Comment history

Victor says...

So nice of Leslie Miller to admit that Sir Stafford Sands, for all his faults, left us a legacy of prosperity and an economy that made us the third richest country in the western hemisphere. We need to build a statue to the Father of Bahamian Tourism and put it on Prince George Wharf to welcome the tourists.

On PLP hopeful backs oil exploration

Posted 26 April 2012, 10:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

Rather weirdly, I am seeing a campaign ad for US Senator Sherrod Brown on this page. But no-one should be taking down other people's signs. Save your desire to do that for after the election because it seems that no one wants to take them down, then.

Victor says...

Nothing very groundbreaking there. I think the biggest story about the failure of the DNA to launch will be their inability to come up with interesting ideas and programs to distinguish them from the two main parties. At the end of the day, they are just boring.

On DNA pledge to revamp education

Posted 25 April 2012, 11:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

A 'street meeting' is what you call it when you can't get enough people to show up to call it a 'rally'. The DNA is DOA! (Dead On Arrival)

Victor says...

If Mr. Moncur really thinks his plants are worth that much money, I suggest that he might actually have some other valuable plants in his back yard that might be influencing his ability to think clearly. I suspect, though, that he did it knowing it would make people talk about him.

Victor says...

Really, people, I'm a dog lover (look at my profile pic) and I don't get this fuss. It's just spray pain that will wear right off - it doesn't hurt or anything. Might be a bit tacky, I suppose, but no more than that. Given how so many dogs get treated in this country, this is hardly anything to raise a fuss about. How do you know the dog wasn't an FNM in the first place? Mine is!

On Graffiti assault on dog

Posted 20 April 2012, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

The FNM put up a good candidate. So they'll win. Only the DNA runs joke candidates like Rodney Moncur, he of the valuable trees and dictionary. He should use that dictionary to look up the word 'joke' and find a picture of himself.

Victor says...

lol, the Tribune's photographers are so skilled at getting unflattering pictures of PLPs. Remember all those photos of Ping with his cock-eye? I wouldn't have even recognized BJ, this is such a bad picture of him. It's a little childish, really, but the PLP asked for it by treating the Tribune so bad for so many years.

On Confrontation on the election trail

Posted 20 April 2012, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

Seriously, Sister Leader? Tourism is our life blood and you want to go all Taliban on tourists, making them 'cover up'? What, do you think we live in Saudi Arabia? Private establishments are free to enforce a dress code. As long as people are not topless or naked on Bay Street, I could care less what they are wearing. If it offends you, stay off of Bay Street, you prude.

On BCP wants dress code for tourists

Posted 20 April 2012, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

Get real, people. What sloppy journalism. Montagu is an FNM base seat. Mr. Albury has as much chance as Mr. Smith or Mr. Weatherford - that is to say, close to zero.