Comment history

Zags says...

Very well said! I only wish that more people were capable of understanding this simple truth. We must keep the number of Covid-19 patients who require hospitalisation below the hospital capacity, otherwise our medical workers, and the country, will be totally overwhelmed.

In the absence of a vaccine, we must rely on lockdowns, social distancing and the wearing of masks to flatten the curve i.e. keep the number of infections below the hospital capacity.

Stop being selfish and try to understand the bigger picture.

Zags says...

Put simply: The virus dictates the timetable.

On PM: 'No timetable' for phased re-open

Posted 3 May 2020, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Zags says...

Posted in error.

On Minister: Tourism numbers up 16.9 percent

Posted 31 March 2019, 6:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Zags says...

And I am told that Winder, the receiver, wasted no time in settling into the coveted office of a recently "let go" former *Senior Vice President*.

For the long haul…

How lucrative!!!

Zags says...

Bahamians are allowed to have dual nationality. The subject is addressed on the penultimate page of the Bahamian passport.

Zags says...

As I posted over a month ago:

*There is a difference between being bankrupt/insolvent and filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection. Bankruptcy protection simply means that a person, or an entity, is protected from its creditors while being given the time to restructure. For some unknown reason this difference seems to be lost on the majority of people here in The Bahamas…
Did American Airlines, for example, stop flying after it filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection?*

If Baha Mar's Chapter 11 bid had not been refused, by now they would have been well on the way to completing the resort, and much closer to repaying their creditors.

A lot of time has been wasted because of The Bahamas government's [and its judiciary's] myopia.

Zags says...

***ThisisOurs***, you have taught me something new! One would be hard pressed to come up with a better analogy: Thank you!

We can only hope, though, that the present government is in **NO WAY** victorious in its attempts to wrest control of ***Baha Mar*** from Mr. Izmirlian.

Zags says...

The Bahamas cannot afford to be known as *yet* another third world/developing country which nationalises private assets. Not only would this be a huge step toward the dismantling of our democracy, it would be the prelude to our death.

Zags says...

Still cracking up; Banker you deserve 10👍* for that one!!!

*"thumbs up" for those who cannot see the symbol...

Zags says...

Wideawake, I believe in justice and as I said in an earlier post: "Let the chips fall where they may."

This event is playing out on the world stage and, thankfully, the corrupt system of The Bahamas will not be the final arbiter. Consequently, there is a much greater chance that those who have done wrong will ultimately have to pay the price.

It may take years, but justice is not always swift.

N.B. This in no way means that the *Baha Mar* cannot be completed, and up and running, in a timely fashion. These two issues, while connected, run on totally different trajectories...