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Wisdom4 says...

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity, "Martin Luther King Jr". Today, the world is watching a failing government who continuous to oppress poor Bahamian people inhumane way.

Wisdom4 says...

Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become character.

Nobody should have to put with this type of cruelty. This type of action is inhumane without compassion for the Bahamian people which brings misery and suffering to their daily lives.

What is going to happen people will be force to limit food, water and other essential needs. This is politically wrong.

On TUESDAY'S UPDATES: PM reverses new measures

Posted 18 August 2020, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Wisdom4 says...

Finally, someone who is listening to voice of the Bahamian people cries and understands that these lockdown measures are completely brutal. Especially, Elderly, people with diabetes, other medical conditions, children and family living in poverty. Inability to access food, and water is cruelty.

I think that MP Glenys Hanna Martin, speaks with so much empathy she hits on important points.

As a leader, good decision making also comes with having empathy for the people that livings in your community.

People cannot live under these harsh restrictions.

Wisdom4 says...

According to CNBC article, "The United Kingdom, the fourth subject of our series, has confirmed more than 290,000 cases and more than 45,000 deaths. That makes it one of the hardest-hit countries in Europe. The country has started to open up, and people are still expected to wear masks in crowded areas like the underground and inside shops. Schools have begun a phased re-opening, and restrictions have lifted on pubs, restaurants and museums"

Compare these numbers to the Bahamas CORVID-19 cases. What do you think? The world is watching how leadership is handling this virus and dealing with people in the community.

Now! people have lost "social freedom" food stores, private pharmacies, and local business "CLOSE" due to lock down restrictions. People will NOT have no food, water or medication these things are very important. Think about people who have pre-medical conditions and working class family of 3 or more people.

How much food is given out from national food to people? Is it enough to live on with a growing family. This is a Chaos ! Think about it creating social gathering "flocking people together with long lines" this will not be social distance.

My concern, is telling people "if the shut down does not happen, it will take long time to bring the virus under control" This is absurd and ridiculous statement.

How can you control this VIRUS if other nations around the world is face with the same problem?

Right Now, Nations understand they have to get people back into the workforce and jump start the economy crisis.

Other countries are reducing the spread by following health guidelines, increasing test measures, hiring contract tracing, hiring more hospital staff, equipping the hospitals with more ICU beds, and volunteers.

I see unjust of prolong cruelty of suffering being done to the Bahamian people. Today the existing communist states in the world are in China. This type of cruelty is played out in there country whereas people "social freedom" and freedom of Choice does not matter.

Until there is a Cure for this CORVID-19 virus. Nobody is completely safe. The survival rate depends on the society to make healthy choices. We have to find a better way to live with CORVID-19 without oppressing the people. It is time for us to live! and work together.

Wisdom4 says...

This is totally ridiculous, Shutting down the economy and stopping working class people to provide for their families with low number of COVID -19 case within the nation. Other countries with higher numbers of COVID-19, the economy is moving on and people our employ, plus bills are being paid. Meanwhile, many Bahamians are struggling to provide food on the table for their families, losing jobs and business are closing. All do to these lock downs. This is not a solution, but a major problem.

Wisdom4 says...

It is absolutely ridiculous, that people are losing jobs, homes and unable to provide for their families. Many nations are coping with this virus, while people continue to live and work. These unnecessary lock downs has NOT proven to be effective or successful, if it is hurting the people in the community.

How can you live with a virus within the community? Keeping the economy and people in lock downs is NOT the solution.

Wisdom4 says...

How is the economy going to survive? People our emotionally hurting with all these lock downs and restriction. This china virus is not going away anytime. We cannot slow down the economy or keep people out of work. The only thing we can do is help our hospital and medical staff equip with the supplies they need. Continue to have guide-lines that will keep schools and community safe.

We need to open borders with stronger guide-lines.
Reality, people will get sick. Reality, people needs to understand their our serious health risk if they our not careful. We cannot keep putting the country on hold because a few refuse to follow the health guide-lines. Nevertheless, we have to treat this virus as like everyone has COVID-19.

People cannot survive on continuous lock down.

Wisdom4 says...

Lock down is NOT helping working class Bahamians. Instead it is hurting vendor and other local business. Every other country understands this virus crisis. it is time to move forward.

On Straw market vendors face uncertain future

Posted 6 August 2020, 11:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Wisdom4 says...

This announcement is not surprise because every country on the global is on alert. However, these countries understand more about this virus. They are moving forward to rebuild a stronger economy and help working class families to get back to work during this crisis with COVID-19. Every person has a responsibility to themselves to take precaution and follow health guide-lines to prevent the spread.

Wisdom4 says...

This announcement is not surprise because every country on the global is on alert. However, these countries understand more about this virus. They are moving forward to rebuild a strong economy and help working class families to get back to work during this crisis with COVID-19. Every person has a responsibility to themselves to take precaution and follow health guide-lines to prevent the spread.