On US diplomat robbed and assaulted

Posted 11 June 2013, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

I pray the mercy of God keeps your loved one safe and he will return home shortly. I will keep him and your family in my prayers. I am sure whatever the outcome God will see you through.

On Family speaks about missing kayaker

Posted 10 May 2013, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

Why is the church so political?

Understandfacts says...


On Man shot and body burned

Posted 25 March 2013, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

You see it in a very horrible way.

Understandfacts says...

You write as if you a certain the unemployment rate was a direct or even indirect cause of the attempted suicides.

It could have been something completely different, or maybe a contributing factor as to why, but you are not certain. You can suggest that the creation of more jobs will increase moral throughout the country and have an impact on suicide attempts, but you can also argue that about child molestation, bullying, other forms of child abuse and neglect and in adult-hood you can argue different things as well.

Understandfacts says...

It is quite clear what Mrs. Butler Turner motive is, and that is not to get justice for the alleged victims, but rather to fulfill her own spiteful and bitter agenda.

On No details yet on gang rape

Posted 21 March 2013, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

I get the message, but this was very poorly written.

On Nygard faces the wrath of Farrakhan

Posted 15 March 2013, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

#gtfohwtbs.. Please

On Teacher admits bigamy charge

Posted 14 March 2013, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal