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So whats the sense of a lockdown if everyone will still be on the roads claiming they are going to the food store.

My six year old has more common sense than this PM.


I think we all know that we cant afford to inconvenience everý visitor that wants to come here. There are other options to the Bahamas and guests may simply go there. Lets keep in mind unemployment is high in the U.S right now. The average American saves almost a year to go on vacation once within that year, and given the economic climate in the U.S. most people are trying to stretch their dollar, not spend it on a covid test from a.covid testing center the Bahamas Govt deems legit. Lets be real, we need their money, we gone have to take the risks, not vice versa


What yall dont know is that one or if not all these police officers have been involved in fatal police shootings before. What yall dont know is that these police officers served under Paul Rolle in the past before he held the post he has today. What yall dont know is that these police are hitmen and do not serve the publics interest. This was not an "ambush", this was murder!!! It will now be covered up as Mr. Rolle looks to protect himself and his shady police hitmen. Paul Rolle should be made to resign, and the officer who fired, should be relieved of his job immediately.


The headline is incorrect. Tribune you do a disservice to your readers by not publishing accurate information. Nobody ambushed the police! How about you investigate the story and establish credible information before printing nonsense just to sell papers. And to those saying being a police is a dangerous job, i agree, but dont take the job if you are afraid. The first reaction cant be shoot em.all and let God sort them out.


I totally agree with your comments. A bunch of cow vaginas


Like they said, the revolution would be televised



On Man dies, woman injured after shooting

Posted 27 May 2020, 9:06 p.m. Suggest removal


@ Topdude
You sound like a crazy person.


Almost asure you it will be a free for all. Just how we allow Americans to whiz through customs, we will allow them to whiz through whatever measures they put in place. After all who wants to inconvenience your bread and butter.


If you cut half of Albany, Bahamar, Cable Bahamas, Alive, Atlantis work permits, we should be able to put Bahamians back to work. And thats just to name a few.