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Victor says...

They have put up a lot of posters with Perry Christie's face on them, but people just think that they are ads for the next 'Shrek' movie and don't recognize that they are PLP posters. As for praying for God to influence voters - render unto Caesar and all that - I don't think our Lord gets involved in politics. All I want to pray for is a peaceful election.

On On the campaign trail

Posted 13 April 2012, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

I would not have a problem if the PLP and FNM leaders had a debate. The DNA candidate should not be there because he would just waste time and space. They have been shown to be a fringe party who lack broad support. In the US, you have to get at least 15% to be invited to a presidential debate. The DNA does not have that level of support and even they know that.

On DNA repeat call for debate

Posted 13 April 2012, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal