Comment history

Understandfacts says...

Your votes will count on what you voted for.

On Galanis: Web shops are legal

Posted 31 January 2013, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

Do you know you can be sued for this?

On Galanis: Web shops are legal

Posted 31 January 2013, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

Perry should have done what Hubert did when he sold BTC, he didn't care about democracy, referendum, legislation, protocol or law. The man saw a benefit economically long term and jumped on it, Perry care to much about what people think and he is to personal. The people protested and said do not sell BTC, we will loose jobs, the government didn't listen, I protested, I lost my job after 17 years, four weeks later I got a job with one of the number houses.

My pastor who is on the Christian council, took my tithes and did not ask, where it came from, I don't think he really cared. Now I may be out of a job again, of course I will look, because I need to work, but if I choice, I would choose to stay. Thanks for taking my right to choose Bahamians! Greatest democracy ever...

Thanks for fighting for me to have the right to choose Wayne Munroe.

On 'Injunction granted to web shop operators'

Posted 31 January 2013, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

Wayney!!! You gonna be one rich mofo when the smoke clears and the dust settles. If the people learn anything from this, they should learn, knowledge is power, but the law is more powerful, or the lack of the law..

On Government to abide by court order

Posted 31 January 2013, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

People who want to gamble, gamble, nothing to do with being rich or very stupid. The number guys don't prey on the "down troden" no more than your nearest insurance providers do, its a business. The commissioner of police can only act if he is instructed too.

You are too critical, not factual and offer no solution, please don't allow your ignorance or arrogance cause you to write crap like this again.

Understandfacts says...

To continue...Besides, not everyone has a child/children, wife or husband; some people are ridiculously rich why do we have to suffer? I make a pretty healthy salary, I have no spouse or dependents, I have never gambled but may one day decide that I want to. If I cant possibly make a return on any short term investment because the option is not available, the only place I’ll end up gambling is on the stock market and probably not the BISX, so my gambling would mean nothing for this country. Take the right away for people to choose how they want to spend their money and you know what will happen; They will get licenses to operate as Web Café owners, conduct ‘illegal activities’ create a black market, make millions of dollars that the Government can’t tax because it is ‘illegal’ Have persons from the community enjoy the black market and spend their money where they want and how they want anyway. Oh wait, it already did. My suggestion is, let the Government take control of it, if you care so much about peoples savings, allow a limit per month based on salary, tax players based on what they play. If the number bosses still want to be involved, hire them as consultants or operations managers, pay them a salary. If they are interested they will stick around, if they are not find someone who is.

Understandfacts says...

Bahamians are so funny, so quick to judge and criticize things they don't understand. Theoretically, your economical concept of this increase in revenue and sales for other businesses because webshops are shut down sounds good, but who is to say how anyone will decide to spend their money? These same people may also opt to take their new found savings to Miami. You can assume how things will work out, but nothing factual, so look at both sides. Economics is a science, you have to understand and study behavior.
Further, Web Cafes are not illegal, they all have Business Licenses and have been incorporated to work under the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, they pay National Insurance like any other legal establishment would. Now, some of the activities carried out is considered legal under the law or so people are led to believe, but when the law was established by Lynden Pindling, did his government make it illegal to gamble online? Check the facts, there are various forms of gambling and the law does not stipulate or encompass all types.
I’m not an advocate for doing anything illegal and I do agree as long as the activities are illegal they should be stopped, but seriously, how long has gambling been going on in the country and we were not educated about the social implications? I mean don’t you think our country would be in complete ruins by now if it is as bad as you make it seem, its been going on for over 3 generations. At the end of the day, it all comes down to education and being responsible. Adultery, teenage pregnancy, gluttony and obesity and bringing bastard children in to the Bahamas as has caused more families to be destroyed than gambling can ever dream off. How often do you hear a child die from starvation because the parents played numbers? How often have you heard adult die from heart attacks, high cholesterol, high blood etc because they eat to damn much? Can we make being fat illegal because of how much we would have to pay in healthcare, insurance and probably funeral arrangements and how this is hurting the country? How often did you hear a child be prevented from going from school because a parent or the parent played numbers? I am sure not as often as you have heard that a husband has cheated on his wife and had a bastard child, do you understand the social implications there? Can we please make adultery illegal? How often have you heard a child been prevented basic healthcare because their parents played numbers? I can go on and on. Point is, at the end of the day, you educate people to make wise and responsible decisions, and you help them understand the consequences and if they are in fact unable to meet basic obligations, reprimand them accordingly, cut the water off, cut the light off, cut the cable off, evict them if you have to, they will learn.