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Totally agreed!


Its actually our fault for not demanding that the ruling governments invest more in the security of its people, whether its food stability or economic stability. How can we ever reach a point of true independence when we need foreigners to come to our country in order to only buy back supplies from their countries. With that formula its almost near impossible for any economy to grow and or remain sustainable. We as a popullation so small should be able to supply ourselves with even the basic of food and nescesities . Every hotel venture the government is so qucik to buy into only helps to serve the foreign capitalist, whiles keeping young Bahamians as slaves to this so called service industry


Just tell me.when i can go to the beach


Posted 22 May 2020, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal


Lol..dont even get me started. If he is talking about digitization in order to make it easier to sell whats left of this country to foreigners, then not so fast. How about we keep it analog and invest in supplying this little nation its own food independency. Aint nothing like being on facebook with a hungry belly.

On PM urges country to go digital

Posted 22 May 2020, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal


3billion, thats billion with B, borrowed in 3years, and what do we have to show for it? More debt, more borrowing, more taxes, declining quality of really want to talk about fisical responsibility


What makes this even more dumber is if i recall May 15th was a friday, and at 3:20pm the island is filled with people driving up and down the road, even think i saw some guys selling peanuts, some water, some gatorade, think i even saw a young guy selling some face masks, actually think i saw a guy selling cell phone charger chords as well. I guess the police was "just liking man" that day.


So keeping the masses at home whiles the country falls into economic collapse is a good job. If that had been the true reason for keeping Exuma and Eleuthera closed the PM would have known the answer from the get go, as it would have been already discussed. Eventually we will have to learn to live and deal with this virus, so why continue to let islands with no covid cases continue to face economic hardship. Its funny how i need a travel card to go an island in my country, when the foreigner can just sail in on his yacht. I hope when you are paying 15% vat, and the murder rate goes up because of the lack of jobs, i hope you are still clapping then.


Should ask the PM to clarify exactly what going digital means?

On PM urges country to go digital

Posted 22 May 2020, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal


To me this actually shows the lack of empathy and good judgment we lack as a community. The police could have simply warned these so called offenders, their supperiors could have warned these offenders, or even the judges could have warned these offenders, but instead all of the tribes avoided sympathy. Im sorry, but this is what we have become.


This current government is lost and has no long term solution to move this country forward. Its not about Davis or Minnis, its about the Bahamian people. All of these mis steps will only cost us more taxes, a crumbling economy and more dependency on "foreign investments". Keep selling pieces of the pie, eventually no pie is left. I suppose as a black nation, we should all enjoy beingnl part of a service/slavery based economy.