Comment history

User1234 says...

I think this guy may have got his doctorate off the internet?

User1234 says...

So at what point do you go back to most of the rest of the world has...set a target or do something. The reality is nothing that has been done has stopped covid, because its a highly transmissible and now fortunately less fatal disease. Its been over 2 years now, of course people are fed up...they want normality back. You can look to China...massive restrictions...still outbreaks...ya masks do nothing, your sanitizing makes no difference to an airborne disease. Its crazy that these guys still think they can control disease like this.

On Darville: We need to stick to protocols

Posted 13 July 2022, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

User1234 says...

You literally continue to talk about masks and sanitization, yet these haven't stopped the previous 4 what's your solution. Also your information around the UK is limited. The variants are sub lineages of omicron and although again more transmissible are not driving up hospitalizations. You have to come out from under the bed at some point. This is no longer a deadly virus to most people. And anti virals and vaccines are there to protect or treat they are for many other diseases.

User1234 says...

Again this statement proves how little you know. the virus is here...its endemic, like the other 4 coronaviruses - you cannot do anything about that, blaming tourists is pointless, you need to get on with your life and enjoy it...stop worrying about 'what might happen' you get one life!

User1234 says...

If you removed testing for travel, you would very quickly see that this is not as big a problem as you think. If people aren't being rushed to hospital with Covid as a primary cause, then you are dealing with an endemic respiratory virus. Most of the Caribbean and the rest of the world realized this months ago...

User1234 says...

This article is ridiculous...Tracking cases of a disease that now effectively has the same symptoms as a cold and less of an IFR than flu is lunacy. I would also challenge the 'data from the UK' The UK had one of the most accurate tracking mechanisms. In addition it over estimated deaths due to the criteria for counting deaths 'within 28 days of a positive test'. Worrying about how cases 'could be higher' is crazy...if these people aren't in hospital then that in itself tells you that you do not have a 'health issue'

This country will never get out of the pandemic if you continue to spout this rubbish.

On INSIGHT: The invisible wave of COVID

Posted 24 May 2022, 10:12 a.m. Suggest removal

User1234 says...

I guess my point is, once the virus is in a population its in the population, if you can't locate absolutely everyone that has it (and China is a good example) then you have to live with it

User1234 says...

explain Shanghai...China have banned international flights in and out since the start of the pandemic and yet huge swathes of the city are locked down...kind of disproves your theory about tourism doesn't it?

User1234 says...

So weirdly, all of the rules that we have been following haven't stopped the cases getting the answer is to keep doing what doesn't work right? At some point you have to go back to normal life, this is an endemic disease, you have the means to deal with it...vaccinate, take antivirals etc or stay at home and do not come in to contact with others....its should be a personal choice not a commandment!

User1234 says...

this article is can't squash the cases...its endemic across the world. Look at China...if they can't do it, under a dictatorship, then a mask will not do it...for the love of god just go back to normal life...protect yourself if you aren't comfortable, you have wrecked education and the economy, the world in the main is going back to normal