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Wisdom4 says...

This second lock down will definitely hurt working class families and local business. Sadly, to say this virus is NOT going anywhere. Why can people understand that? The only solution is to continue to practice social distance, wearing mask and healthy hygiene to prevent spreading of the virus.

People already struggling to make ends meet. Other nations, our NOT having outrageous lock down. Instead they realize this virus is NOT going away. People will need to cope with this virus and take extra precaution. People have to take responsibility for their own health and community safety.

The Bahamians our living in Free Democracy and the government need to have faith in its people.

Meanwhile, the economy, local business and working-class families need to go back to routine living. 22,000 people and more unemployed, jobs are being cut. Continuous lock down will increase mental health issues.

How is these lock downs and restriction with limited condition helping the economy and working-class families?

Wisdom4 says...

The questions we need to ask:

Can the Bahamian people survive these continuous lock down?
Bahamians are loosing jobs and struggling to pay their rent, light and more.

Can businesses survive these lock down? Most business owner depend on earn income to help their families and provide stability to employees.

How is the economy suppose to jump start and helping people to get into daily routine? With all these lock down.

Lock down does not work. When people are limited to go too grocery stores on particular days. It Create chaos, complete disorder and confusion. Now! Their will be massive of people in the grocery's and long lines. The agony is their will be large crowds, any person could be carry the virus. Once again, people our going to be expose. They will not be practicing social distancing. As a result, Bahamian people health is going to be at risk due to these lock downs and continuously,mandated orders.

This corvid-19 China virus cannot be contain or restrain. More testing is needed and hopefully their will be Vaccination but until then. Bahamians need to get back too work safety and continue to follow the health guidelines. This is a global CORVID-19 crisis. Our hospitals and workers overwhelmed with this virus. The only way to prevent the spread, people need to wear face mask and practice healthy hygiene.

This virus is not going away faster. Each Bahamian people have a responsibility to practice healthy hygiene to avoid CORVID-19 and prevent the spread.

We are not jump starting the economy by keeping people in lock downs and unemployment surge. Government assistant can only last so much.

The entire Bahamian people our being quarantine or isolation. After this, people will still need to deal with the reality CORVID-19 lives amount them.

How can you get through second CORVID -19 lock downs? Being lay off from your jobs. How are you managing household?

We need to reopen economy safely with stronger guide-lines without jeopardize Bahamians people who needs to get back too work and think about their mental health.

On Last stages but curfew stays for overnight

Posted 6 August 2020, 2:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Wisdom4 says...

The economy is defined as the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services.

What people do not understand: All vendors, fisherman, Potter’s cay, taxi drivers, Arawak Cay fish fry, straw market vendors, restaurants and other business that offer services is a part of Bahamian economy.

The government is only allowing portion of economy to reopen. How is this fair?

There are many Bahamian people who depend on these businesses for their livelihood. With the economy only running on 20 percent. How can people pay their bills or make a living?

Many people understand that because of COVID-19 we need to operate in with caution by wearing a mask help prevent the spread, washing of hands and social distance.

The problem is unfairness to other small businesses who is a big part of building the Bahamian economy and Tourism industry.

We need to open the economy by getting small business back into operation and have clear restriction should be for all business.

This virus is not going away asap and living in fear, lock downs is not going to help the Bahamian people.

If government is going to shut down small business vendors who depend on their livelihood and income.

Then the government should offer a bail out, funding to pay all small business that had to close or lost revenue due COVID-19. Every-time a small business closes they are losing revenue which is putting them out of business.

We need to get our economy moving with caution. We need to think about the livelihood of the Bahamian people and how small business vendors is struggling. What can the government do to help them?

Wisdom4 says...

Wow! 90 percent of customers facing disconnection from Bahamas Power & Light (BPL) due to COVID-19 and lock down on economy. Whereas, many Bahamians has lost their jobs and unable to pay their bills or more. Now! their is another lock downs and restrictions on business, vendor, border, tourism and more.

Why can the government pay off debt to the Bahamas Power & Light? It will help people who lost their jobs due to COVID-19. How do you except people to pay their light bills without a job?

How do you except people to go into agreement payment plan, if economy is not being able to jump start? People are going into debt. Think about it.

How is this fair to the Bahamian people? If the government is going to slowly shut down economy, for long period of time. Then, they should pay-off the debt (BPL).

The Bahamian people are living in “FEAR” and “Emotional Stress” the though of your lights being disconnected; unable to make ends meet. Its sad!

On Just 1,300 enrol for BPL late bill plan

Posted 30 July 2020, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

Wisdom4 says...

This virus is not going away anytime soon. Yes! The world is waiting on COVID-19 vaccine, hopefully this year or 2021. Instead, of playing the blame game.

Reality check!

Educate people they may have to live with this COVID-19, but we have to live with caution.
The economy needs be working again; People are losing jobs unable to pay their bills and more. This is unfair.

Closing all commercial fights, borders, giving business closing restrictions and lock downs. How long do you think this will last?

Everyone is living in fear.

Fact of the manner, people need to treat this virus like everyone has it. This is why people need to follow the health guidelines and live with caution.

Honestly, NOT all Solution is going to be perfect as we deal with this COVID-19 virus.
It’s time for people to get back to WORK and LIVE.

Wearing a mask helps prevent the spread, wash hands, and social distance. Keep your immune system healthy.

Wisdom4 says...

So, much uncertainty. Nothing is clear. All these lock downs are not necessary.

This virus is not going away anytime soon. Until then, we need to jump start the economy and let the Bahamian people live with caution. Giving people the freedom of choice.

You cannot keep on having these lock downs and restriction without clarity for the Bahamian people. Sadly, to say people livelihood is being taken away from them.

Wisdom4 says...

Sadly, the US is doing more testing of COVID-19 and tracing, plus hospital in the US have the ventilation and equipment. There are many Bahamians who are not tested. Why? due to the lack of testing. If Bahamians want to fly into US get testing or medical help. Why is the Bahamian government making it difficult.

Wisdom4 says...

This communist China Virus is hurting all countries. However, the Bahamas cannot take another long shut down. Bahamians need to get back to work and reopen the economy along with commercial fights. We have learned by wearing a mask, washing hands and social distance stop the spread. Closing our borders is not the answer. If the government is not willing to offer each Bahamian a monthly or weekly check to help paid their bills and more. Then, we need reopen the economy and avoid giving private sector privilege. it's hurting the Bahamian people and families.

Wisdom4 says...

Finally, Someone see the light. Read between the lines.

Wisdom4 says...

Alicia Wallace, highlight some important points in her article. Thinking about the blame game "COVID-19" was discovered in China and the virus rapidly spread around the globe including the Bahamas. Nevertheless, I wonder why is China interested in the Bahamas? China has colonizes the Bahamas and the country has benefited financially from it's relationship with China. The global world including the US notice this can "Controversy"

Do we need restrictions on our borders due to COVID-19. Yes! wearing a mask at the airport, on commercial planes and regular temperature check also limited number of people on flights can be a good strategy as well. How can we jump start the tourist industry if our borders remain close.

Many Bahamian workers depend on the tourist industry as income and part of their livelihood. oppressing people with another restrictions and lock down is not going to help the issue only make things worst for the Bahamian people. Every country throughout the world is struggling with COVID-19. We have to get the economy back on track and people to work. Closing down Arawak Cay and other business is not the solution.

What happens to the Bahamian students that has to return back too college in the United States this fall?

If people can follow the health guidelines during COVID-19 pandemic and using these precaution can help prevent the spread.