Comment history

Voltaire says...

Sure. Except for the fact that its a BS claim.

Voltaire says...

This is exactly right. We have wasted the huge potential of Freeport and Grand Bahama for decades. Cooperation, collaboration, mutual benefit: this is how we should be thinking. Thank you Rupert Hayward for starting this conversation. We hope the government is listening.

On A thriving Grand Bahama

Posted 4 May 2023, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

Very, very well said.

Voltaire says...

So then if I don't have any children, that means I can't denounce child abuse? What utter nonsense this woman allowed to escape from her mouth.

On Wilchcombe: All are entitled to their views

Posted 14 April 2023, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

But how is this possible? How did this situation develop if the companies are filing returns? The government knew the funds had not been paid and did nothing, yet they continue to raise taxes on the rest of us?

Voltaire says...

Wait hold on, ain't that Brave's constituency? No wonder the New Day set are supporting this Paradise Island nonsense so hard. You scratch my back....

On Royal Caribbean scouts Rum Cay

Posted 14 April 2023, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

He should have always had a fence. All dog owners should. If you can't have a fence, don't have a dog. Human irresponsibility is to blame for these issues, nothing else.

Voltaire says...

I don't know about people who support pitbulls, but people who speak assertively about matters of which they are totally ignorant, could certainly benefit from professional psychological assistance. Aggression by a dog of any breed has nothing to do with the animal and everything to do with the owner. It is precisely a pitbull's friendliness to humans that makes so many idiots who are obsessed with looking tough seek them out, because they are more easily controlled than other powerful breeds. What usually follows is terrible abuse and neglect, to make the animal act more 'tough', resulting eventually in a broken and unstable animal, who then attacks someone. And your solution is to shoot the first victims of this barbaric cycle, in order to protect the second. What do you think will happen if your ridiculous suggestion is carried out? Do you think all these image-obsessed pit bull owners will just mind their own business? Or will they starting importing other, less naturally controllable, seriously dangerous dogs? The only sane answer is and has always been to hold owners responsible for the treatment of the animals in their charge, before a incident occurs.

Voltaire says...

The politicians know that. They just think we don't know that, so they try and take advantage of the public and accrue more power to themselves.

On Hayward backs bid to ‘reimagine’ GBPA

Posted 27 January 2023, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

This is why the government should never try to be in charge of complicated things. A group led by Bahamians tried to provide a top level service for managing our air space, overseen by experienced international experts. The Bahamas would have made millions in fees with no hassle at all. But no - the government under the FNM thought they could do it themselves. They were bad at it, this set are probably worse. And look where we have ended up.