Comment history

Victor says...

This online poll is even more worthless than the 'exit poll' you published.

On FNM are online winners

Posted 2 May 2012, 8:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

McCartney will lose his deposit.

On FNM confident in Bamboo Town

Posted 2 May 2012, 8:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

I don't think the DNA will have much of an effect on anything.


Posted 2 May 2012, 8:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

I would love to see some accurate polling done in the Bahamas, but seriously? Does this reporter know anything at all about how to conduct an accurate poll? The sample sizes are WAY too small to have any statistical meaning. To say nothing of the fact that an advance poll is not a representative sample of the population. (In this case, it would represent some of the most highly motivated voters as well as a few specific professions). No control was put into place for age, gender as well as for who the voter supported in previous elections. Honestly, the Tribune should be ashamed for putting this out and suggesting it has any meaning at all.

Victor says...

Interesting to hear Don Smith's thoughts on the referendum because it was due to his party's efforts that it went down to defeat. I think this is a very well written article and the reporter has gotten to the truth of it. A vote for the DNA is a protest vote only, but some people way wish to protest in this way. The FNM and PLP are not all that different in ideology (nor is the DNA for that matter) but it's a matter of who has a better record of competence and getting things done. I think that's clearly the FNM and that is where my vote will go, but good on the reporter for doing her homework.

On Who is the best man in Nassau Village?

Posted 1 May 2012, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

Ha! If the Commission of Inquiry caused Sir Linden Oscar Pindling (SLOP) stress, it was because he had lots to hide. And if SLOP died broke, it must be because Lady P kept drinking Dom long after she could get the Bahamian people to pay for it. And why should we have had to pay for her maid and cook? You should have bought your own car; the Bahamain people did not owe you one forever. That palace SLOP built on Skyline Drive - you could have cut out a couple of the rooms and bought yourself a pair of cars, but you thought you would never be out of power. I've no sympathy for, you, with all your attitude of entitlement. Your husband probably wasn't even entitled to be PM anyway. How come they never found SLOP's birth certificate? Maybe they should have looked in Jamaica for it.

Victor says...

I agree with 'Ryan the Lion' that the poll is probably nonsense as I don't trust any Bahamian poll outfit, but I expect that the boundary cuts will do him in regardless.

On Pinder rejects findings of election poll

Posted 27 April 2012, 9:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

The DNA will win no seats and with no presence in Parliament, will gradually fade away. Bahamians have shown that they are not very interested in third parties, but the DNA has failed to come up with any fresh or interesting ideas. What makes them different from the PLP or FNM and if it's just about personalities, why not just vote for the established parties? The DNA actually had a moment, but the moment passed and they blew it by not coming up with compelling reasons to vote for them.

Victor says...

Better get used to this if the PLP wins and the allow their cronies to drill for oil.

On Oil washed ashore after thunderstorm

Posted 26 April 2012, 10:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

I have great doubts about the value of polls done in the Bahamas, but if the two gated communities were not included in this poll, then we must realize that if they had been, the FNM candidate would be much further ahead. Those two areas will come in very big for the FNM.

On Survey: It's neck-and-neck in Elizabeth

Posted 26 April 2012, 10:40 p.m. Suggest removal