Comment history

Understandfacts says...

Why the hell Mrs. Julien was giving out so much money? Not to say that Demon is justified in her stealing, but Mrs. Julien, have you any sense?

Understandfacts says...

If he has one ounce of dignity left in his frame he would not accept the role as leader. Even if he isnt guilty, as he so claims, he is in too much of a compromising position over the term of his prison sentence to lead.

I've followed that case and the prosecution was able to prove he is guilty and I believe in this case justice has been served by giving the guilty verdict, but I do believe the punishment should have been even more severe.

To manipulate and use status and power for sexual gain, on a vulnerable young lady is disgusting and he is a very sick man. The cowardliest of cowards. The only honorable thing left for him to do is tell the truth, man up to his wrong doings and bow out with whatever grace he has left.

His wife, joined him in his cowardness by lying on his behalf and she should be prosecuted for perjury. The congregation has been brainwashed into oblivion, I wish they all could imagine that girl as their child and the pain she and her family suffered. She may have not been the most upright individual in Nassau, but that does not justify being taken advantage of, especially from someone in position and power.

Randy, you are a fake and a fraud and no better than the criminals you share house with, you are where you deserve to be. I wish our country never had to deal with you. When you stand before God on that great day, I hope you made peace with your past, and he has mercy on your soul!

As far as the congregation goes, open up your third eye!

Understandfacts says...

At the end of the day, we all will have our day before God, The Jews, The Muslims, The Christians, The Atheists, the Heterosexuals the Homosexuals and we will have to give an account for our sins, and when we do, may God have mercy on our souls.

On Call for gay rights

Posted 1 March 2013, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

You cant condemn people for what the believe. Or if they believed they were born gay or lesbian, but as a Christian, knowing right from wrong, it is your duty to carry out God's will. If you as a Christian believe that this is wrong, and you provide illustrations to solidify your point then by all means. People will criticize and critique. Let them do so.

If you as a Christian believe something is wrong continue to speak out. God has sanctioned marriage between man and a woman and though we may all not feel that we are attracted or have intimate or higher feelings for the opposite sex, and we feel it is easier or natural for us to like the same sex, this does not mean it is right.

At the end of the day, we all will have our day before God, The Jews, The Muslims, The Christians, The Atheists, the Heterosexuals the Homosexuals and we will have to give an account for our sins, and when we do, may God have mercy on our souls.

On Rejecting the gay and lesbian agenda

Posted 1 March 2013, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

Uhm, read your Bible and pray every day, and you will know that this LGBT community needs a lot of soul searching. Instead of searching for equality as it relates to marital status, you need to search for what is right as it relates to God.

Marriage is an institution sanctioned by God, and no man or law created by man can and will ever change that. If you don't believe in God and want to be married because it is your constitutional right to be so, then you will have a binding agreement that really is not marriage.

You people are delusional and these are really the signs of the times.

satan is busy but god is real, so be still and know!

On Call for gay rights

Posted 1 March 2013, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

My gosh, the election is over and the PLP has won, and this will be our government for the next 3.5 years, unless some historical event is about to take place, why can't the FNM shut the hell up and support, contribute more. Why the heck Bahamian people cannot work together instead of bashing each other every opportunity. Our country has been divided long enough, if those bigger heads do not come to together to revive our political, economical, financial and spiritual regimes our country will continue to falter.

I am so sick of one party pointing out the error of mans way. Yes, all of our leaders are men and women and they are susceptible and vulnerable to making mistakes and while every problem cannot be solved it helps none and no one to just keep thrashing each party like this.

I understand the bigger heads have to be held accountable for their actions as we are tax payers and we by way of voting have faith in the system of things, but what good is it to just say "the PLP is failing miserably". You would rather remind the people that the PLP made promises and continue to watch unemployment go up, crime go up, murders go up, while morality goes down, faith goes down etc etc..

Dr. Hubert Minnis, you are far to smart, for all of this bull crap, make the headlines for something elses and Chippy shame on you for sitting tall next to this crap, you were the head of an audit firm you should know what "team" is all about...

I mean really, everything that goes wrong in the country seems to be the governments fault, regardless of which government it is, 14 and 15 year old kids in school, drowning in sexual immorality having kids which they cannot take care of and they go to welfare, cause its the government fault. People can't figure out whether or not to Vote Yes or No, I mean, come on how much education do you need, either you want gambling or you don't, but because Bahamians are so lazy and always looking for someone to blame, again its the government fault.

Stop this crap or us people will continue to suffer, everyone must start figuring how to work together and we need to fast. Tribune stop looking for these dumb political nuisances to fill the headlines, these articles are of no substance and no benefit to the Bahamian People and my friends, and only will create back and forth banter about which MP isn't doing this or that, we cannot live in the past. Encourage them to make good on the promises of the day, now is the time we need to come together as a people and as a nation, now is the time we need to stand in the face of the naysayers that want to "divide and conquer" hold firm our faith in God and live as one....

Dr. Hubert and Mr. Perry, please, get it together.

Understandfacts says...

Perry Christie has officially lost his blue black cotton picking mind.. To even allow this "thought" to infiltrate the media is absolutely appalling. Like borrowing a room from an exclusive resort from Atlantis, probably hmmm around 5K a night is embarrassing. Negro give me a break, please.
Please stop discussing crap on our time, there are more intense issues that need to be mitigated or relieved to a certain extent.. When the Diplomats come let them borrow a room in your boy Sebas place at Ocean Club, you all could sleep over, it’s quite comfortable and you can just repay him by allowing him to open a webshop in Palmdale Primary.

Understandfacts says...


On JUST IN: Wrinkle sentenced to jail

Posted 13 February 2013, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

The number of people that voted "yes" or "no" does not indicate the number of people that actually play. That Bill Parcell quote is irrelevant in this context. If a team plays 10 games and they win 5 then they are 5 and 5 or .500. The team is what the record says it is. If 30k people vote "yes" but 100K people play, you are .300 or 30% of what your record says you are.

Understandfacts says...

I said "if the Government care so much about peoples savings, allow a limit". Personally, I do not wish that the Government do this, but its obvious that the person whose post I was commenting on do not believe that Bahamian people are responsible enough to manage their own money, if the Government shares these beliefs, that is my suggestion as to what they propose to do. However, this is not something I would argue that I would want done under a democracy.