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I advise the Bahamain people to thread carefully with the implementation of any foreign management company running any government entitity, especially eletricity, water, and communications and heres the obvious reasons why. We all know that BEC has been missmanaged for years and years, from wasted overtime pay, to outdated equipment, and to just bad management solely. So now its the intent of the people to fix this years old problem by simply bringing in a management company! Firstly no company would untertake this venture without being sure that their ability to make money was first and foremost. Dont assume BPL is doing the Bahamian people some service, as they are not, and I assure you they will be paid first before anything positive really happens for the Bahamas. Your relying on a foreign company to decide whats best suited for the Bahamian people. 200million on Generators? where will this money come from? We will have to borrow it which means more debt, which in turns means more taxes on us to service this debt. This is how foreign corporations take over entire countries! The country becomes so in debt, that they cant afford to service it, eventually the dollar is devalued, whatever resources we have are raped for little or nothing. Keep in mind when we borrow money it comes with certain restrictions and conditions suggested by the lender.(thats how vat eventually came about). its 2016, why would you spend 200million on generators, when if you must borrow that sum of money, invest it into renewable energy, so that our kids kids dont find themselves in this same problem. We need to recognise the times we live and must truly be progressive if we are to survive.


being realistic the intorduction of this law serves no purpose. How can someone that has been given bail, be sentenced for five years for not keeping the conditions of his bail. Common sense would suggest if you violate bail the bail is forefitted and you are returned to prison to await your trial. How about making the police officers at the station accountable for relaying the information to the courts on whether the person on bail has not signed in or not, and if they havent apprehend them, considering they probably reside in the same community as the police station they had to sign into. That seems more responsible as opposed to fining someone $50,0000 dollars you know full well they dont have or cant afford to pay. We need to be practical in our thinking, and jailing countless young men for small amounts of marajuana possession is just stupid. A simple fine and go about your day, thank you kindly. This is the same problem America is having. Prisons filled with young black males for non violent offenses.

Its a new day Bahamas


Before criticizing think about what your saying first! The flights run up until May 3rd in order to facilitate a higher volume of passenger traffic from the Washington area. Jet Blue didnt have to agree to this daily flight at all, as the government has no control ove Jet Blue. So the daily flights will get the people into the country days leading up to the May 5th-7th. There are other airlines that fly direct back into Reagan which can return the passengers. So before bitching be greatfull.

On Marketing push begins for Junkanoo Carnival

Posted 23 February 2016, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal


While i do agree there was a lack of planning, Potters Cay dock could use the revitalization of the area. The area for the most part is unkept and running wild with rats, and most of the same vendors dont really contribute to keeping the surrounding area tidy. So it would be a welcome to see the area cleaned and tidied up a bit, but at the same time the vendors jobs and stalls should be secured.


Whiles I dont agree with much that Fred Smith has to say, our government dropped the ball on this one. There is no way a detainee should be held for three years without being processed, and if Pupo had already been processed and paid his fine, why was he not deported after paying the fine? I dont condone anyone being held for that period of time without being processed, whether its a local criminal or a foreign detainee.


you would think you as a Bahamian would be proud to have Bahamar rated as a must see tourist destination for 2015. But based on some of your previous comments im not even sure your a Bahamian. Tourist coming to our country legally will have no issues with immigration! Why again is a condom needed to sit in a cab? and whens the last time youve seen a tourist in a bulletproof vest, stop being an ass!! If your comments are so negative and you feel that way maybe you should vacate the filthy island

On Baha Mar ranked among world's top 10 for '15

Posted 19 December 2014, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal


ofcourse not, but just how Ingraham is allowed to express himself, so is SP. Freedom of speech, aint it cool.

as he was saying Ingraham please STFU!!!!

On Ingraham slams PLP 'hypocrisy'

Posted 18 December 2014, 6 p.m. Suggest removal


This donkey should be more concerned about stabalizing her own homeland which is Haiti.
How about she takes her tail home back to Haiti and try fix that mess of a problem. We dont want anymore illegal Haitians in our country period. Fred Mitchell I stand with you and im sure the vast majority of Bahamian people stand with you. rid our country of all illegals especially the haitans as they add no value to whichever country they go, thats why no other country wants them. Its sad, but this is the Gods honest truth.


spoken like a true genius!

On Murders of brothers ‘part of ongoing feud’

Posted 17 December 2014, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal


makes sense to point out all the rumors and non facts you have in your shit filled bag. "Trying to better their terrible quality of life"? Bruh is you serious? everyone wants a better quality of life, that dont mean you pack up all ya belongings and move to someonelse country illegally! So get the F outta here with that. Dont miss the big picture, if you came here illegally you are illegal and in violation of the laws of the country which you choose to set sail to. Why is it the Bahamas must be so welcoming to Haitian immigrants when their own neighbours Dominican Republic wont even allow them cross into their country, that must say something towards Haitians as a people. Bahamains have had enough, deport em all, every last one! Before the Haitian governments choose to make noise concerning our laws and regulations, why dont they try and make better their own country so that Haitians dont find it a must to leave! Ive visited Haiti before and there are parts of Haiti that are beautiful!!! Fred isnt blowing smoke up anyones arse, hes just saying what everyone in the Bahamas illegally dosent want to hear. Its time to clean house of all immigrants, even you if you dont have papers!