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I so agree with you.


It has nothing to do with antisocial views, it has to do with protecting the integrity of OUR country The Bahamas. And if the treatment in the Bahamas is so bad, why bother coming to our shoes. How much longer must Bahamians shoulder the burden of immigrants, whether they are Haitian, Jamaican or whichever other nationality. If you live in the Bahamas and cannot realize the problem we face with immigration then you are as blind as Stevie Wonder walking in the dark. While i dont condone improper treatment of anyone, our laws must be abided. If you came here illegally you have no voice, plain and simple. You cant complain about anything!!! People want to make it a Haitian versus Bahamian issue, when its clearly not, its a Bahamian vesus undocumented nationals issue. Bottom line if you came here illegally, you along with your kids who were born here all need to be repatriated back to your country of origin. Being born in the Bahamas to parents of undocumented immigrants does not make you a Bahamain, and it never will!!


Anyone can dream and have good intention at the onset. Any train can begin a journey, that dosent mean that it will reach its destination! Plain and simply put, the current management at the GBPA have ran out of steam. The bahamains living in Grand Bahama should not be made to suffer due to a lack of vision by its current management team. There should be some point where the Bahamian people cut their losses with grand bahama and look to establish a world class shipping port and hub. There is more potential in grand Bahama than there is in Nassau, but due to the current constraints we will never be able to pick these fruits. Its time for the residents of grand bahama to demand from their government a change in direction from the ongoing situation, after all grand bahamains are bahamains and don't deserve to be placed in a stranglehold by families who may no longer have their best interest at heart.

So shall it B!

On Sir Jack tells QC: Put money where mouth is

Posted 10 December 2014, 5:17 p.m. Suggest removal


Whatelse is new with the stealing cable Bahamas. They have been stealing satellite services from direct TV for years and selling it off to it's consumers. They claim to pay licensing fees to channels in order to broadcast their services, but I know full well that that's not the case for all channels. Hidden on the roof of their corporate building are small satelites which they use to pirate TV stations, and then try and sell them over to unknowing bahamains. Talk about reconnection fee! Fourty dollars to press a button to reactivate my cable service, utterly ridiculous. How can my reconnection fee be more than my monthly basic cable service? Robbery without a gun I say!!! Whiles cable Bahamas executives are carrying home annual bonuses in excess of three hundred thousand dollars each, its local staff can barely see a pay increase beyond twenty five cents an hour! This is total shame! You would think that they would at least share the stolen pie some, I guess not! Cable Bahamas should be tagged and bagged and sent back on its way to Canada from where it came! They should no longer be allowed to rob the Bahamian people with exhorbarant late fees and reconnection fees, especially for such poor and unentertaining services.

So shall it B!


im sorry but tolerance should not be an agenda, it should be a way of co existing. If nobodyelse on this planet has the fingerprints I have, why would i expect everyone to be just like me, think like me, behave like me, have the same views as me? its just silly to think. Therefore tolerance should be adopted by all humans with the understanding that no two are alike. The denial of tolerance is countless wars, and oppressing others just because they are deem different.

On Christie says no to gay marriage

Posted 7 August 2014, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal


I personally have never whipped one, but if you give me the whip i'll carry out the task for you. Im sorry to say but if the Bahamas as a county intends to move forward, we need to rid ourselves of these politicians who probably have no idea how to even use a computer or smart phone. The world is moving forward in a new direction, and here we as Bahamians sit here scratching our balls with a look of confussion on our face. No offense to Prime Minister Christie, but its hard for me to understand how we expect a 73yr old man to usher us into the future. The thought itself boggles my mind!

On Christie says no to gay marriage

Posted 7 August 2014, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal


and its funny how short of a memory black people seem to have. No more than a couple years ago we were slaves, being whipped by the white man on a daily basis. Once free from that we still were at the bottom of the totem pole, fighting for seats on white only buses. Now here today, we seem to have forgotten what it feels like to be oppressed. We seem to forget that we as black people once fought for our right to be equal! The trials of the past should be used as a beacon in giving rights to all people. Everyone should have a right to live the way they see fit to live, whether governments of churches agree with it or not. We love to proclaim the Bahamas as a Christian nation yet politicians steal at every turn, pastors sleep with minors, both boys and girls, and a whole lot of other stuff goes on that is not very Christian. So please make way for a new generation who dosent rely soley on religous books to guide their ways, but they rely on a sense of humanity, understanding that eberyone deserves the right to be who they are.

On Christie says no to gay marriage

Posted 7 August 2014, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal


Thank you!! hate to see religous fanatics so quick to quote the Bible at their convenience. Thats part of the problem with the world now, fanatics trying to confine the entire world into their little self righteous religous books.

On Christie says no to gay marriage

Posted 7 August 2014, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal


Indeed they would like to tax the whole world, and if you keep watching they intend to tax the entire world through a carbon tax. Soon you will have to pay to breathe!

On Police warning over phony IRS letter

Posted 15 July 2014, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal


I agree with you Straight Talk. The problem we as a country are facing is that the current leadership is too old. Sorry to say, you cant expect a country to move into the future when were using tools of the past. PAPA is too old, Perry is too old, they have no vision of where the bahamas should be headed, even worst they have no idea how to get us there. Whiles their ideas may have been revolutionary back in their day, they have to realize that thier day is gone. Hence our next problem. There arent much candidates that know how to run the country from a diplomatic standpoint, yes there is more to running a country than just knowing our national anthem and the colors of our flag. There has to be a sort of grooming for the part of Prime Minister, and experience should be a requirement. So until we get a young and fresh person with new ideas that also has the experience, dont expect too much to change in our country